
Enemy's Reinforcement (Bonus)

The alien was having a hard time against Nathan when it was supposed to be the other way around.

The alien's skin gradually changed in a way that made it hard for Nathan to see him even though he was in front of him.

However, Nathan was accelerating at three times the speed. He could see and process what the alien was trying to do, allowing him to avoid the alien's punch, followed by a few tentacles.

Nathan punched the alien's face with the Dragon Fist, slamming his head and body to the ground.

The alien tried to use the tentacles to surround Nathan, but both the alien and Nathan noticed Fenrir leaping into the air.

Nathan hurriedly jumped to the side.

The alien attacked Fenrir with the sharp blades on his tentacles, but Fenrir ignored them as none of them could pierce his tough skin. Even if they could, they would be shallow. He had to do it several times to hurt Fenrir.

Hence, the alien switched his attack into his fist.