
Going home

"Once again, thank you for choosing "XXX". The plane will be boarding anytime soon, please remain in your seat. Thank you."

Ling Yueliang prepared herself from boarding the plane. Soon she found a comfortable position in her seat and waited for the following instructions.

She looked at the magazine that she's holding until she spotted the sparkling diamond ring in her hand. She smiled when she remembered how all of this happened.

It was when she was living in New York. Zhao Min, who also was in a rush, bumped into her. That time she fell in love at him because of his good looks and his gentle way of helping her stand. And soon she was introduced to him by an old man that she saved drowning in the river.

"I have a grandson. Please marry him."

She was taken aback by that old man that time. It was a thanking gift according to him.

She was happy that it was the Zhao Min, whom she bumped that time, the granson of that old man. So she happily agreed.

Soon they dated until that man, Zhao Min proposed.

And now it has been exactly six months since Zhao Min retured to China, and now it's her turn.

The cold air of China covered her like bare skin like a blanket. Indeed, your mother land cannot be compared. It made you feel safe.

"Where to, miss?", the taxi driver asked her

" Anywhere sir, I'll pay."

It was almost five years now since the last time she step foot in this country. And if it wasn't for her father forcing her to return, then she wouldn't.

This place has a lot of bad memories for her. It has been exactly eight years when her mother died and almost 6 years when her father remarried. It hurts her so much when her father brought a woman that time that she decided to stay in New York.

"Ah there, stop there."

She saw the ice cream shop where her mom ofter brought her.

"That would be forty RMB, miss."

She gave the driver a full 100 RMB and got off.

"Here's your change miss."

She smiled at the driver. "Keep it sir"

The driver was taken by surprise but kept it and smiled, giving his thanks.

She walked inside the ice cream shop. The happy moments are still clear. She remembered how she's always clumsy and mess her face with ice cream and how her mother patiently wiped it for her.

These are one of the happiest moments of her life, when she was still innocent and free from worry. But sadly also one of that she can never turn back.

"Two order of that strawberry flavored ice cream please."

She pointed. It was her favorite flavor, same for her mom.

She went outside carrying the bag where her ordered ice cream is.

She saw a little kid crying in a bench.

She didn't know what to do.

"Here you can have it."

She gave the little kid her share.

The kid is hesitating whether to accept it or not especially when his mother taught him not to accept anything from a stanger, but soon he accepted it.

The child smiled and said," Thank you beautiful sister." The kid's expression immediately change into a happy one.

She smiled. No she's not beautiful, she already know it by heart.

People judge by the outside appearance and forgot to look at the inside.

Beautiful? No she's not.

"Lu Han!"

Lu Han, the kid, flinch.

A black haired man with a bushy eyebrows appeared and shouted at the boy.

"How many times do I have to tell you not to go anywhere."

Lu Han looks at his brother with a teary eyes.

"Big brother, don't be angry. I'm just playing and ..."

'Got lost' Yueliang wanted to add.

The big brother can't help but to sigh.

"Why do you have that?"

"Big sister gave it to me"

Lu Han happily said.

Lu Han's big brother finally noticed Yueliang .

"I'm sorry about my brother. It looks like he caused you trouble."

"It's fine. He's just a kid."

Lu Han's big brother has a troubled face.

"We need to go now. Lu Han let's go."

Lu Han looked at her and said," Big sister let's meet again okay?"

Yueliang didn't know what to do and just nodded.

"Pinky promise?"

"Pinky promise"

Soon Yueliang decided to go in a different way after promising that kid. The kid happily waved at her while holding his brother's hand.

She continues to walk a few blocks until she reached the cemetery where her mother was burried. It was a private one where only her and her family can visit.

The place itself can be called a masterpiece. Her father hired an architecture and structural to keep this place as perfect and can withstand time as it was now.

They created a gorgeous formed lake to perfectly blend with the nature showing the serenity of the place together with the wildlife.

Two sculptures holding a trumpet that is plated with 24-carat gold faced each other as if guarding and singing in the area where her mother lie.

The casket that is made entirely with 24-carat gold with a soft white velvet body is deeply hidden and was planted with the different kinds of flowers above it creating a beautiful combination of the place.

The image of her mother is painted on a stone head together with the flowers.

"May this serve as a symbol of great love of a husband to his beloved wife"

She reads the words written on it with a disgust look.

It was not a great love of a husband, for if it's a great love then there won't be another woman in his arms now.

"Mom are you watching over me? It gets a little lonely here without you."

She put the strawberry flavored ice cream that she bought on the ground.

"Look I've brought your favorite flavored ice cream.

Are you still angry with me? I've left for almost 5 years and haven't visited you since then."

Yueliang gave a deep,long sigh.

"I'm engaged now. " She looked at her ring."I didn't tell them."

"Mom? Why is it comfortable talking to you? Dad didn't know everything about me..."

She keeps on babbling everything that happens to her until the sunset is visible,reflecting the warm yellow color in the lake.

"I need to go now. See you again next time mom."

She patted her skirt and stood.

Finally she's home.