
Super Alan Adventure: Princess of the Stars

Alan and his friends travel to a new universe that is part of the omniverse which is being conquered by a cosmic tyrannical villain. So it's up to Alan to stop this evil dictator and save the Omniverse.

AdrianWilliams · sci-fi
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7 Chs

Gaze At The New World

Back with Alan and his friends, A massive explosion of psychedelic patterns occurs. The cast are then shooting through Space following a trail of items presumably from a the basement and closet.

They witness the new galaxies in amazement until they are transported through a psychedelic landscape before disintegrating and reassembling on the other side in a large chamber. Alan and Marky finally awaken and find a wanted poster of Alan, wondering where he could be. The group burst out of the tunnel, through a metallic door, and emerge into a junk-covered street in a city version of Star Town.

"Shuttle to Koopa Union is cancelled. Passengers transferring to the Square..." A Stolas City PA said on the loudspeaker.

They soon find they are in a place named Stolas City on a dimensional counterpart of Star Town.

"Where the juice are we?" Marky questioned.

"This is crazy. We were only gone for like a minute, but this can't be Star Town."

"Where is this place?"

Princess Starlight, Luna, and the rest of their friends travel to Sandgem Town, where they find Dawn being upset over losing Piplup with May comforting her. She manages to restore Dawn's optimism with some croquettes he bought, after which she explains the details of what happened. Hearing that the person who took Piplup looked exactly like Dawn makes Starlight and Luna remember a recent case of them meeting someone who looked exactly like Luna. However, Dawn thinks this case is different, as the person had disappeared into a strange shining hole after taking Piplup. Starlight wonders if it was an Ultra Wormhole, and while Dawn is uncertain, Officer Jenny had afterwards told her of the other portals and that they've started calling the portals "Gates" for now.

Just then, a team of Pink spluffs swoop in with their own spluff balloon and snatches Bloom with a claw attached to a fishing line. Their moment of triumph is cut short when Spinder sets Bloom free and Luna uses a Snipe Shot to puncture the balloon, sending the trio to the ground.

However, only moments later, a Gate opens before them, from which another Team of spluffs, this one with orange fur with red strips, along with two saiyans clad in black suits of armor, emerge. They fire a Dark Pulse at Spinder and Luna, before they fires an electric net at each of them, ensnaring the two as the villains begin to retreat back through the Gate with their quarry.

May, Dawn, and the others give chase, but a Dark Pulse throws Starlight, Luna, Alina, Videl, Spluff Ivy, and Spluff Atta off, leaving them behind as May, Dawn, and the Fairy Spluffs dive through the Gate with Maya following a moment before it vanishes. The other half of the group are shaken that their friends are gone. But Ivy and Atta are the most shocked to see their daughter gone with them.

Starlight reassures them that the girls are with her and that she has potential with magic, plus they did train her too.

"Don't worry. The girls are with Spluff Maya and I don't know if you noticed but I could sense that your daughter has some magic potential." Starlight said. "And you did train her self defense, just like with Alan." Hearing these words, Ivy and Atta begin to worry less a little believing their kid will be just fine.

On the other side of the Gate, Dawn, May, and the girls find themselves in a place that looks almost exactly like where they just were, except that there's aurora in the sky. With the mysterious Teams of spluffs and saiyans nowhere in sight, Dawn decides the best course of action would be to go see her home for clues. They travel to Dawn's home in Twinleaf Town, where Dawn notices that the garden next to the house is devoid of blooming flowers, which had been there this morning. May realizes that the park they had appeared in was devoid of them too. Thinking back, they realize another reason why the place they're in seems so strange: there are no Pokémon either. They enter the other Dawn's room, where they learn that she's placed second in a Sinnoh League tournament, showing that she's a different person.

Despite their differences, though, both Dawns have a Piplup as their partner, as proven by photos May and Dawn find. Just then, they hear footsteps approaching, which turn out to be from the other Dawn, carrying Dawn's Piplup. As soon as Piplup sees his real Trainer, he runs back into her arms.

And not only that, they also see their friends Amy, Leaf, Leaf's pokemon, and the spluffs with her too.

"Dawn? May? Sora?" Amy said.

"Amy?" Dawn said.

The cast are happy to see each other and hug. The Spluff Grove spluffs are surprised to see Spluff Maya here with them. "Maya! What are you doing here?!" Spluff Lily asked in shock, "I followed them through the purple portal. I thought I could help too, sorry if I had you worried." Spluff Maya explained and apologized.

"Well, we're glad your here too, but you still shouldn't have jumped in a strange portal though. Ivy and Atta might be worried right now." Spluff Storm replied.

