
Super Basketball System

Traversing back to the year 2010, a 215-centimeter-tall center, Carlos, acquired the talent of Allen Iverson from the start. Thus, an era-defining super center emerged, pioneering the unique "Small Ball Era"! "Is Carlos the strongest center?" Faced with reporters' questions, Jordan commented, "Unreasonable three-pointers, lightning-fast speed, graceful and dazzling breakthroughs... Carlos is the strongest, but only with the height and compatibility of a center, he cannot be called the strongest center!" In response, Carlos looked helpless and said, "I really am a center!" This story is adapted from the content of the game "2K22" played by the author.

SuperAlchemist · Sport
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The key

"Can you believe it? A 5-point lead, just like that?!"




"You've got to admit, the Phoenix Suns have got some serious skills!"


"Absolutely, after all, they're the team that notched an 18-game winning streak. They've got caliber. This outburst from Curry is really bad news for the Spurs.


The critical thing is...


It's Curry going off, but Carlos, their main powerhouse, hasn't even started to attack yet. The Spurs had a dream start, but now it feels like... it's the Suns dictating the tempo on the court, right?!"


"That's tough to handle!"


"Ugh..." The Spurs fans in the stands are looking worried.


"Whistle blowing!"


Time-out's over...


Both teams' starters are back on the floor, and George Hill is subbing in for Ginóbili, Paul George in for Curry.


The game continues...


Spurs with possession...


"Dribble, dribble, dribble!"


Parker, at the top of the arc with the ball, George steps up to defend, acting as the defender. Even though it's a small forward matching up against a point guard, Parker isn't rattled.


He lowers his center of gravity...


Shoulder dipped to the right, Parker takes a step to the right, then accelerates, blowing by George with sheer speed, half a step ahead.




Drives into the paint, initiates the layup, and as he gets close to the hoop, he goes for his signature floater.


Is it in?






The athletically gifted George, though shaken off by Parker, manages a chase-down block, leveraging his considerable wingspan and leaping ability to disrupt Parker's shot.




Frye and Duncan tussle for it, Hill and Carter are in the mix, Nash scoops up the loose ball, ready to push up court, but then...




A full-court heave, precise as a scalpel, finds Carlos sprinting downcourt for a catch and a three-step drive to the basket.




Like an eagle in flight, a one-handed slam dunk!


George Hill, trailing behind, can only chase in vain, nearly starting from the same line; a guard unable to catch up with a center, Hill shakes his head in disbelief.


What an insane development!


With that fast-break dunk, Carlos's offensive prowess is unleashed!


6 minutes and 11 seconds left.




On the left wing, Carlos finds himself mismatched against Parker. He dribbles once, no fake, just a straight pull-up jumper, and launches a three-pointer right over Parker's outstretched hand.

With a height difference already at a considerable 27 centimeters, once Carlos elevates, the disparity becomes overwhelming.

Parker doesn't even bother trying to jump to contest; he just turns back to watch as the ball defies his expectations and pierces through the net.


Three-pointer is good!

5 minutes and 23 seconds on the clock.

Carlos calls for a screen, shakes off Jefferson, cuts in from the right wing to the low post. As Hill tries to close in for the defensive help, Carlos' speed is unstoppable.

He's already in the paint.



Exploding off the hardwood, soaring for the dunk before Duncan can even leave his feet, Carlos executes another one-handed jam, shaking the rim as the arena erupts in cheers.

3 minutes and 41 seconds remaining.

Carlos at the top of the key, sizing up Hill's defense. A quick drop of his shoulders feints a drive, the threat of his penetration sends Hill backpedaling.


Hand up, shot away...

Another three-pointer drops!


Hill, frustrated, curses aloud, helpless against Carlos who's just too strong to be contained, whether on the drive or the shot.

2 minutes and 17 seconds left.

George uses his body to drive past Parker on the right wing, makes it to the low block but meets Duncan stepping up to defend. With no clear shot, or perhaps lacking confidence, George kicks it back out to Nash.


Another pass to the cutting Carlos on the left, he plants one foot, gathers the ball and launches.

Going for the dunk!


As Duncan shifts over to contest, they both leap at the same time. However, the difference in their vertical reach means Carlos with just an outstretched palm, the ball high above Duncan's head.



Carlos clears Duncan's outreached arm with one hand, while hammering the ball down with the other, slamming it through the hoop for a ferocious dunk.

"Thud, thud, thud!"

Duncan, posterized, stumbles backwards after the clash.


Carlos, hanging off the rim with dominance, steadies himself before landing solidly.


That monster dunk over Duncan sends shockwaves of cheers similar to a tidal wave throughout the arena.


At the commentary booth...

Jon Barry, shaking with excitement, exclaims, "My God, Carlos, a rookie center, has just posterized an All-Star caliber power forward, Tim Duncan. This is just heart-stopping."


Mark Jackson nods in disbelief, "The swift speed, the untraceable next move, and that terrifying leap. All combined, it results in an explosive power that's just unstoppable.

Not to mention, Carlos also has the height that doesn't match his explosive ability, which even top-tier forwards like Duncan can't contend with. All they can do is become the backdrop to his highlight dunk. Carlos is simply too strong."

The commentators keep lauding the talented and strong Carlos.

The roar of the crowd is unceasing.

On the Suns' bench, Gentry can hardly contain his excitement at Carlos dunking over Duncan; he stands up, fists clenched, thrilled beyond words.

His favorite player, a rookie, is dominating against one of the league's top players in Duncan, and winning; how can Gentry not be thrilled?

The excitement is palpable!

Gentry is over the moon!

And just like a Spurs fan thought earlier, the first quarter was Curry's explosion; Carlos hadn't started yet, and now the latter half of the second quarter is all about Carlos's outburst.

Throughout the first half...

Even with a dynamic start that gave the Suns a hard blow, the combined explosive performance of Curry and Carlos not only closes the gap but also puts the Suns ahead by a substantial 15 points.

Taking a massive 15-point lead into halftime, the Suns have turned the tables, firmly holding the advantage on the court.

"Clicking tongues..."

Half-time break...

Jon Barry, looking at the scoreboard, can't help exclaiming, "The Spurs started off with a 10-point lead quickly, but by halftime, they're down by a full 15 points.

The key...

From being up 10 to down 15, a shift of a whopping 25 points, especially at home court, is a significant blow to the Spurs. They've... they've really fallen into a tough spot!"

Azzkai,RyuSenju 3 power stones!

Demon_Daniel 2 power stones!

XueYing0132,Zayne_Ishikawa,Bobschnitzel,invisible_Do_ki,Vritra17 1 power stone!

Thank you!

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