
Summoner in a different multiverse.

A different multiverse story, probably nothing you guys haven't seen before though.

Diobutstronger · Anime und Comics
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"William tell me what the FUCK did you do?" questioned a distinctly feminine voice blaring out a small flip phone close to a young man's ears being held up by his hand. The young man however didn't seem to be listening as he dropped the phone and was looking at another person below him. "H..e.lp me." a bloodied figure gurgled out. The young man started laughing. "Why the hell would anyone help you?, I mean you are one of the biggest assholes I have ever come across and that's saying something!, I mean,you killed an entire family just because a kid split some water on you, and buddy I'm quite sure that doesn't even come close to the worst thing you've done." The young man said this with a large smile on his face. The young man then picked up a walking cane that had red bloodstains on it. Then the young man pulled a hankerchief out of his pocket and started cleaning the cane before picking up the phone that had dropped to the wooden floor which had blood on it. "This is William Taylor speaking how may I be of service?" The young man stood up revealing that he was wearing a black suit and a top hat that covered his gray hair. "Don't bullshit me William the only way you can "be of service" is messing stuff the fuck up!"

"Come on now, that was rude I consider myself an exceptional thief as well." The young man said cockily before wiping the blood splatters off his suit.

"Great, now get the hell outta there before the family shows up." The woman said in a worried? voice.

"What do you take me for, an amateur? I'll be back by the hour, order some orange chicken for me will ya?" The young man closed the phone before crushing it and starting to walk out the nearest door leaving the now dead man behind. The young man started humming to himself before hopping into a car and turning on the engine. He drove away but suddenly there was an audible ticking sound.

*tic tic tic tic*

"What is that noise?"

He looked around a little bit before opening the glove box.

"Well, I'm fucked." the young man closed his amber eyes in acceptance.

Inside was a bomb.


On that day, William Taylor the greatest thief in the world, Who not only stole the recipe for KFC's chicken, ate the Mona Lisa, and stole 1 billion dollars worth of gold from an excavation site in Egypt, died abruptly.

...................??? (William's pov).........

I opened my eyes. I wasn't dead? How the hell did I survive a bomb? Heh I guess I have another great achievement to add to the ever growing list.

I stood up to find myself in a large white room with nothing but a table with two chairs on each side. I sat down and I waited. I guess this would be a good time as any to think about who planted the bomb in my car. Couldn't have been her as she was way too trusting. Him? No, too much of an idiot. AH! must have been the boss then, we never got along much anyway. Still feels pretty shitty that she'd fuck me over like that. Whatever no such thing as an honorable criminal I guess. But professionals do have standards. Which brings me back to the reason I killed that guy. He was the leader of a mafia that did some fucked up shit. Murder, torture, selling drugs ect. The worst part is that they involved children. I don't know about some people but thats where the line is crossed. Still, I guess that they weren't really professionals. Well either way this shit is boring can't reflect on the past forever. I look around the room searching for some form of a way out. Just because I never get caught doesn't mean that I don't know how to escape. Suddenly someone appears in the chair in front of me. I can't really make out what he looks like unfortunately.

"Hello young mortal my name is George Ovactavis Dio, but you can call me god and I have an offer for you." The "God" said an a formal voice.

He seems like a pushover if I am being honest. Time to do some trolling.

"Hello my good sir, what is it that you would like me to do?" I said mimicking a butler I knew.

"Oh? Straight to the point then, well then William Taylor, I need you to steal something for me." The "God" answered my question with haste.

"I see, well then sir you have the perfect man for the job, however we must talk about payment." I said with a business smile.

"I will let you use the item once before returning it to me how does that sound?" the "God" Said with a smile? like it was the best deal in the world.

"Of course! It is a deal befitting of a humble thief like me." I said while trying to hide the slight twitches my face had. How the hell would I use it when I don't know what "it" is in the first place?

"Great! Now I will give you a system to help you with the mission! It will also do all the explaining. Have fun!" The god smiled before vanishing. Man I hate sucking up to strong people, but hey I remember the code I made before becoming a criminal.

Lie, cheat, steal, and survive.

From our conversation and me monitoring his tone, I can conclude he is not a pushover and in fact someone like me, who has already died once cannot afford to piss off. I came to the conclusion I died the moment he first spoke. Now for this whole mission thing stealing something for him? What a load of crap everything I steal is for myself. Alas it would be funny to see the look on this "god's" face.

Time to figure out this whole system thing so I can start planning.

[Welcome host! This is the summoning system. Here to help you in your journey through the tower!]


new shiz

Hippitty hoppitty get this bomb out of my property.

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