"Sorry." Maya apologized again. "Aw, don't worry, we're not mad at you." Storm reassured her as she pats her head.

After that, The other Dawn explains to Dawn and her friends that Gates connect different worlds, so she and Dawn are the same person, just from alternate realities. She apologizes for taking Dawn's Piplup, admitting that she had wanted to return it, but the Gate had closed before she could do so. May asks why there don't seem to be any Pokémon in this world. In response, the other Dawn takes them to the Sandgem Town Pokémon Center and shows them an Egg that used to be her Piplup.

The whole Pokémon Center is filled with Eggs that used to be Pokémon. One day, Gates had started appearing in Sinnoh, and soon afterwards, Pokémon had started to forget their moves, then turn back into their previous forms, and finally revert all the way into Eggs. Stolas turned any pokemon that brought happiness to anyone back into eggs as part of his iron rule.

The X-nauts had gathered the affected Eggs and Pokémon to this Pokémon Center just following the emperor's rules. When the other Dawn had seen Dawn's Piplup through a Gate, she had been reminded by her own Piplup so much that she had been unable to resist herself and taken it. The other Dawn apologizes for what she's done, as now Dawn, May, and Leaf's Pokémon will suffer the same fate as the Pokémon of this world by Stolas himself, causing Dawn, May, and Leaf to panic at the thought of losing their pokemon. Thinking about everything they've heard, Amy figures that time and space are being distorted by him, and recalls that there were some Pokémon that had something to do with those concepts. After a moment of thinking, Dawn remembers that the Pokémon in question are Dialga and Palkia.

Meanwhile, in Stolas City, Alan and Marky are in an office with a call from someone ringing the phone. Alan answers the phone and the caller orders him to stop anyone escaping the loop, and to not attract the attention of The Spider Seven. Alan and Marky become curious and think they should tell their friends about this if they landed here too.

Based on a novel he's read, Marky theorizes that the Gates could connect to different worlds. They start wondering if there is anyone or anything with the power to travel between worlds, and Alan quickly remembers that Palkia can do so. Marky consults her Rotom Phone, which confirms their assumptions about Palkia's ability to travel between dimensions, and says more information about it can be found at the Canalave Library. Alan and Marky travel to the library, and finds information about Dialga and Palkia, as well as the Omniverse said to have been created by the Star Glorb.

Meanwhile, In the Palace of Shadows, Queen Magica, Stolas, and Aikon prepare the Star Energy Extractor in order to make themselves more powerful.

An energy surge is unleashed, Magica, Stolas, and Aikon absorb the Crystal Stars. But unfortunately, the crystals resist and scatter across the world. This angers stolas and he tries to figure out why they couldn't absorb the emeralds' magic.

"I don't understand. The energy of the crystal stars were supposed to give us their magic. Why didn't they?" Stolas said in anger. On their second attempt, they were successful and created an Alpha Grim Dragoon but realized the universe was starting to decay. Stolas wondered what they were missing, but realized someone holds the power of the Star Glorb.

Alan and Marky exit the library while coming to the conclusion that someone else is behind the recent incidents. Suddenly, two alternate versions of Saiyans appears next to them to capture them. Alan is not happy about it and launches at them by using a spin attack on them making fall to the ground. Alan then demands that they tell him and marky who they are and why they're after them. But before they could answer his questions, Alan and Marky are transported to an observatory in space. Marky is amazed by the observatory and wonders where they were and how they got here. Alan was looking at something at the center of the observatory, what he saw was a small blue orb of light that looked as if it was losing power.

As they tour the place, A mysterious woman in pink appeared Angella later appeared to Alan and Friends after learning that a villain named Stolas and his partner Aikon have the Crystal Stars.

After that, Alan and Marky, talk about their friends being in the other universe. Angella says that she actually knows information about the Star Glorb the baddies are after, and reveals the name of their race is the X-Nauts. She explains that the Star Glorb is the source of all creation of the omniverse that gives unthinkable power to the one that posseses it, and that it has sealed by the Shamans in order to prevent evil hands from taking it. The Shamans created seven Magic Gems known as the Crystal Stars to seal the temple in which the glorb lies, and then scattered the gems so no one could unseal it again. Angella suggests Alan, as a hero of pure heart, should collect the Crystal Stars before Stolas does, and prevent him from opening the Mystic Temple. With the help of the gems' power, he'd be able to save both worlds. Alan and Marky accept. After this, Angella gives Droppy to Alan, and guides them to the Mystic Temple with Droppy's ability to take interdimensional photos.