
Super Basketball System

Traversing back to the year 2010, a 215-centimeter-tall center, Carlos, acquired the talent of Allen Iverson from the start. Thus, an era-defining super center emerged, pioneering the unique "Small Ball Era"! "Is Carlos the strongest center?" Faced with reporters' questions, Jordan commented, "Unreasonable three-pointers, lightning-fast speed, graceful and dazzling breakthroughs... Carlos is the strongest, but only with the height and compatibility of a center, he cannot be called the strongest center!" In response, Carlos looked helpless and said, "I really am a center!" This story is adapted from the content of the game "2K22" played by the author.

SuperAlchemist · Sport
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A Man Born for Game-Winners!

"Carlos Hits Game-Winner Against the Spurs!"

"Rookie Carlos Overpowers the 'GDP' Trio!"

"Suns Climb to the Top of the Western Conference!"

"Carlos Scores 54 Points, Makes 4 Points in 1.2 Seconds, Self-Rebound and Put-Back to Beat the Spurs!"


The next day…

Early in the morning, newspapers and online outlets like "News Daily," "Foxsports," and "Associated Press" were abuzz with the previous night's showdown between the Suns and the Spurs.

While there were several other matchups that night, almost all attention was fixated on the clash between the Spurs and the Suns, particularly on Carlos.

The rookie center, who notched 54 points and delivered an unbelievable game-winner, commanded the spotlight once again with his prowess.

And last night…

Fans who had already heatedly discussed the game online continued the conversation with undiminished enthusiasm.

"Man, in the last minute, down by 7 points, the Suns looked doomed, but Carlos single-handedly turned it around, especially in the last few seconds.

The best hope for the Suns seemed to be overtime, with a heavy likelihood of a loss.

But then… Carlos intentionally missed a free throw, grabbed his own rebound, and scored a put-back plus the foul, making a 4-point play that I couldn't even dream up. A 4-point game-winner against the Spurs! It's just miraculous!"

"Carlos's performance last night was more than miraculous, it was off the charts!"

"Yeah, I couldn't even conceive of a way to win like that, and Carlos actually did it – that missed free throw followed by the put-back dunk, even cooler than 'Jordan's' free-throw dunk, right?"

"Way cooler, man! Jordan was just dunking off a teammate's missed free throw, but Carlos did both the shot and the rebound. It's much more difficult, and to top it off, it was a put-back game-winner!"


"Carlos is too strong!"

"Another game-winning feast, and I remember not too long ago, Carlos performed a miraculous game-winner that challenged our understanding of a center."

"Yeah yeah, it was right before the Christmas showdown between the Suns and the Lakers."

"Tsk tsk… First, he hit the game-winner against the defending champs Lakers with 'Black Mamba,' and then against the West's number one Spurs with the 'GDP' trio. Carlos is just too fierce."

"No joke, man."

"Let's be real, Carlos is stronger than any rookie we've known traditionally, just like Van Gundy said, Carlos: Rookie Tier 0!"


"Hey, did you guys notice something? Carlos… Carlos has a lot of game-winners this season."


As this fan's comment quieted the crowd, not out of shock or awe, but as they all silently calculated Carlos's season game-winning moments.

Soon after…

Someone replied: "So far this season, Carlos has played 19 games. He hit a game-winner on his debut, and then against Thunder's Big Three, he executed a fadeaway three-pointer to clinch the game!


In a duel with 'Windy City Assassin' Rose and the Bulls, he performed a long-range three-pointer game-winner.


Against the reigning champions Lakers with 'Black Mamba,' Carlos stole and scored a layup for yet another game-winner.

And last night…

Facing the 'GDP' and the number one team in the West, the Spurs, Carlos made a free throw line rebound and put-back, scoring 4 points in one offensive play to win the game!

19 games, 5 game-winners!"


"Oh, my god, I didn't realize until now just how strong this rookie Carlos is."

"19 games, 5 game-winners, my Lord, Carlos must have such a 'big heart' to pull off so many buzzer-beaters?!"


"Real strong, love it, love it!"

"19 games, 5 game-winners, let's be honest. In my view, Carlos... he is a man born for game-winners!"

Carlos: A Man Born for Game-Winners!

The speaker may not have intended much, but the listeners took it to heart.

This phrase quickly spread, sparking a new, more intense debate among fans, players, and the entire league. Everyone was in awe of Carlos, the man seemingly predestined to hit game-winning shots.

Some even openly claimed that despite Carlos being a rookie, he had already become the league's strongest center.

This statement sparked considerable controversy because, after all... even if Carlos was strong and had numerous game-winners, he was ultimately just a rookie who had played only 19 games.

How could he assume the position of the league's "top center"?



Magic's training facility.

As the current popular and powerful league's "number one center," 'Superman' Howard was the first to express his dissent upon hearing the news.

He leaned back in his chair, curling his lip, "Why do so many people like Carlos? A center playing that unconventional perimeter game. I just don't think it's substantial! It doesn't fit our center's offensive model, and his ceiling can't be that high!"

Nelson, walking over with a basketball, said, "Carlos's offensive style is indeed unique. But... 19 games, 5 game-winners, that's really something."


Howard disdainfully replied, "He's been shooting from the perimeter and got lucky hitting those shots at the buzzer.

Take last night, for example. That missed free throw and then the put-back game-winner, I feel it was just luck, and the same goes for the game-winner against the Thunder."


Howard wasn't wrong.

But... in the current situation, who would believe these words coming from him?

"Ah, I see!"

While Nelson nodded in agreement, he didn't share the sentiment inside.


Howard snorted, somewhat displeased.

Although still the league's "number one center," the flashy performances of Carlos, a rookie center, were seriously affecting his status.

"Carlos, I can't wait for our battle to come. I'm eager to tell the league, dominating the paint is the way a center thrives!"



Heat locker room!

[Carlos: A Man Born for Game-Winners!]

This news also reached the Heat's "Big Three's" ears, with 'CB4' Bosh leaning back in a chair, reading the newspaper article about Carlos.

He couldn't help but marvel, "Carlos is really impressive, how can a rookie play at such a high level, pulling off various game-winners, especially as a center! Carlos is a very tough player."


"This year's Suns, because of Carlos, will be a very troublesome team."

'the flash' Wade, who had also heard the news, nodded in agreement. After seeing Carlos's game-winner against 'the first guard' Kobe's Lakers, he began to take Carlos seriously.


A rookie, putting a lot of pressure on Bosh and Wade, two superstars at their peak.

But at that moment...

'King' LeBron, who has always been supportive of Carlos, went against the grain, "Yes, the Suns are strong, and Carlos pulling off consecutive game-winners is strong. However... it is because of this that the Suns are not as strong as they seem!"