
Super Basketball System

Traversing back to the year 2010, a 215-centimeter-tall center, Carlos, acquired the talent of Allen Iverson from the start. Thus, an era-defining super center emerged, pioneering the unique "Small Ball Era"! "Is Carlos the strongest center?" Faced with reporters' questions, Jordan commented, "Unreasonable three-pointers, lightning-fast speed, graceful and dazzling breakthroughs... Carlos is the strongest, but only with the height and compatibility of a center, he cannot be called the strongest center!" In response, Carlos looked helpless and said, "I really am a center!" This story is adapted from the content of the game "2K22" played by the author.

SuperAlchemist · Sport
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Suns vs. Lakers, a preview of the Western Conference Finals is imminent!


Before the halfway point of the third quarter, with contributions from Carlos, Curry, and a dunk from Carter, they went on an 8-0 run, effectively ending the game.


Coach Doug Collins, somewhat helpless, called a timeout, substituted in bench players, and declared that the game had entered garbage time.

In the commentary booth...

Looking at the stats, Jon Barry said, "In less than three quarters tonight, Carlos hit 6 three-pointers, scored 31 points, grabbed 9 rebounds, dished out 5 assists, made 5 steals, and blocked 3 shots. An all-around performance. With 5 steals in a single game, he has the most among center players this season. Also, those 5 steals would rank him fifth on the season's single-game steals list. Ahead of him are Rondo with 8 steals at first, Paul with 7 steals at second, Bledsoe with 7 steals at third, and Ellis with 6 steals at fourth. These are all highly skilled guards. Additionally, worth mentioning is that, among the top ten in the season's single-game steals list, Carlos is the only center. In other words, only Carlos, as a center, made it onto the steals list."


Mark Jackson shook his head and laughed, "Carlos, he's not only precise in mid-range and three-point shots, but now he's also impressive in stealing. He... Is he really a center?"


Jon Barry chuckled, "Yes, indeed. To be honest, I'm a bit confused. Although Carlos has the height of a center, his offensive skills are really not typical of a center."

Not only the commentators but also the fans had similar thoughts.

"WTF? A center with 5 steals in a single game? Is that even possible?!"

"Damn, 6 three-pointers in a single game? Look at this, look at this! This is something a normal center can't do. I really admire Carlos; this guy is incredible."

"Annoying! Carlos, with the height of a center, can steal, shoot three-pointers, and perform fake moves for crossovers? He's demonstrating an offense that's completely incomprehensible. My 76ers were defeated by this guy alone."

"'Center Carlos is so strong.' Whoever says Carlos is a center in the future, I won't agree!"

"Ugh..." The home fans of the 76ers were furious, completely driven mad by Carlos's unstoppable but unconventional offense, and at the same time, they felt extremely helpless.

In the end...

Amid the bustling atmosphere in the arena, the Suns crushed the Philadelphia 76ers by 18 points, securing their 14th consecutive victory.

Just after defeating the 76ers, the Suns, without a break, boarded a charter flight and flew overnight to Cleveland.

The next day...

At 10 PM, the showdown between the Cavaliers and the Suns commenced.

Before the game...

Van Gundy said, "As the team that finished first in the Eastern Conference last season, the Cavaliers have plummeted into the abyss without a bottom instantly after LeBron's departure, ranking last in the East this year. We don't know how bad the Cavaliers are, but we know that 'King' LeBron is truly strong. His presence alone can change a team. Tonight... without LeBron, the Cavaliers won't be a stumbling block on the Suns' winning streak."


Seeing him predict the game result this way, Mike Breen, worried about creating a negative impact among Cavaliers fans, thought for a moment and roundly countered, "Not necessarily, oh, the Cavaliers could still win tonight. After all... the Suns are playing consecutive away games, and the players' stamina and form may have declined."

"Seems possible."

Van Gundy also felt that what he said earlier was too arbitrary and quickly nodded, saying, "There are still variables on the court; everything will be revealed once the game starts."

In no time...

The regular game began...

And the game seemed to follow Van Gundy's initial thoughts, with the Suns winning by 8 points in the first quarter, and the bench players rotating in the second quarter.

Continuing to build the lead...

At halftime, leading by 17 points, even though they won by fewer points than the previous game against the 76ers, the game was a one-sided domination, leaving the Cavaliers with no room for a comeback.

The second half...

Back on the court...

Led by Carlos, the Suns once again employed a dazzling run-and-gun tactic, unleashing a storm of offense with a 17-4 run, completely overwhelming the Cavaliers and decisively ending the game. The entire fourth quarter turned into garbage time.

No suspense, no comeback, the Suns easily defeated the Cavaliers, securing their 15th consecutive win.

Carlos contributed 28 points, 11 rebounds, 6 assists, 4 steals, and 3 blocks, leading in all categories except assists, where Nash outperformed him. His all-around dominance was on full display.

"Congratulations to the Suns on their 15th consecutive win, only 2 victories away from the franchise record of 17 consecutive wins. The center from Mexico, can he bring new glory to the Suns? Let's look forward to it!"

With Van Gundy's powerful commentary, the game concluded.


The next morning.

[Suns vs. Lakers, a preview of the Western Conference Finals is imminent!]

This post quickly climbed to the top of Twitter's trending topics, with continuous discussions below.

"Hehehe, the Suns with 16 straight wins, facing the defending champions Lakers, oh my god, I really want to see this matchup."


"The 'monster rookie' Carlos against the 'number one in the league' Kobe, this is definitely a magnificent showdown."

"The youngest Mr. 50, the youngest Mr. 50+ triple-double, against the 81-point 'Black Mamba,' the 'man closest to God,' this will be an epic battle."

"Of course, don't forget, Kobe had a Twitter challenge with Carlos before. This upcoming duel is the time for him to fulfill that promise."

"Come on, come on sooner."

"A preview of the Western Conference Finals, really looking forward to it!"

"Uh... wait a minute, what 16 straight wins? The Suns currently have 15 straight wins. And... before the Suns face the Lakers, they still have a game against the Raptors in between."

"Hey, big brother upstairs, come on, it's obvious. The Raptors will definitely lose to the Suns."

"Raptors: Obvious?!"

"Raptors: Am I losing face?!"

"Uh..." The matchup between the Suns and the Cavaliers had just ended, and the clash with the Raptors had yet to begin. Still, the fans' thoughts were already fully focused on the upcoming showdown between the Suns and the Lakers.

News media outlets across the globe were the same.

Already in remote Canada with little popularity, the Raptors, who lost "CB4" Bosh this summer, faced an additional blow, and their popularity plummeted to freezing point.

With a bottom-ranking season record, this team had become completely irrelevant.

As fans enthusiastically discussed the upcoming clash between the Suns and the Lakers, the NBA officially announced the Players of the Week for the past week: in the East, the award went to Stat of the Knicks.

In the West...

Carlos, as a rookie, once again outperformed a host of stars including Kobe, Durant, Nowitzki, Parker, etc., winning the Western Conference Player of the Week. This marked Carlos's fourth consecutive week winning the award.

Almost instantly after the news was released, an insider made a statement: "Carlos, who has been Player of the Week for four consecutive weeks, has once again broken a record!"

Vero_0315,Zayne_Ishikawa,Gillelzel 3 power stones!

Motal_Dne,mits007,liutianlong,oneechanyamette 1 power stone!

Thank you!

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