
Summoner of Dinosaurs in DxD

Dinosaurs are incredible creatures that Vander always wanted to see. Even in college he always loved them so his hobby became a big part of who he was. One day when he was playing the mobile game Jurrasic World The Game he was hit by a truck. Instead of dying, some weird stuff happened.

God_Of_Wolves · Anime und Comics
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55 Chs

First Devil Pact.

Vander sat on his bed in a lotus pose as he entered into the soul scape of the Rajestega. The moment he appeared he found that he was already in his Dragonoid form and that the hybrid was looking at him with fear in its eyes.

He crossed his scaled arms as he looked at the shivering creature.

"Am I really that scary?"

He saw it lay down with its belly exposed as he had kept all Infernity to his loyal pets. He walked up to the scared creature and patted it on its face.

"Don't worry about it."

He felt the connection solidify and he was given a nice surprise. The Rajestega was a space user so once he felt the connection form he released the seals he had on his unique energies. The Rajestega began to glow blood red and grow larger and bulkier as the influx of Infernity, Dragon Aura rushed toward it.

As for Vander, he felt his soul stabilize and gain the affinity for Space Magic causing his eyes to glow bright silver.

'How about you just accept? It will be for the best you know?'

He used his aura as a tasty lure for the Pritrodon and the Monostegosaurous which accepted right away. The offer of Infernity, Dragon Aura, and Vander's energy was too good to pass up.

The moment they accepted, Vander felt his soul grow in power once again as he gained new abilities. The Pritrodon was a Light Magic user which he used along with Lightning to form light-speed lightning attacks.

As for the Monostegosaurous, it was a Time Magic user which made it the opposite of the Rajestega. At the same time, the 9 familiars that had accepted him began to gain power rapidly. Persephone had set up his soul contracts in a magic array to give him access to as many powers as she could fit into his soul.

The array was nearing completion, but there was still one stubborn fool who refused to submit. The Chromospinnus was even more prideful and unstable than Daisy which was saying a lot.

Vander sighed as he hoped he could just get it to give up.

"Fine, play that way."

When he appeared in the soul space of that particular hybrid he noticed that the entire sky was full of Plasma rampaging around. As for the Chromospinus, it was about as large as Daisy and it was looking right at him. It did not submit and it did not falter as he could see Plasma erupting from his body in waves.

The Duskborne gauntlets and Dawnbreaker appeared in Vander's hands as he was done playing nice. Daisy, Maximus, Ripper, and Terror appeared behind him facing down the Chromospius.

"I wonder why you are so stubborn."

His answer was severely plasma strikes falling down the sail of the hybrid as it charged forward.

"Fine, play like that."

Vander flew into the sky and done down driving the blunt side of his halberd down into the skull of the hybrid. The impact and explosion shot the hybrid to the ground out cold. He shook his head as he looked at the knocked-out hybrid.

'I am a softy when it comes to my pets.'

He sat down and patted the hybrid on its sunken head as Infernity began to heal the wound. As he had won the Soul Contract was finalized which completed the Soul Array in his soul. Now that he did not have to hold back on his energies he felt the array in his soul share all the energy Vander had with his familiars and Vice Versa.

This meant that as long as even one of his familiars had the energy to spare, Vander would not run out. Vander opened his eyes which were glowing with multiple colors before settling down to their natural green.

He exhaled as he felt that even his body had changed. It had gotten stronger from the influx of energy he was feeling. Ripper and Toxin both crawled up to him as they rested their heads next to him.

Seeing too giant predators like that was not cute, but to Vander it could not be more adorable. He petted both of them with a big smile as he began to think of a spell that used familiars.

'Resonance, it should be possible to fuse me with my familiars to increase our power. I will have to experiment with the one that is closest to me.'

Out of all of them, the one he spent the most time with was Ripper. The raptor could feel his intentions and accepted with a nod.

"Not right now, it might take some time or I can ask La Folia if a spell exists like that already. What to do? I don't need to sleep, I tamed all my familiars, now I just need names."

The Rajastega, Monostegoceratops, and the Chromospinus were male leaving only the Pritrodon as female. Out of Vander's 10 familiars, 7 were male and 3 were female. He just had to think up names for them which was pretty much the only thing he had to do right now.

He got up from the bed and motioned with his head for his two familiars to follow him.

"Come on, we don't need sleep so let's get to work."

Ripper and Toxin got up from the comfy bed and followed right behind him as he exited his room. He called Grayfia as he needed to ask something and she was the best person to ask.

She answered his call as soon as she heard him call as it could be important.

"Vander, what do you need?"

"I think I am ready to try to take my first Devil pact. I want to get to the High Class so I can get out of school."

"Alright, I will teleport you something for that. Try to take your first pact, but what will you take as payment?"

"Depends on what the asking for. Mone and things of value should suffice for certain requests, but big requests will take souls."

'Just like La Folia.'


A small magic circle appeared in front of him where a small black business card appeared in his hands. It was ID, but it was blank. He flipped it around and saw the symbol of the Gremory family on it.

"Just mark it with your blood and with this, you will be able to take contracts whenever you need."

He bit his finger and dropped a single drop of his dark red blood which was starting to look quite dark. The moment it fell on the card hi Demonic Mana, Infernity, and Dragon Aura surged in the card letting Vander feel a connection to it.

A perfect image of his face appeared on the ID and a brief explanation about himself. He looked at the image with a smile.

"Thanks, Grayfia."

"You're welcome."

He hung up as he focused on the ID and felt someone request a Devil contract. He looked at Ripper and Toxin and shrugged.

"Let's go I guess."

