
Super Basketball System

Traversing back to the year 2010, a 215-centimeter-tall center, Carlos, acquired the talent of Allen Iverson from the start. Thus, an era-defining super center emerged, pioneering the unique "Small Ball Era"! "Is Carlos the strongest center?" Faced with reporters' questions, Jordan commented, "Unreasonable three-pointers, lightning-fast speed, graceful and dazzling breakthroughs... Carlos is the strongest, but only with the height and compatibility of a center, he cannot be called the strongest center!" In response, Carlos looked helpless and said, "I really am a center!" This story is adapted from the content of the game "2K22" played by the author.

SuperAlchemist · Sport
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Carlos or Kobe?!

Carlos and Bynum fight for the ball. Bynum is a powerful center in terms of offense, but due to the presence of "Shaq" O'Neal, he hasn't become the league's top power-type center. However, when it comes to jumping ability, even if you are the center of a championship team, you are not Carlos's match.


As both jump, Carlos's incredible bounce, enhanced by "Iverson's talent," allows him to send the basketball flying over Bynum by a full hand's height.

Jumped so high?!


Tonight, Carlos is very serious about the game, not only because of the upcoming showdown with Kobe but also because the opponent is the defending champion, eager to rebuild the "Purple-Golden dynasty," a strong team with two consecutive championships.


Nash catches the ball and advances to the front court, organizing the Suns' first offensive play. At the top of the arc, facing Artest's defense, Nash makes consecutive feints. However, the opportunity is not favorable. So Nash passes back to Curry on the perimeter. Without a good three-point shot opportunity, Curry decisively passes the ball to Carter in the left corner.


Carter, in an open position, attempts a three-point shot, but Pau Gasol, lurking in the low post, with his height and long arms, jumps up during lateral movement and blocks the shot. Carter's long-range attempt is disturbed.


Carter's three-pointer hits the iron.

Rebound? Frye was about to grab it when Artest and Bynum rushed over together. In the confrontation, four large hands in front of him snatch the basketball, and the ball is immediately passed to Kobe.

"Bam, bam, bam!"

Kobe confidently advances, facing Curry's defense. Suddenly accelerating to the left high post, leaning on Curry's back, he takes a step, pushing Curry half a body's length away, turns around, and shoots a graceful fadeaway.


With a beautiful fadeaway jump shot accompanied by a wonderful net swish, the basketball pierces through the net. Despite Curry's attempt to block, he can't interfere with Kobe's shot.

Suns (0): (2) Lakers.

The Lakers are in the lead.

Suns' possession...

Curry receives the ball and pushes it forward, passing to Carlos at the top of the arc, facing Artest's defense.

"Metta World Peace, this guy is a one-on-one defensive expert. Even superstars like Tracy and Iverson found it challenging to deal with him. Even when Kobe met him before they were teammates, he felt troublesome. He enjoys locking down opponents, and his defense is indeed formidable."

Mario says...

Jose continues, "Yes, Artest, as a fierce defender with a combination of physicality and speed, is destined to focus on the Suns' strongest point tonight, Carlos. I wonder if Carlos can continue to score against a guy who even gave Kobe and Iverson headaches."

On the court...

"Bam, bam, bam!"

Carlos dribbles slowly in front of his body, looking directly at Artest. In his pitch-black eyes, a cautious look appears. Carlos is not very afraid of his defense. However...

The scene of violently elbowing Harden's head is still vivid in Carlos's memory. As someone who experienced it, he shudders every time he thinks about it. That was just brutal! Carlos even wondered if later on, "The Beard" Harden didn't defend against Artest because he was scared of that elbow strike.

Facing Artest, who can be called the "NBA's first enforcer," even Carlos feels a bit uneasy!

What if Artest gives himself an elbow strike again? Probably he won't fall, right?!

Regardless of whether he will fall or not, Carlos doesn't want to be elbowed by Artest.


Carlos holds the ball with his left hand, fakes a drive, makes a significant frontward change, an Iverson signature crossover, shaking off Artest half a body's length.

A chance for a breakthrough!



A quick stop at the right side of the free-throw line, Carlos takes a jump shot directly, not giving Artest a chance to catch up.


A steady mid-range shot hits.

