
Super Alan Adventure

A young alien boy goes a crazy and epic adventure to save the world from an evil sorceress.

AdrianWilliams · Fantasie
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15 Chs

Happy Halloween Land

During the trip, Princess Spluff Ivy, Atta and the others are in a desert, with their supply of water gone. One of the spluffs tries to tell Ivy that the search is ridiculous. Just as he points out that there are no clouds in the sky, clouds suddenly start appearing. 

After leaving Toad Town, Alan finds a cowardly Toad guard who claims he saw a ghost vanish into Forever Forest. Alan and his friends must go through the forest to reach Boo's Mansion after receiving an invitation from Bootler. They explain to Oaklie that they are invited to Boo's Mansion, and Oaklie lets them proceed further until they finally manage to find their way out of the forest.

The Cast exited the Forever Forest, finding themselves in a dark creepy-themed town with dilapidated houses all around. On top of that, a giant yellowish-white moon lit up the twilight sky. Also, there were leafless dead trees with noir-looking Crows perched on the branches.

Again, Marky started shaking while gazing at his surroundings.

"Ugh, this place gives me the creeps," Marky said.

"M-me too..." Blossom stammered. "But... I d-don't..."

"It's okay, guys," Alan reassured his friends.

"Is this Halloween Land...?"

"Hey..." a distant voice called out.

Alan held Blossom's hand while the group approached a Twilighter standing in front.

"How can we help you?" Alan asked.

"It's been a long time since anyone's come from...outside," the Twilighter said. "You've come from far away?"

"Yes. Very far." Kya nodded her head in agreement, unable to say anything. "I hope this isn't as bad as Forever Forest..."

"Yeah, those clothes of yours..." the Twilighter studied the group's appearances. "I'm pretty sure you guys must be...adventurers!"

"That's who we are, I'm Alan." Alan said. "This is Marky, Spluff Kya, GPSparrow, Goombella, Kooper, and Yumi."

"Nice to meet you all," the Twilighter said. "I would shake your hands, but this is a bad time to arrive."

"What do you mean, 'bad time to arrive'?" Alan asked.

"Oh, God... I have no clue... It's a scary tale to hear. And scary to tell too." Before the Twilighter could say more, a church bell sounded from out of nowhere, frightening him. "Oh no! The bell rang again!"

"What's the matter?" Maya questioned.

"This is so awful... Who could it be now?" Suddenly, the Twilighter exploded in a purple cloud of smoke, revealing himself as a pig with glowing red eyes.

The group shrieked upon seeing the pig; Kooper started backing up toward the Forever Forest. Kya grabbed his shell before he could head back into the forest.

"Kooper! We just got here!" Kya said. "Don't run off!"

"I-I don't wanna be h-here...!" Kooper cried. He was shaking even more than earlier. "I don't wanna t-turn into a-a pig...!"

"I know, Koop. But just pull yourself together," Spluff Kya said. "You'll be fine."

"Oh, no... Now poor Jimbo got turned into a pig... Not good," an elderly voice said from behind Marky. He turned and saw a blue elder with bushy eyebrows that covered his eyes and a big mustache that concealed his mouth.

"Guys! Someone's here!" Goombella told Alan and their friends.

Kya walked Kooper forward as Alan greeted the elder first, "Who are you, sir?"

"I'm the mayor of this poor town. Some call me Dour. I'm not exactly the sharpest fellow, but I do believe you're adventurers, right?"

"Yes, sir," Alan answered.

"This isn't the place for the telling of tales, sadly," Dour said. "Come. Come to my home."

The Cast walked with Dour to his house located just north of the town. Kooper covered his eyes as there were other pigs walking around town.

Inside Dour's home was a single room with a bed, small kitchen, and living area.

"Have a seat, please." Dour pointed to the kitchen table that had four seats. Everyone sat down before he started his tale. "As you may have guessed...our town has been cursed."

I knew it... Blossom thought.

"Cursed?" Alan asked.

"Yes, of course," Dour answered. "You see... Beyond town is a forest, and in its heart is an ancient building, Mad Monster Mansion. The dark creature who lives there... Its curse ordains that when the steeple bell rings... One of the Twilighters living here in the village...becomes a pig."

"Will my loved ones become swine? Will I, too, become a curly-tailed oinker? I'm so worried, I can't sleep at night. Of course, night and day are pretty similar here... Hence why it's called Twilight Village..." Dour continued. "If this keeps up...well...the village will be one giant pigpen...which would be bad. My advice to you: leave us! Leave before you, too, get...piggified!"

