
Super Basketball System

Traversing back to the year 2010, a 215-centimeter-tall center, Carlos, acquired the talent of Allen Iverson from the start. Thus, an era-defining super center emerged, pioneering the unique "Small Ball Era"! "Is Carlos the strongest center?" Faced with reporters' questions, Jordan commented, "Unreasonable three-pointers, lightning-fast speed, graceful and dazzling breakthroughs... Carlos is the strongest, but only with the height and compatibility of a center, he cannot be called the strongest center!" In response, Carlos looked helpless and said, "I really am a center!" This story is adapted from the content of the game "2K22" played by the author.

SuperAlchemist · Sport
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How to attack?!


Mario is spot on!

Facing Carlos, tall enough, fast enough, and accurate enough, even Battier's hand-in-the-face defense had a negligible effect.


It also exposed a fatal flaw.

That is, Carlos knew that Battier, aiming for visual interference, would never go for the block. So, without the fear of being blocked, Carlos, with a level head, only needed a bit of sight to release his shot, coupled with his precise shooting.

Facing the stout defense of Battier was akin to practice shooting for Carlos, making scoring seem easy.

After the initial defensive play, where he was rattled and lost some vision and was worried about the block, Carlos hit consecutive three-pointers, rendering Battier's hand-in-the-face defense virtually ineffective.

On the court...

Battier realized this too.

As a defensive specialist, whether facing someone faster, taller, or with more precise shooting, he had a set of defensive principles that allowed him to take his defense to the extreme.

However... when these three attributes combined in one person, in Carlos, even Battier felt the headache and helplessness.

"No good!"

Battier frowned, "This kid Carlos isn't afraid of the hand in his face. No, to be precise, he's too tall, I can't completely block his vision. And with no block, it's like I'm letting him shoot. No, I can't defend like this."

Realizing this, Shane Battier, once again in front of Carlos, intended to stick closer, exerting more intense defensive pressure.


What of it...

Carlos was not just a three-point shooter, and as Battier adjusted his defense, Carlos's offense was not static.


As Battier came in close, Carlos made a quick stop with his feet, turning into a swift gust, accelerating in a step, creating half a body's distance between them.

Another burst of speed took him past Battier.

He drove to the basket, faced with Scola's cumbersome defense, went up strong for the layup, his explosive power left Scola only able to reach out and disrupt, not daring to jump.


Carlos made the bank shot.

"Hehehe, Carlos isn't just about three-pointers, he's got the speed and height, along with the ball-handling skills that are not typical for a center.

Carlos's drives are also deadly.

Battier's defense against Carlos's three-pointers isn't effective, and now against Carlos's drives, it's still no good.

But that's to be expected, after all, even a defender as strong as Artest couldn't contain Carlos, Battier is still lacking a bit."

Inside the Mexican National Television studio, Mario was full of praise for Carlos.

"The game's only been going for a few minutes since returning from Salt Lake City, well-rested and in explosive form, Carlos has already racked up 13 points in the first quarter.


As Carlos continues to explode in form, Curry, given a three-point opportunity, opts out, passing the ball once again to Carlos, letting him face Battier's defense again."


How to attack?!

Feigning a shot then driving, Carlos explodes with astonishing speed and long legs that even Battier can't seem to guard against. He blows by the defense, making it to the basket.

He takes flight, scoring with a layup once more!

On the left elbow, Carlos confronts Battier again. Having driven past him twice, self-assurance radiates from his face as he effortlessly performs a series of dribbles between his legs, completely at will.

To drive or to shoot?

Whoa, Carlos unbelievably bounces the ball through Battier's legs, moves laterally to receive the pass, and in the blink of an eye, cleanly beats Battier, cutting to the basket for an easy layup.

This clever play leaves Scola under the basket stunned, thinking, "Is this what a center is supposed to do on offense?"

At the top of the key, Nash unreasonably looks for Carlos again. Even if Battier can't contain him, as the team's defensive stronghold, he must continue to guard Carlos.


Battier's feet shuffle incessantly, clearly flustered and visibly nervous, tense about when Carlos will penetrate his defense to put the ball in the hoop.


Carlos feints a drive but opts for a shot this time, causing a panicking Battier to lag half a step behind. He jumps, but can't even come close to blocking Carlos's view, practically handing over points.

It's good! Carlos hits his fourth three-pointer of the quarter, irrationally making the shot! Oh my, Carlos has already racked up 20 points, and there are still 3 minutes and 13 seconds left in the quarter.

Another three-point shot lands, his fifth, bringing his total to 23 points for the quarter—Carlos is unstoppable.

A meter beyond the arc, Carlos chooses another three, a deep, deep shot. Battier's eyes are wide, his scalp tingling, his mind surely screaming for it not to go in. But...it drops! A heart-stopping three-pointer, Carlos's sixth of the quarter!

26 points in the quarter for a fully-energized Carlos; he's on fire. For the final play of the quarter, Nash doesn't think twice before passing the ball to Carlos.

Curry and Carter clear out on one side, as if to say, "Carlos... keep the show going!"

Battier looks tense, his brows furrowed, clearly intent on stopping Carlos, but Carlos is in no hurry, taking his time.

The last 3 seconds...

Two meters outside the right three-point line, Carlos, holding the ball, suddenly sidesteps right, and without hesitation, launches a monster three-pointer. Everyone anticipates the long shot.

Battier goes up to contest.

However, Carlos releases the ball so swiftly, it sails over Battier's fingertips. Is this an ultra-long buzzer-beating three-pointer or what?!

My Lord...

It connects!

The basketball once again defies all reason as it swishes through the net.

Oh my!

Carlos hits a buzzer-beating three to end the quarter, and... he's knocked down 7 three-pointers for a total of 29 points in a single quarter. Is this something a rookie center can accomplish? Carlos... is just too powerful!

Mario is ecstatic, his commentary spirited, and he's completely immersed in the game, utterly captivated by Carlos's dazzling offense.


Jose can't stay seated, excitedly taking over, "The fully-recovered Carlos, tonight, has terrifyingly scored 29 points in a single quarter. And yet... the Rockets have only 27 points for the quarter. That means Carlos by himself has outscored the entire Rockets team!!"