
Chapter 5: Hell Tower

Su Zhanze is of the same age as Ye Chen, with delicate features and stands with his hands behind his back, like a born leader. There's no denying it; he's a third-generation sect leader. After all, both his grandfather and father were sect leaders, it's in his genes.

Walking beside him makes Ye Chen look even more like a country bumpkin. But Ye Chen doesn't mind, after all, he is a country bumpkin.

This morning, Su Zhanze asked after discussing with his father, "Is there anything fun to do in the countryside?"

"In a place where even birds don't poop, apart from a few stinking ditches, what else could be fun?" Ye Chen picked up a wild grass from the riverside and used it as a toothpick.


"Compared to here, it is indeed like a stinking ditch."

"There must be something fun though!"

"Catching loaches can be fun. If we are lucky, we might even have them for dinner."

Su Zhanze laughed and said, "Don't worry, here, you don't have to catch anything to have an extra meal."

Ye Chen picked up some pebbles and threw them onto the water surface. They skipped along the surface like flying saucers.

"Since you are the son of my father's junior sister, you can follow me in the future. We will share weal and woe together. I've got your back." Su Zhanze said.

"Really? That's great." Curious about what he said, he asked, "Can you help me become a disciple of Immortal City?"

"Do you really want to become a disciple of Immortal City?"

"Of course, who wants to be called a country bumpkin for the rest of their life?" He didn't mention his other reasons.

"Now that you are learning martial arts with me under the guidance from He Weng, I can assist you in any matters, including becoming a disciple of Immortal City."

"That's great." Ye Chen was so excited that he was nearly jumping up in joy, he further inquired, "Can you help me get a Crystal Beast? I'd prefer a Fire Qilin."

"What! A Crystal Beast, Fire Qilin?" Su Zhanze was puzzled.

"Yes, the son of the village chief in our countryside owns a Tibetan Mastiff. It has bitten all the male dogs to death and mounted all the female ones. Even the female dog we kept in our yard couldn't escape. That oversized Tibetan Mastiff, standing taller than me, is like a lion, no one dares to provoke it. I need a Fire Qilin to avenge them in future. If not a Fire Qilin, a Winged Dragon will do."

Su Zhanze laughed and said, "I see, you're planning to stay here in Immortal City and learn martial arts."

Upon hearing this, Ye Chen sighed and said, "Right, I can't go back to the countryside."

"Do you want to go back to the countryside?"

"Not really, my mom just warned me that Immortal City has strict rules, and is afraid that I might violate them and be expelled from the city. No one can guarantee that they won't make mistakes. When that happens, I can only return to the countryside. Even if I can bring back a Crystal Beast, it can be counted as a consolation prize."

"Don't worry, I've got you covered. You won't be expelled from Immortal City."

Ye Chen was overjoyed.

Su Zhanze added, "Even if I help you get a Crystal Beast, it's no use if you don't know martial arts and have no profound inner strength to unseal it. Even if you manage to unseal it but lack the ability to control it, it might end up biting you to death."

Upon hearing this, Ye Chen faltered and stepped back, "Oh my gosh, that does sound dangerous."

Suddenly, a large square appeared in front of them. Zhan Ze stopped and pointed to a majestic and splendid building in front, saying, "That's our main hall, where important matters are discussed. My father presides over it."

The one behind it looks a bit old, that's the Book Collection Pavilion where secret manuals are collected. It houses books collected over thousands of years, containing various martial arts. Not just anyone can enter, one must have a certain status and receive permission. But I can go in."

"Can I go into the Book Collection Pavilion if I go with you? Or you can take a couple of books out for me."

"Of course, as long as you're with me, I will definitely take you in when the opportunity arises. However, not all secret martial arts manuals can be indiscriminately studied. Without meeting the requirements, one can be possessed, making you lose the difference between a man and woman, and become a hermaphrodite. Can you see the few towers around?" Zhan Ze pointed and asked.

Ye Chen followed his finger and looked over, "They seem like the chimneys in the countryside."

"They might seem useless on a regular basis, but they release energy to fight against demons when needed. For instance, if a demon attacks Immortal City, those towers would release energy to combat the demons. That's our Bagua Defense System." Zhan Ze took Ye Chen further, continually introducing him to the surroundings.

Ye Chen listened with his head full of images.

Not knowing for how long they walked, they seemed to reach the end.

In front of them appeared a towering octagonal structure, standing like a giant. Ye Chen counted, it had 18 levels, covered with talismans, mirrors of Bagua, guarded by eight old men. The roof tiles were of a deep gray color, the passage of time evident. It felt eerie, there seemed to be energy gathering over the top of the tower, continuously circling, creating a large vortex akin to one on the sea surface. Ye Chen stopped and stared at the tower in a daze.

He was stunned.

"That's the Hell Tower. All of the demons captured by our Immortal City are put inside, and it has been storing them for thousands of years." Su Zhanze's voice had a serious tone.

"Demons from thousands of years ago!"

"Yes, you see the 18 levels on top, but there are another 18 levels beneath it. The ones sealed in those bottom 18 levels are the most dangerous ones."

"I heard that someone has opened it before," Ye Chen said.

"It seems that you've heard quite a lot," Zhanze continued. "The ones that were let out were merely lesser demons. The large lurid demons remain unscathed because no one dares to release them. No one can control them unless they want to throw the world into chaos. There's also a self-destruct device now, to prevent the tower from being forced open, should the city ever be broken into."

"Why not kill the demons in the tower directly? Wouldn't that eradicate the root of the problem?" Ye Chen had heard that the demons locked in these towers had wreaked havoc among people once let loose.

"Some are hard to kill! Moreover, the people of Immortal City are merciful. It's not alright to kill all of them. Demons have parents too, and if you really killed all the demons inside, future demons would fight you to the death. Who would surrender knowing they will die? Criminals, too, have larger and lesser offenses. Not all should be killed."

"That makes sense," Ye Chen asked again, "Have you gone inside?"

"Of course, I've been inside. But I advise you not to go in. There's all sorts of sinister creatures inside, with monstrous appearances, hermaphrodites and beasts that are indistinguishable from people. I fear you'll have nightmares and wet your bed."

"No, my guts are quite large, I've never wet my bed."

"Many say that, but after they come out, they all have nightmares. Some have cried for months and still haven't gotten over it."

"Did you have nightmares?"

"Of course I didn't have nightmares. How could I possibly have nightmares?"

Ye Chen mumbled, "I still want to go inside, to see how these hermaphrodites and beasts are indistinguishable from humans. I want to see a demon-monster."

"There'll be an opportunity," Su Zhanze looked at the sun, it was almost noon, he hurriedly said, "Let's move quickly, I have two brothers waiting for me behind. I'll introduce you to them when I have time."

"Someone's waiting for you?"

"Yes, let me introduce you to my two good brothers." Zhan Ze took Ye Chen toward the Peach Grove rockery. It was the third month, the peach blossoms had just bloomed, and petals had carpeted the ground. Soon, they heard the voices of two boys coming from ahead.