Kooper scooted his chair back, wanting to run out, but Spluff Kya stopped him from standing up.

"Not going to happen, Mr. Dour," Alan said. "We're looking for something really important."

"It's a magic star entity called a Star Spirit," Alan chimed in. "You heard of them before?"

"Uh... I don't know about any Star Spirit thing... But in Creepy Steeple...there's a glittery card with a star on it..."

"A card with a Star Spirit on it!" Alan exclaimed. "That's gotta be it!"

"Well, it's hidden somewhere in Mad Monster Manor. Located somewhere in Halloween Land." Dour said.

The group arrive at Twilight Trail since it's the way to Halloween Land, after they cross another spooky forest. As they walk through the forest, Alan spots two orange spluffettes talking to each other. "Hi there, we're looking for a town called Halloween Land. Do you know where it is?" Alan asked. The two spluffs tell him 'yes' and shows them the way.

The cast exited the forest, finding themselves in a creepy-themed town with mushroom houses all around. On top of that, a giant yellowish-white moon lit up the twilight sky. Also, there were leafless dead trees with noir-looking Crows perched on the branches.

Again, Blossom started shaking while gazing at his surroundings. "Ugh, this place gives me the creeps," Kooper said. "M-me too..." Marky stammered. "But... I d-don't..."

"It's okay, guys," Alan reassured Kooper and Marky. "Is this Halloween Land...?" Alan asked.

They arrive in Halloween Land and notice several Haunters immobile. They soon spot their true purpose after watching them introduce Spluff Amity. Alan and the others are surprised to see monsters, ghosts, and other halloween creatures in the village.

However, the Princess Leader is not pleased with the results and decides to consult Spluff Val in an effort to make the ghosts less terrifying. Alan and his friends follow her and watch as the two discuss a way to fit Amity's needs. They decide to give the ghosts a heart, but their first attempt fails to work. The witch spluff had sent Val to find Spluff Phantasma, Spluff Looma, and a few more spluffs as they have the missing ingredients an hour ago. Unfortunately, As she was searching for the spluffs and ingredients, she never returned fearing something bad happened to them. "Please, if you would be so kind as to help us find them and bring them home." Spluff Amity begged. Globber heard about their plans and inform Magica. The villain orders her henchmen to guard the star spirit, which they promptly do after the group return. Amity sends her Polterpup, Spooky, to go with Alan & Co. and they head off to the creepy mansion.

They continued down the trail for about ten minutes until they finally noticed a big creepy mansion with a light blue circular window in the middle. There was no gate or fence blocking the entrance, meaning anyone could access the church at any time.

There was the mansion, big as life. The group had to stop and gawk. Alan whistled. They went up the crooked pass into the front yard.

"Oh finally! I couldn't stand being in that spooky forest another minute!" Kooper sighed. "I'm positive that's the mansion that creepy old ghost was telling us about."

"No really? What's if it's that OTHER giant mansion at the end of the forest?" Goombella snorted. He caught Link out of the corner of his eye and he went numb. "Well there was no reason to point out the obvious, Kooper…"

As the last man entered the Iron Gate, it slammed shut. The Old Boo they saw before was now floating in front of the door.

"Welcome sirs…and madams!" Bombette giggled at his addition. "I'm pleased you made it through Forever Forest!"

"So are we…" Kooper murmured.

"My master awaits you in the room highest up in this lovely mansion." They all looked up and saw a tower of rooms. Marky let out a roar of "You're kidding!"

"Please go to the third floor. There you will hear all the news of the Star Spirits. I'll see you there…" With those words, the servant was gone in a fade. Everyone felt cold after that. Kya shivered and helped alan pushed the doors to the mansion open. The first thing Marky saw was a couch and he needed to sit down. That was a really bad thing when the couch propelled him onto the chandelier. The group either laughed or gasped at Marky hanging on for dear life with his short arms. Eventually, the chandelier started to go down and a hidden door was revealed. The yellow fox let go and stormed over with the rest of the group on his heels.

The trio decide to inspect the mansion, unaware that they are being watched by Magica and her sidekicks with a camera mounted to the house.

