
Super Alan Adventure: Princess of the Stars

Alan and his friends travel to a new universe that is part of the omniverse which is being conquered by a cosmic tyrannical villain. So it's up to Alan to stop this evil dictator and save the Omniverse.

AdrianWilliams · sci-fi
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7 Chs

A New Adventure Begins

Every hundred years, on the eve of the Star Lantern Festival, a comet passes over Avalonia and causes magical stars and stardust to fall to the planet below.

The Comet Observatory was a mystical star ship that could blaze through the universe as fast and as bright as any comet could. It was home to little star children called Lumas. Lumas could transform into stars, comets, Power Stars, Grand Stars, planets, or even entire galaxies, if they were given enough energy and, of course, enough love.

The provider of this love was Angella, the mother of all Lumas, a mysterious angel sorceress glad in a blue outfit. She wielded a golden Star Wand, and she had pale blonde hair that came down over her right eye. Rosalina protected the cosmos and piloted the Comet Observatory with the help of her faithful fudge-colored Luma companion, Polari.

The story starts with the Alan, enjoying his time at home. While Alina was in her kitchen cleaning the dishes, Alan was taking a nap. Alina was interrupted when she heard a sudden voice from outside.


Alina immediately went to the door to reach for the letter. Mailtoad gave it to Alina directly, and the alien mother went back to the house to tell Alan that it was from Princess Starlight. She told Alan that they got a letter, and the young alien got up to see the letter. Alan then proceeded to read the letter for Alina. "Ahem..."

"Dear Alan, 

You and Alina have been invited to the Star Lantern Festival at Canterlot, and there's something I'd like to give you.. We'll be waiting for you!

~ Princess Starlight"

Reading this, Alan and his family decide to head to Canterlot to help out with the festival. Alan and his family finally arrived at Canterlot. in Canterlot, where the friends alan made on his first adventure and different princesses and creatures from all over Avalar have gathered for the Star Lantern Festival, and Toady runs through town with an armful of scrolls. At the castle, Amy Sparkle nervously prepares for a meeting with the other princesses. When Alan arrives, Alan assures her that everything will be fine. Alan and Amy enter the throne room and meets with Princess Starlight, Princess Luna, asking that they reposition the sun and moon for the concert performance of famous pop star Songbird Serenade. However, the princesses tell Amy that each of their magic serves a purpose, she already has all the magic she needs to make the festival a success.

Meanwhile, In a forest, Magica and her minion Monty are camping in the woods since her castle was destroyed because of Alan. "It's been a Month since you lost your castle thanks to Alan." Monty says, "Don't remind me, here we are living in the woods like animals." Magica's replied. Despite this, Magica sees a reason to be optimistic, as he has formulated a plan to conquer Avalonia and get revenge on Alan. Having salvaged components from her castle, Magica has constructed a beacon; she makes his final preparations, getting ready to use a mushroom-based, Rube Goldberg-esque mechanism that ends with a mushroom figurine of Alan. Until, a portal appears, with three alien X-Nauts stepping out of it and slowly approaching her and her robots. As one of them reaches for Monty's hand. With the opposition distracted, Magica walks toward the portal, only for her to come to a halt as she sees a witch in red and black clothing appears from the other side. As she approaches Magica, she aggressively asks where he is, "WHERE. IS. ALAN?!!" Geno demands, to which Magica explains that he is at Canterlot and that she will be happy to show her the way.

Back at Canterlot, Spluff Ivy arrives at Canterlot along with her girlfriend Spluff Atta and Spluff Maya, Ivy's daughter, to see how everything is for the festival. The rest of Alan's friends set up the festival's main stage area: Spluff Storm and Spinder hang the Banners, Marky makes balloon animals, Spluff Sonia rehearses with her chorus of songbirds, Spluff Lily and Flora hands out apple cider, and Spluff Sonia and Spluff Blossom and Bloom decorates the stage. Amy approaches and shares with them her disappointment in the other princesses' rejection of her festival ideas. Despite her nervousness, her friends have the utmost confidence in her.

Meanwhile, Alan is in the basement looking for more decorations. While he does that, he finds something glowing in the closet and heads over there to see what's inside. And what he finds is something...not from this world. The object Alan found was a large glowing orb that is constantly emitting power he's never felt before, and this makes him more curious. Alan then spots a sign that says "Do Not Touch" thinking it means something, so he touches it anyway. Once he does, something crazy happens as the orb begins sucking in anything in the basement. Just then Marky, Amy, Leaf, Blossom, and their friends came in to find alan until he sees what's happening.

"Hey Alan, did you find any more...decorations." Marky said before seeing the orb causing a mess.


"I DON'T KNOW!" Alan shouted.

Following this, the group try to get away from the orb which is repeatedly transforming towards the Glorb, causing the orb to implode the Glorb, and create a portal that swallows the cast.

Then, Toady comes in and is shocked to see the orb is gone and goes to alert Starlight.

Back outside, Spluff Cupcake accidentally fires a multi-layered cake from her party cannon that lands on Alan and makes a mess. When Songbird Serenade arrives for her sound check, Amy briefly embarrasses herself by splattering cake on Songbird's jacket. Just then, Toady arrives to tell Starlight the bad news. Hearing this, Starlight is horrified by what happen, especially with what happened to Alan and Marky.

All of a sudden, a black storm cloud appears in the sky over Canterlot. A large, ominous airship emerges from the clouds and lands on the festival grounds. Two twin jesters named Dooply and Dooplyn come out of the ship, announcing their arrival on behalf of the King of the Omni Empire, and introduces Aikon, and Xeno's lieutenants, Lord Crump, and Spluff Zora. When the four princesses greet Zora, Aikon demands their immediate silence.