On the court...

Possession changes...

Kobe holds the ball and pushes it again, facing Curry's defense once more. A left-handed in-and-out move, Curry's center of gravity instantly shifts right, and Kobe accelerates to the left wing with one step.


A quick stop and a direct jump.

Curry, lacking balance and height advantage, can only watch Kobe easily shoot.


Kobe hits the mid-range shot again.

Exchange of possession.

Carlos advances, facing Artest, lowers his center of gravity, dribbles with his left hand, appearing to forcefully break through. In reality, he secretly makes a gesture behind him, and Carter quickly comes forward to screen. Carlos accelerates past Artest.


Fisher rushes over to help defend, but Carlos, with an absolute height advantage, jumps for a shot against the defense.


Another mid-range shot is successful.

8 minutes and 13 seconds.

Kobe, back-playing Carter on the left side, semi-turns and accelerates, slips past Carter, speeds along the baseline, makes a mid-air fake, and shoots a reverse layup off the backboard.


It's a hit...

Nash pushes over half-court, glances at Curry, who's stretching out his hand for the ball at the left corner, but suddenly throws a high pass to the right. On the right high post, Carlos receives the ball and faces Bynum and Gasol in the paint.

In mid-air, he folds, avoiding the block and scooping the ball low.


It's a hit...

6 minutes and 13 seconds.

Kobe, facing Curry at the left arc, performs another left-handed in-and-out move. Curry takes a step back, and Kobe, with a sudden acceleration to the left wing, shoots a three-pointer.



A clean hit...

Curry quickly passes from the corner. Carlos, in the frontcourt, receives the ball and sprints full speed, quickly shaking off Artest. He stops abruptly at the left arc, lifts his hand, and shoots a trailing three-pointer.


Even though Pau Gasol reacts, he is too late. The basketball, like a missile, streaks across the sky, bombarding the net.


Carlos's three-pointer is a hit.

3 minutes and 33 seconds.

The Suns counter-attack in a fast break, a two-on-two in the frontcourt. Carlos, ball in hand, charges straight ahead, attacking the basket. Faced with the collapse of Artest and Pau Gasol, Carlos passes on the ground.


The ball is passed to Curry in the inner side of the arc. Curry takes a small step back, comes to the outer side of the arc, and decisively shoots a three-pointer.


It's a precise hit...

Kobe, accelerating after receiving the ball, faces Curry at the left arc again. Another left-handed in-and-out move, Curry takes a step back, and Kobe, in one step, shoots a three.



A clean hit...

Curry quickly passes from the baseline. Carlos, rushing up the court, swiftly bypasses Artest on the left arc. Making a probing step, Artest takes a step back, but Carlos, seizing the fleeting opportunity, immediately takes a small step back and shoots.


Two points in the bag...

"Wow... Carlos is so tall. A simple fake, a little bit of space, and he goes straight for the jump shot. Metta World Peace doesn't seem to have a good way to defend Carlos."

"Yes, but... Metta World Peace, who failed to defend consecutively, might be in trouble if he gets provoked."

Offense turns to defense...

Fisher pushes the ball over, passes to Kobe in the left low post, faces Carter's defense, and continuously feints a shot. Carter thinks he will force a breakthrough and slightly relaxes his guard.

Little did he know, Kobe suddenly shoots with a fadeaway jump shot.

Unprepared Carter, in a panic, slaps Kobe's arm.

"Beep, beep—"

The whistle blows...


The ball goes in...

Kobe scores and gets a free throw, completing a 2+1 with a successful free throw.


In the broadcast room, Mario laughs, "Carlos and Kobe started a duel right from the beginning, presenting personal attacks like special effects in a movie. This game is really exciting!"

As he speaks...

Seemingly thinking of something, his lips curve upward. He looks at Jose and smiles, "Mr. Jose, who do you think is stronger, Carlos or Kobe?!"

Jose: Uh, this?

DaoistBGgAkd,Kami_Sama16,Zayne_Ishikawa,RyuSenju,Naanlong_Peter 3 power stones!

Demon_Danie,Jayzzie 2 power stones!

overlord_6964,Duskwolf,Bob_Schnitzel,mits007,Noname101 1 power stone!

Thank you!

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