The trio see that nobody is inside, so Alan tries to go in, believing that this is someone's vacation retreat. Marky, however, grabs him by the hood, insisting that he has a weird feeling about the house. The sidekicks gasp, believing that the trap was not going to work. Magica then explains that they are too tired and hungry to not go inside, and Marky simultaneously states that he believes it is a trap. Panicking, Magica presses a button to activate her "trump card". As the others are leaving, Alan insisting that marky is paranoid, they start to smell provolone, which draws Alan inside. The group and Yumi chase after him, shouting at Alan to stop, but Yumi gets caught in the door and Marky is knocked off into the house as a metal door slams down from above, shutting Yumi out and trapping the group inside. Queen Magica, pleased that her plan worked out, flies off to continue planning her "perfect coronation".

As Marky, Leaf, Spluff Kya, and GPSparrow wander the halls, calling for Alan, a Ghost appears behind him. Marky notices quickly, and turns around. However, the ghost stops and hides its face. As the two inspects it, asking if it was following them, a second ghost floats towards Marky and bites him in the bottom, angering Marky. As he faces the second ghost, the first one quickly bites him. Marky and the cast races away with the Ghosts giggling behind him.

Meanwhile, Alan has followed the scent to a room with a huge piece of provolone cheese being aired by a huge fan "Wow! Now that's a chunk of cheese! And that fan explains" Alan said before hearing his stomach growl. Alan is suspicious for a moment about the fan, then exclaims that it is too good to pass up. As he eats the cheese, a large horde of Ghosts start to slowly gather behind him. Once he finishes, he turns to the other direction where the ghosts were but have disappeared and went through the door he discovered. However, by the time he got there, the dresser that was blocking it had slid back in front of the door. The boy groaned and decided to head up some stairs instead. The first door they came to had a single Boo in its room.

"I am so bored. Boo-red! I know Lady Bow ordered me to stay here… but for how long?" he moaned.

"Lady Bow? Hm….she sounds nice," Alan decided. He discovered a phonograph on the other side of the room, but it needed a record to put into it. He made a mental note to find one and ushered his friends out. Alan entered the room next door. He noticed a long row of dressers and tried to open one, but it ended up crushing him instead. Alan had a field day. When he shoved the death trap off him, he set out to get his friends. He told himself not now and set to open the dresser in the middle. 8-10 Boos sprung out and circled around the room.

"What the--!" he yelped as the Boos knocked her down. Alan got back up and went to glare, but was too mesmerized by the Boo in the middle holding a record above his head.

"Isn't t hat for the phonograph in the other room?" Alan pondered, and told to Boo to hand it over.

"Alan…If you want this record you must guess who holds it…" he said in a whoosh. Alan became alert and paid attention. "The Lady Boo will be very angry if we let him get it too easily, fellow Boos! Do your best, like we practiced!"

"They practiced?!" cried Alan.

The Boos then danced around, with the Main One plopping the record into one if their hands. Alan got dizzy but kept his eyes on it.

"Hey, hey! Boos and Boos! Who's got it? Choose Choose!" The Boo sang. Alan waited for the one that had the record and bashed him on the head. The record popped out and landed on the rug.

"Nooo! Boo hoo!" the Boo sobbed. "You…you guessed right. Go on, take this. Oh boo…Lady Boo's really going to flip out on us…"

Mario nodded and snagged the record. The Boos pouted and disappeared. Leaving their memory behind, the heroes returned to the room with the phonograph. Mario placed the record in and the music started. He cranked the handle at the right moment and the song was somewhat catchy. Kirby started dancing around to the sound while the rest groaned. He was embarrassing. Kirby boogied over to the single Boo who was rocking too. Just as he did, Mario shut the music off.

"Oh boo…is that…the end? I was just starting to bust out my best dance moves!" he whined.

"Alan! Music! Chop chop!" Alan ordered his clone, as he headed back over to the music maker. Once the beat picked up, Kirby and the Boo "went fresh". The ghost did the "spook" while Alan spun around in a ball on the floor. Eventually, the Boo was so addicted to the music; he then headed closer. With the ghost distracted, Alan ran over and pulled a weight out of the chest he was guarding.

The Boo then realized he had been bamBOOzled. Heh heh...oh my god. "Lady Bow gave me one job…to guard that treasure chest. She is gonna punish me so bad if she finds out about this! Oh well…I may still be okay…heh heh heh heh heh! It's not like you can get anywhere without knowing what to do with that weight." The Boo vanished into thin air while Alan dragged a still jamming clone out the door. He ended up having a conversation with a frame down the hall. In order to go to the third floor, they had to find what was missing from it. Alan knew he had to focus on the weight issue first…and I don't mean his weight issue…

"Okay! I think the weight has something to do with the chandelier!" Alan's clone explained. "If we use it, it might keep it on the floor so we can get through that one door!"

