
Chapter 2: Present

{ 18 years later}

Queen Peach: Honey..hold still please..

As the Queen tried to brush my medium brown hair that has a hint of yellow highlights in it.

Princess Miki: mom...that hurts..

Queen Peach: sorry...sweety. You're hair gets tangled easily.

Princess Miki: Why am I doing this anyways?

Queen Peach: You need to find your prince...You're not going to find it staying in your room, your whole life..

Princess Miki: But I don't want a prince...

* Princess Miki gets up from her chair and strolled over to the balcony*

Princess Miki:...I want to go on a journey...or an adventure...somewhere that's not here..

*Queen Peach strolls up to Miki , touching her shoulder and quickly makes her faces her.*

Queen Peach: Your just like your father...but it's different here in the royals...you're a princess...

Princess Miki: I know, I know...But I can't help it...

Queen Peach: Okay...Miki Please get ready for me...Please try...

*Miki smiles towards her mother, showing that she's trying her hardest as it is.*

Queen Peach: Thank you...

*Queen Peach gives Miki a kiss on the forehead then makes her leave from Miki's room*

*Miki stares out from the balcony, watching as guest slowly walk up to the castle*

* Miki sighs as she sees a guy with red hair strolling troughs' the gate of the castle*

Princess Miki:...?!

* I saw him with two other guys, laughing and enjoying life. Which made me day dream abet not noticing that the guy glance up staring at me as I was at him. I felt my cheeks starting to warm up abet, I quickly dash inside trying to claim myself.*

Princess Miki: What's going on with me..? I literally gave my mother a speech about...

* Mikis sighs again. As she finished getting ready as a thought cross her mind.*

Princess Miki:...But...did you're eyes meet....? NNOOOO I'm over thinking again...

*Miki's softly hit her cheeks then left her room to join the party down stairs.*

{time goes by quite abet}

Speaker: Ladies and Gentlemen!...Princess Miki!

* I strolled down the stairs, entering the mall room of the party. There's a lot of people here today. I started to feel nerves as eyes were watching me, my chest started to feel tight.*


* As I got down to the floor, I started to move towards the drinks. Pushing through everyone trying to reach my destination, but someone push me into someone else but they caught me before I hit the ground.*

Male: Are you okay?

*I glance up seen that red hair man from early. I blush really hard as I got back up onto my feet*

Miki: T..thank you.. yeah I just need some air..It's a bit stuffy in here...

Male: Here I'll help you..

* He graved ahold of my hand and lead me outside to the gardens*

Miki: Um thank you...um?

Male:...Um..my name is-