He opened a teleport circle under their feet and in a flash, he appeared in the middle of a park. He saw a young Japanese boy playing in the sand with a toy dinosaur. He could not have been older than 10 and he was holding a flyer in his hands.

Vander, Ripper, and Toxin looked down at the boy who fell on his ass in fear. Tears were wheeling up in his eyes making Vander cough.

"I am Vander, no last name. I am here to answer your summons, what do you want kid?"

The boy stopped himself from crying as he made his request.

"My dog ran away."

Vander's face changed as he now felt bad.

"Got a picture or something with his scent on it?"

The little boy nodded as he got a collar from his pocket.

"Yes, please help me find him."


Vander took the collar and held it to Ripper and Toxin. They both began to sniff the thing to find a trace of the dog which they found. They could smell something for miles and the dog was not even that far away.

"Ripper, go get it. Don't hurt the poor pup or no more of Naerdeath's cooking."

That scared the raptor enough for him to rush off into the shadows to do as he was told. Not one scratch would appear on the dog so now it was just Toxin, Vander, and the little Japanese boy.

Vander looked at the kid who was looking at Toxin with shining eyes now that he knew his dog was ok.


The boy pointed at Toxin who was standing behind Vander.

"What is that?"

Vander reached up and scratched the chin of his pet.

"My familiar. He is not a pet though."

"COOL! Can I touch him?"

Vander held his hand out.

"That is a second request. What will you pay for getting your dog back?"

The kid reached into his pocket and pulled out a 10,000 Yen bill.


Vander sighed as he took the bill which was even 100 U.S Dollars. Just as he took the bill Ripper appeared from the shadows holding a terrified Chihuahua in his right hand. Vander took the dog and handed it to the kid.

"YUKI! You're ok."

"Take better care to not let your dog out. As for your second request you got anything else to pay with?"

Vander did not expect that as the kid probably stole that bill from his parents or something. The kid held up his toy which was that of a Trex.

"This is my favorite toy is that enough?"

Vander took the toy without a shred of pity. Even though the kid was just asking to pet his pets he wanted to rise in ranks quickly.

"Which one do you want to pet?

Riper and Toxin began to push each other forward as they did not want to be the ones to get touched. The kid pointed at Ripper with a smile.

"He saved my dog so him."

Toxin began to cackle which made Ripper growl in annoyance. Vander glanced at Ripper with squinted eyes. Ripper would do it for the food and the alcohol. Ripper walked forward and lowered his head to look the boy in the eyes.

He hoped his scary appearance would be enough to stop the boy, but nope. The kid began to run his hands on Ripper's scaly skin.

"So cool. Can I also get familiars and magic?"

Vander nodded.

"Of course, you just need to become a mage or something."

"How do I do that?"

Vander held his hand out asking for more payment which made the boy reach into his pocket to look for anything to pay with. He got a few pieces of change, a candy bar, and a marble.

Vander without hesitation took what he had and answered his question as well as he could. Of course, Ripper backed away as soon as the kid got done and was not cleaning himself.

"To start with, magic is everywhere. Everyone can learn to use it with time and effort, but everyone has different levels of talent. I will help you here as you are my first Devil pact."

Vander placed his hand on the kid's head and used his Demonic Mana to check his soul, magic pathways, and constitution. His soul was normal as he did not have sacred gear or anything. As for his magic pathways they were above average, but his body was also average.

"Your average so not bad. To begin with, a human would need to practice with magic equations to use magic, but you are in luck. I will let you feel what magic is like so you can do with it as you want."

Vander grabbed hold of mana in the air and began to send it through the boy's magic pathways. The feeling of mana finally flowing through them was an experience that made the boy feel like he just experienced enlightenment.

Vander stopped after as the boy was still just a kid. Too much was also bad.

"This is magic?"

Vander nodded.

"Yup, now you know what mana is like. To be honest you will have to experiment on your own to learn more about what to do with it. What you do now depends on you. Good luck."

"Thank you, mister."

"No problem, take care kid."

Vander teleported away with his two familiars leaving the boy and his dog alone. The boy stood up with a big smile.

"Come on Yuki, let's become just like mister Vander. I want cool familiars."

He ran off with his dog to go back home. Vander had just gotten his first fan, but he was going to his next caller. The sooner he got to leave school the better so he was going to take as many as he could. His ID informed him that this one was inside a tight space so he send his familiars to the soul space.

He appeared inside a girly room of a girl. He looked around and saw a teenage girl around his age holding a pamphlet to call a Devil.

"I am Vander, no last name. What is it you want?"

She cleared her voice and asked for something that made him tilt his head.

"I want bigger boobs."

He looked at her chest which was super flat.

"Oh, well I can probably figure something out."

"Wait, you're not positive?"

He shrugged.

"You are my second customer. I have never done this before so if I leave you mutilated I am sorry."


Vander pointed his hand at her chest and used his Demonic Mana to scan her breast and body. She began to feel burning pain in her chest that made her want to scream, but he stopped her from screaming with some magic.

Vander figured it out after a few minutes of picking and prodding which were not pleasant for the girl. By the end of the process, her flat chest was now a decent C cup. She was drenched in sweat looking at her chest.

"There, you have boobs now. What will you pay with?"

She backed away from Vander as she threw her purse at him.

"Take it, just leave."

He reached into the purse and pulled out 65,000 Yen in bills which were around 500 dollars.

"Pleasure doing business with you."

He left to his next customer leaving her to cry on her bed.

'Not worth it.'

She learned that maybe, bigger boobs are not worth getting a Devil to change you with painful magic. As for Vander, he was just doing as he was asked after all. He went on to the next person pleased with himself.

The next one was going to be weird to say the least.