"Good thinking!" Alan's 3rd Clone stated. "The thing is, where do we put the weight on the chandelier and how?"

"I'm not that smart!"

"Oh please!"

Clone 2 and 3 fought over the issue while Clone 4 dragged the weight over to the couch springboard. He catapulted himself onto the light fixture, pulled it down, and then attached the weight. It stayed.

"Yes! Let's go!" Alan 4 cheered.

The gang agreed and quickly headed into the room where a single chest lay. Naturally, Clone 3 kicked it open. The chandelier above them nearly knocked Link out. Luckily, he ducked at the last moment.

"Okay, I've had enough…"

"So a booby trap almost killed you, it could be worse!"

Clone 2 gave a look at Clone 4. He shrugged. Alan motioned toward a stairway and began to head down. It went to a basement of some sort, but they way it looked was all too suspicious. Either way, they still ventured through the back door as the clones disappear into alan. Going as far as he could, he found a large chest in the corner. Alan eagerly opened it, and…another circle of Boos sprang out. The Main One appeared with the Super Boots on his head.

"Alan…welcome. If you want these boots, you must guess who holds them."

"Another game of hide-and-seek," Alan mumbled. Alan focused on the ghost with the boots as he uses a white sheet to pretend to be a ghost. To his surprise, the Boos tossed the boots to one another. Alan giggled and entered the circle. The prize finally stopped being thrown and Alan was happy his plan worked.

"You idiots! You couldn't tell that…thing from your own kind! Now Alan has the boots!" the Main One shouted.

"Now I can do a Spin Jump!" exclaimed Alan randomly. After the episode, the ghosts left and Alan used his new Spin Jump to break a hole in the ground, which was covered by a wooden board and fell into a much-trashed room. Until, a bunch of ghosts appear behind him.

At the last second, Marky and the other appear and warns him of the ghosts inches behind him. When Alan turns around, he panics and runs away with his friends. The Ghosts corner the group. against a wall, so the group slide along the wall, keeping their eyes on the ghosts. Eventually, they slide until they reach a hallway, unaware that a massive ghost is behind them.

As the cast back down the hallway, Marky trips, noticing the giant ghost behind them. Marky freaks out, causing Alan and the others to turn around in confusion. When they turn around, they become very surprised by this Giga-Ghost "Is he scary or just scared?" Alan asked, "But I don't believe in ghosts" Sparrow cried out. Upon the group both turning away from them, the horde of smaller ghosts advance, chomping on Alan. The cast stand back-to-back, Alan and Marky keeping an eye on the Big Ghost, and Leaf and Sparrow looking at the smaller ghosts, keeping them both away.

Meanwhile, in Magica's castle, She has her minions speed up her new machine in order to make himself a more powerful sorceress, the spluffs attempt to make an escape from their captivity, only to be stopped by Magica, Monty, Cubot, and Goomber. Outside, Magica and Monty watch a massive group of Yumis pulling the cart with the giant golden statue on it, Monty explaining that they hired a hypnotist to entrance them. Regardless, Magica warns him to keep an eye on the Yumis, as they are still enemies. Then, Magica asks of her new empress outfit, and she is informed that her dress is being fitted. Unable to hold back his anxiousness, Magica rushes to her room to take a peek before the coronation, Monty tries in vain to warn her that it is bad luck.

Back in Boo Mansion, hours later, Leaf and Sparrow are getting tired from staring down the ghosts. However, their apparent shyness gives Alan an idea, and he pulls leaf under the big ghost, and towards a nearby room. They close the door, and Marky questions why they wanted to go here. Alan quickly starts to rearrange some items, and when the Ghosts finally get inside they find Alan and Marky dressed as doctors, with Leaf and Sparrow as their nurses. They direct the Big Ghost to lie on the couch, and Alan diagnoses him with anthrophobia (a fear of humans), asking to be told about his childhood. Later, the big Ghost and the smaller Ghosts are all crying as the ghost has explained its troubled past. Finally, Alan comforts the Big Ghost, telling him not to let his bullies control his life. He also tells the ghost how big of a universe there is, and those bullies did not matter compared to the vast universe.

They head back to the foyer, and as thanks for helping them, one of the boos spotted something on a distant shelf and flew Alan over to it. It was the missing Boo painting.