The leader himself is finally introduced as Xeno. The fearsome entity bent down and looked at the spluffs with his left eye, as his right had a huge scratch across it that rendered it useless.

'Xe-Xeno,' Ivy stuttered. No one moved or spoke.

Xeno stood up, stepped over the three of us – we flinched – and he began walking through the crowd, with all the ants parting as he got near them. He paused briefly, before changing direction. The other two ants and me quickly got up and retreated into the crowd. Eventually he reached a corner and stood quite still.

'So where is it?' he said quietly.

Maya trembled where Ivy stood, waiting for the blow to fall.

'Where's my Orb!' he yelled, turning around. No one moved or spoke. Eventually Ivy broke the silence.

'Isn't it still here?'

'What!' yelled Xeno, walking towards her.

'The O-Orb was in an closet, sitting on a...'

'Excuse me!'

'Are you sure it's not here?'

He reached her and stared at her, looking rather bored.

'Are you saying I'm stupid?'

'No.' said Ivy fearfully.

'Do I look STUPID to you?' Let's just think about the logic, shall we? Let's just think about it for a second. If it was still here –' he pointed to the floor '– would I be coming down here, to your level –' he bent in close and she shuddered '– LOOKING FOR IT?'

'Well, I...'

Why am I even talking to you? You're not the Princess.' He sniffed her out with his antenna and she squirmed nervously. Just another filthy mammal.

'I-It was my job to take over watching the orb Xeno...' said Princess Starlight, holding Maya behind her back with Luna.

'Oh, I see, under new management!' He glared down at Ivy, Atta, and Starlight. 'So it's both your fault.'

 "No, well not Atta's, just..." Xeno cut across her.

First rule of leadership: everything is your fault!' Ivy tried to cut across him, but he forced here to sit down on the chair. Hopper placed one of his feet next to her.

'It's a big and dangerous world out there, spluffette; one of those circle-of-life kind of things... Now, let me tell you how things are supposed to work.' He paused briefly for effect, than continued.

'The sun grows the food, the mortals stay in line, the godlike beings control the mortals, and the mortals remain mortal."

'But Hey, I'm a compassionate guy! There's still a few weeks till the coronation comes, so you can all just find my orb.'

'But Xeno,' began the Alicorn, 'since it's almost the Star Lantern Festival, we need this time for ourselves to make sure everything is ready for the festival.'

'Listen!' Hopper marched forward. 'If you don't keep your end of the bargain, then I can't guarantee your safety; and there are people out there that will take advantage of you.' He came to a stop. 'SOMEONE... could get hurt.' He clicked two of his fingers.

Suddenly from somewhere, we all heard yelling, thumping. Two X-Nauts emerged into view, holding back a brutal, monster-like dragon by a collar.

Spluff Maya tried to run for it, but Xeno plucked her up from the ground.

What's the matter?' He started to walk towards the brutal dragon. 'You scared of dragons?' he said in a sarcastic voice.

Xeno was approaching the brutal dragon.

'You don't like Thumper?' Maya was whimpering worse than ever. Knowing what had to be done, Ivy made way through the crowd, and just as Xeno was about to reach Thumper, Ivy shouted out "Wait!'

Xeno slowly turned to face me. Nobody moved. Ivy already wished she hadn't spoken out. "What was that?" Xeno said with an intimidating look on his face.

"Maybe...the festival...can wait." Ivy responded.

"Really? Good answer." Xeno said. Ivy slowly retreated back into the crowd. Xeno looked up again. 'It seems to me '– he dropped Maya who ran back to her mothers–' that you ants are finally being useful for once.' He turned around. "But, just in case, let's cancel (he snapped one of his claws) this little festival of yours. Too much of a distraction for you.' The whole crowd, I included, gasped. Xeno walked over to Dooply and Dooplyn.

'What, no, no, but...' said Starlight.

'We'll be back at the end of the week–' he plucked a flower and decays it'– so don't disappoint me again.' He dropped the dead flower and it slowly fell to the ground in front of Starlight. She watched it nervously and then glanced upwards at the island tree, which we could see through the hole near Xeno.

Xeno stepped back into his airship. His eyes glow yellow. 'You all have a nice summer,' he said quietly. 'Let's ride!'

His minions head back to the ship, and Aikon spots Alina and Videl and decides to scare and tease them. "Hey there, Alina. How's your ankle? Feeling better? It'd be ashame if someone broke the other one." Aikon said with an evil grin making Alina flinch with Videl beside her comforting her. "Later, loser." Aikon said as he chuckles and heads back to the ship. Last to go was Dooply and Dooplyn. They chuckled and then flew head-first into the doorway. Shaking the pain off them, they flew through the entrance.

When the sound of airship had faded away as it disappeared, everyone is left saddened as all their hard work was turned down by Xeno and his cruel decision.

"Does this mean the festival isn't coming?" Spluff Maya said sadly.

"Apparently so." Spluff Ivy said in depression.

Meanwhile, in Sandgem Town, Dawn and May are prepping her Pokémon for some Contest training for the festival, but Dawn's Piplup is dozing off. Dawn wakes him up and berates him for slacking off lately. The frustrated Piplup runs off into a nearby forest. Dawn and May chase after him, but suddenly stops in surprise when they see someone who looks exactly like Dawn grabbing Piplup and walking through a strange portal.

They try to catch the person's attention, but before Dawn's doppelgänger can do more than turn around, the portal shrinks away and vanishes. Alarmed, Dawn and May immediately makes a phonecall to Starlight and informs her of what's happened.