"Third floor, here we come!" Alan said. They jumped off the shelf and Marky had Bombette blast a hole in the wall. It led back to the suspicious room. Winding their way back up to where Alan saw the painting, Kya placed it delicately back in the frame. He let out a gasp when the painting began to talk.

"Phew…Ah, it feels nice to be back inside my frame after so long. All right then. I'll help you go to the third floor okay? Jump toward the drawing and I'll do the rest," he explained.

"This reminds me of that one show with the animated dog and the old guy! Um…Ace's Traces! Yeah! They'd jump into painting after singing some weird song!" Alan babbled. When he finished babbling, he noticed everyone was on the top floor. "WAIT UP!"

Alan floated up into the painting and appeared next to his pals.

"Say hello to Bow for me!" the painting asked.

"Sure!" Alan assured. He waddled to catch up who entered the RIGHT door…heh. He ran into Leaf who was gawking at the sight. The blue velvet, well designed, room was some eye candy. The moment was interrupted by a cackle.

"Gwah HEE HAHA! You finally arrived. You took your sweet time huh?" Alan was enchanted by the sweet, soft sound of the voice. "I was testing you to see if you live up to your reputation. How were the tests? Tough?"

"For me? Naw…" Alan boasted. Leaf raised and eyebrow and guffawed. Alan made a face. Suddenly, a pretty, green Boo with two bows appeared with the creepy servant. Her eyes sparkled like they held a secret, her smile was smug as if it knew something, and…well, for some people she was downright awesome.

"My name is Bow…I'm glad to finally meet you. I just didn't expect…friends."

"I'm Bootler, the butler. I'm Lady Bow's humble servant," Creepy servant Ghost explained.

"The reason I asked you here is that I need a favor. Bootler, give him the rundown," commanded Bow. Bootler nodded. He coughed, then began.

"Of course, my lady. Alan, do you know the area near here called Mad Monster Manor? A mansion located next to the Creepy Steeple, and upon it sits the castle of Globber. He's a monster…and he eats…us! Ghosts!"

Everyone gasped except Sparrow, who collapsed on the ground.

"Boos are his favorite food. Many friends have been eaten! We've tried attacking the evil fiend to save our friends, but Globber is far to strong for us Boos to slow him down even slightly. He seems invincible. That's why he's known as the Invincible Globber."

Kooper shivered.

"Wow…" commented Goombella.

"You guys are practically doomed!" Goombella piped. Everyone stared at him with disappointed looks until he shriveled into a little ball. Bootler sadly smiled.

"There is hope, however. If the rumors are true, then Tubba Blubba has a secret that he closely guards. And that secret is…" Everyone leaned in. "…probably something that relates to his weak point." Everyone fell.

"So, Alan…and friends…I want you to find out his secret and defeat him. You'll do it, won't you?" Bow asked.

"Of course we will save your kingdom. It would be our honor…"

Bow slightly smiled. "Of course, you'll get a reward for doing us this service. If you beat Globber up, I'll let you have this." She summoned down a cage with a Star Spirit in it. Everyone gasped again and Alan couldn't believe she was holding it hostage!

"Mmmmmm…Alan…I'm sorry we must meet in such a dire situation. My name is Misstar. I escaped from Mad Monster Manor but…I was in quite a weakened state when I made it outside. As a result, I couldn't go back to the sky at first. I tried to head for Shooting Star Summit to make the leap to Star Haven, but I became lost in the forest. While hunting for a way out, I was captured by Boos. And now here I am…I don't know what to say."

"That's a mouthful," said Kooper.

"What do you think Alan? Not such a bad deal, is it?" Bow stated slyly. "You would have had to fight Globber anyway to save this Star Spirit right? This way, you help us Boos too."

"Besides, I'm going with you." Bow replied. "I'll help you like no one else can." Bow fanned away her excitement with her bright pink fan and laughed.

Bootler was guffawed. "…my lady?" he started, his eyes bugging out. "What did you say just now? You? At Tubba Blubba's castle? Out of the question! I simply cannot allow you put yourself in such danger!"

"Still your tongue, Bootler! I've seen too much suffering caused by Globber! I wish to see him punished with my own two eyes!" Bow roared. "Besides, Mario…and Kirby…will need me. There's no way he can reach the castle without my powers!"

Bootler had a spasm. "Oh…alas…Then, Lady, I, Bootler, will accompany you. It is my sworn duty to see that no harm befalls you. The ancestors demand it! I will be at your side always."

"That's so sweet!" gushed Spluff Kya and Leaf in unison.

Bow wasn't going to take it. Her eyes went deep black, and morphed into a shape indescribable. Her mouth whooshed open with her small fangs poking out. The entire gang (but Alan) could've cried at the sight. Alan thought it was one of her good features.

"You stop that nonsense! I'm not a child anymore! I'll be fine by myself! You wait here for my return!"

If she had a foot, she'd probably put it down.

"La…lady…sigh…" Bootler sighed. Bow made a noise before gliding down her soft steps. She gave a pleading look to Alan.

"Is this all right Alan?" she wondered. "I'll join up with you until we oust Globber."

"You won't stay with us?" Kya murmured silently.

"I can't dear. Globber shouldn't be taken lightly, and yet here I am. I also can't keep Bootler waiting forever…"

Kya smiled weakly. Might as well enjoy it while it lasted. "I understand. Kooper, you're a left over again…" Kooper waved to show it was cool. He told Bow she would have to follow him at all times and she nodded.

"Okay then! Globber's going down!" she cheered while clutching a fan.

Bow agreed and they left the mansion in a huff. They took a quick turn to the right of the mansion and set off.

The sky was still dark, and the area was still forest like. On the other side of a gate though, was golden ground. It was better then black, and Alan suddenly stopped. Bow made Kooper jump when she suddenly said, "Go ahead. Open it."

Two Boos appeared out of thin air and opened the gates for them. Everyone didn't see that coming. They sky blazed a yellow orange once the gates were open. It made a few squint.

"So, Alan, we're on our way. Are you scared?" Bow mocked slightly.

"No." said Alan.

"Heck yes if we need to be!" Marky cried. Bow shrugged. Alan just kept walking.

They continued down the trail for about ten minutes until they finally noticed a big creepy mansion with a light blue circular window in the middle. There was no gate or fence blocking the entrance, meaning anyone could access the church at any time.

"Wow... That mansion is so creepy," Spluff Windy remarked. "Speaking of which, this is Mad Monster Mansion. No wonder that adjective is part of the mansion's name. Seeing it in the moonlight makes my skin crawl." Goombella said, "Us too," Leaf agreed. "At least the Moon provides a little light, you know?" Lady Bow continued. "But still, it looks like a ghost could pop out at any minute. If I was all alone and you guys weren't around, I'd run away immediately." Kooper said.

"H-hold on..." Marky started to shiver with fear again. "Did you j-just say 'g-ghosts'?" Marky asked.

"I did. Huge possibility." Blossom replied.

Alan brought Sparrow out, who became creeped out at the sight of Mad Monster Mansion. "Oh my Gosh... That mansion... It..." Sparrow murmured. "I know, kid," Alan said. "It looks scary, but I've been in places like this before."

"Can w-we just...g-get the Harmony Emerald and get out o-of here...?" Marky stammered. Spluff Lily held his hand. "Easy, Marky," Lily coaxed Marky. "We'll be in and out. I promise."

Marky took a deep breath and looked at the entrance. "Okay... Let's-a go..."

With that, Alan and friends entered Mad Monster Mansion, through its two gray front doors. The first area they entered was a long and wide hallway with a giant stained glass window and two upper paths comprising the second floor.

"Look how big this place is," Alan gasped. "Yeah... V-very big..." Marky said. He was paranoid about Boos popping out at any time.

To the left and right were two wood doors with a star-shaped statue dead ahead, where they look for the room holding the halloween spluffs. "So, where do you think the emerald is being kept at? Spluff Blossom asked, "Not sure, so we'll need to split up and look through each room." Alan said, "Split up?! Did you not see the monster movies?! when you split up, the monster takes you one by one!" Marky cried out. "Marky's right, maybe we should stay together or at least split up in teams." Spluff Lily said and alan agrees to this, "Alright. Marky you're with me, and Maya. Leaf you're with Kooper. And Bow you're with Kya and Goombella, and that leaves GPSparrow, Spooky, and Yumi. You three wait here as the lookout." Alan finishes the plan and everyone heads splits up.

Kya, Bow, and Goombella look through the first floor, until Kya begins asking storm some questions of romance. "So, Kya, one question. Do you by any chance, without a doubt, have...feelings for...a certain someone?" Bow said curiously, "Wh-What!? No! why? Do you?" Spluff Kya said. This comment made kya blush. "Nope, Just asking that's all." Bow said, but goombella can tell that Kya is embarrassed by this, "Maybe a little." Kya replied.

Leaf and Kooper look through the second floor, until leaf asks kooper if he thinks kya and the other will be ok because she's been acting odd around her lately. "Oh! Uh yeah! You know how spluffs are, just spilling gossip and all." Kooper said nervously, but leaf doesn't buy it but she and kooper just continue their search for the harmony emerald.

And finally, Alan and Marky look though the third floor, until they find a room which happens to have a pipe organ piano and six bench chairs, they appear to be a piano room. "Wow! Look at the size of that piano! And all those pipes on it!" Alan said in surprise, "That would be a pipe organ piano, alan." Marky explained. The duo look around to find the spluffs until they hear ominous music coming from the piano. "Uh...is someone playing the piano?" Alan asked, "No." Marky said in fear. They look at the piano to see it's playing by itself, marky is frightened by this but alan wasn't and walked up to investigate. As alan looks, two large green hands that looked ghostly appeared and were the reason why the piano was being played, and two more hands grabbed alan from behind and tossed him through a wall. "ALAN!!" Marky Cried out in fear, and the sound of wall being crashed through attracts the attention of the spluffs and sidekicks.

They head over to Alan and finds him in his bubble shield on the ground, and everyone sees the spluffs who had gone missing were trapped in ghost bubbles. "Look!" Spluff Kya cried out, "They must be the monster spluffs, Amity has been looking for!" Leaf said. Alan lowered his shield and went into his fighting stance.

The ghost hands reappear and blasts ghost rays at him but he dodges them with his super speed, and saves his friends from it as well. Alan tells them that he'll distract the ghost while they free the spluffs, goombella decides to help alan and the two fight off the ghost hands while the others help the halloween spluffettes.

Alan and Goombella hold off the ghost hands until the large ghost reveals himself to be Doopliss. "Hey, what's up, Slick?! Been waiting for you!" Doopliss said, "Time to cancel your magazine subscriptions, 'cause you're getting erased! But first, please amuse me with one more guess... It really gives me joy to watch you squirm in futility as you try to guess my name! So...hit me one more time!" Doopliss asks Alan to guess his name. Alan takes a while to think until he gives an answer, "Is it...Doopliss?" Alan asked, "Wha... What did you just say?!?" Doopliss asked in shock, "Doopliss." Alan replied. This makes doopliss go into a freak-out saying 'NO', 'WHY', and 'HOW' thirty times each and begins to feel faint. Alan walks up to talk to him but doopliss uses his teleportation to exit the foyer with alan running after him, "Alan! Wait!" Leaf cried out.

After going back inside the foyer, the group found a white key on the ground. Marky stowed it in his pack's pocket and led everyone out the left door. They went down another walkway, which had another Red Exclamation Point Switch at the end. "How much further are we from the spluffs?" Kya asked.

"Not too far," GPSparrow answered. "Maybe one more puzzle." Marky hopped on the trampoline, catapulting himself into a living room lounge. Everyone else also leaped into the lounge.

The lounge had a shower stall and a large mirror on the upper left corner, and an elongated sofa and TV set on the far right. To the group's surprise, a Duplighost wearing a blue party hat with red stars and a blue bowtie on his chest sat on the sofa watching TV.

"Who is that guy?" Kooper whispered.

"It's... It looks like...one of those...ghosts in this one palace...back then..." Lady Bow hesitated. She started to feel anxious, reflecting on when she encountered tens of Duplighosts at Crystal Palace. Just then, the Duplighost eyeballed Lady Bow and her friends having their private conversation and interjected, "Hey! Hang on there, Slick!"

Marky jumped back a bit, not expecting the Duplighost to speak up. "What are you and your chums doing, interrupting my 'me time'?"

"Uh... We didn't mean to..." Leaf explained. "Hold on. Are you the dark creature Spluff Amity was talking about?" Kya asked. "Excuse me? Who're you calling a dark creature? What's your problem? Why do you need to pick a fight? I'm busy thinking up new pranks and stuff!"

"Such as what? You kidnapping innocent spluffs?" Kya questioned. "No! I'm not telling you what I'm plotting! It's not easy either!" the Duplighost exclaimed. "Now get outta here!" the ghost ordered. "Not until we get answers!" Kya retorted, angered that the Duplighost could be lying. "Now tell us you kidnapped the halloween spluffs!" Kya said in anger.

"All right, then, sweetheart. Yes. I did it. Big deal," the Duplighost admitted.

Sonia sighed with relief. "Thank you. But why, though?"

"Well, It wasn't by my choice, Magica said they were having some kind of Halloween Celebration and wasn't interested... So instead, She figured they might as well wallow in mud and needed a few spluffs as test subjects! Ha!" The Duplighost explains.

"You screwup!" Goombella muttered under her breath, her anger rising again.

"Now they'll all become pigs." the Duplighost continued. "Isn't that just so perfect? It's like irony or something." The Duplighost said with joy. "Do you realize it's the opposite of what you think?" Marky asked. "How would you feel if you were a pig?"

"Ooh! Looks like you have a huge problem with that!" the Duplighost boasted before turning to Marky. "Well, why don't we play a little game, Slick?"

At the top of the Creepy Steeple, Alan finds the emerald just sitting on a chair. Before he takes off after grabbing it, a bolt of lightning appears and nearly hits him as some kind of warning shot. "Whoa! What was that?!" Alan questioned in shock, "That would be me." a strange voice caught his attention. Alan turns to see Magica herself in person, and alan is prepared to fight. "Magica!" Alan said, "It's Queen Magica!" Vora cried out. Then, alan asks why she's here to which she explains she is here for the harmony emerald, she forcefully tells him to give it to her but he refuses and tells her to leave now. "Insolent little boy! You dare speak to a queen with such a tone?!" Vora angrily said, "Yes. I would." Alan replied, "You little worm! Perhaps my ghostly minion will take care of you and retrieve the spluffs. Meet Globber!" Magica said introducing her ghostly minion.

All of a sudden, green slime begins rising and forms into a large green gooey ghost with glowing green eyes. It floats in front of alan ready to slime him. Magica orders globber to get rid of alan and bring the emerald to her and she takes off to her castle. Globber roars and attacks alan with slime.

Meanwhile, Marky and friends engaged in battle with the Duplighost. For the Duplighost, the only attack he could do was charge forward headfirst. For Kya, Bow, and Leaf; not a problem for them.

In succession, Alan drill-kicked the Duplighost to the back end of the lounge while Eevee batted him with Pikachu and Pichu. Kya stood by in case either Leaf or Alan needed backup. After four turns, the Duplighost said, "So, you think you're a couple of heavies, huh? Well then, my dear friends...if you thought changing folks into pigs was impressive...then you're gonna love this!"

"Don't tell me you're gonna make an impostor out of me," Marky said.

The Duplighost's eyes flashed red and he disappeared in a cloud of purple smoke. "Okay... What just happened...?" Marky wondered out loud. Before Leaf or Kya could answer, he glowed a bright green for a few seconds and the glow exploded outward. Then, an identical version of him emerged from the floor. "How do you like them apples? Now that's magic, people!" the Alan impostor boasted. His voice sounded identical to the real Alan's voice. "Now you're fighting yourself! Ha! I'm such a genius!"

"Good thing he doesn't have elemental powers," Alan whispered to Marky. "They should defeat him easily."

"I hope so," Marky quietly replied. The Alan impostor lunged toward Maya and Marky in an attempt to slide kick them. Marky and Maya dodged out of the way before Storm grabbed the impostor's right ankle. Marky stepped aside so that Storm wouldn't accidentally hit him.

Then, Alan swung the impostor around three times and threw him to the lounge's back wall again. The impact was enough to defeat the impostor.

"Hold on... Wha... Wha... Huh...? You beat me...?" The impostor went unconscious, his head drooping to the floor. Then, a green gem rose from the impostor's body and floated toward the group. "The Star Spirit!" Kya exclaimed happily. "We did it again!" She high-fived Marky, who smiled proudly and Alan touched the card that floated in front of him, and summoned Misstar back to life and freeing the halloween spluffs.

Back at Halloween Land, Spluff Amity and the Halloween Spluffettes thank Alan and his friends for saving them from the clutches of Doopliss and turning everyone who was turned into pigs back to normal.

"Dear Alan, you have saved 5 of us Star Spirits now! Just a few more to go!" Misstar gasped. Alan responded with a smirk and a peace sign to indicate there was only two more. Misstar told them her name, and gave Alan more Star Energy, along with a new Star Power, Smooch. Misstar sadly stated she had to leave, and told Alan to call upon her at anytime.

With that, Amity thanks them again and the cast head off.