
Summertime Loving

The Main Character of The Popular Game Summertime Saga, wakes up after dreaming of the game . Watch as he uses this Information to his advantage.

deadpotential · Anime und Comics
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66 Chs

Chapter 24

[ Only one chap today. Busy cooking my Novel. You can try it out if you want. "Hero to God"]

Looking at Travis with eyes filled with contempt, she wondered if answering this question would make Travis irked or happy. Well, either way, she had a choice to make: to either answer or not. Right now, Eve felt like an average gambler, constantly telling herself that it could end well or badly, and the idea of a positive outcome was very tempting to her.

"Yes, I have, and it was you," she said meekly, her eyes staring down at the fountain as she waited for his response.

She then heard a chuckle. Looking up, she saw Travis holding himself back from laughing. Eve pouted and turned away in anger.

"I'm being honest, okay? You might not know this, but you're good fap fuel," she said.

"Well, that's something I never expected to hear in my life. It's your turn now," he answered without hesitation.

Eve smirked and said" Okay , do you plan on getting married in the future? If you do, who would it be with "

"That's pretty easy, you of course " He answers without hesitation. Technically speaking, he was going to marry many girls, including her. So he wasn't lying.

Eve smiled, then looked away as she said, "Well, only if I agree to that, of course."

"Oh, so you don't agree?" he asked.

She hurriedly shook her head in panic. "No, it's not like that. I'm happy, but I'm also shocked that you'd want to marry me," she said.

"Why is that? I mean, you're beautiful, last I checked, which is like right now. You're probably every guy's dream girl, including mine, so why wouldn't I want to marry you?" he said.

Eve's face turned red in that very second. All the things Travis said filled her head, and she couldn't think straight. She stared at him the whole time as she processed everything.

"Wow, that's really nice of you to say. I never thought I'd ever hear someone say that to me. Thanks, Travis," she said wholeheartedly.

"No problem, now it's my turn, muhahah. Are you a virgin? If not, who or what broke it?" he smirked as he said.

Eve looked away hurriedly in embarrassment. The question Travis asked was somehow too accurate.

'How does he know that I used to pleasure myself with household appliances? Then again, I only put them up my ass, so I'm still a virgin. So this question is undeniably easy.'

"Yes, I am a virgin. Answer this for me: are you still a virgin? If not, who took it?"

"I am a virgin as well. Alright, let's move on to another question. Something deep and dark, I suppose," he said.

While they were doing this, Grace and Odette walked out of the tattoo shop and closed it. As they were about to enter the garage, they saw Eve sitting by the fountain. They knew well that she would often come here at night to get some fresh air, but they were shocked to see that she wasn't alone this time.

"Hmm, who's that hunk of meat? I'd like to taste some of him," Odette said as she stared at Travis lustfully. Grace gave her a short glare, which made Odette laugh.

"What, are you jealous?" she teased.

"No, I'm not. Let's just go inside. I don't want us to disturb them. Also, Odette, don't try to get in with that guy, okay?" Grace said.

"Come on, you know I have a preference when it comes to men. Now let's go cuddle. I've been missing your warmth these days," she said. Grace just gave her a questioning glance then left her standing there.

The two continued to ask each other more questions. None of them were too embarrassing or difficult to answer, so they didn't have to dare each other. As time flew by, Travis decided that he should leave. He got up, stretched his limbs, and said, "Let me drop you off at your place." Eve nodded, he took her bag for her, and they began to walk out of the park. They crossed the street and stood by the garage.

"Well, thanks for spending time with me, Travis. I really loved every second of it," she said with a smile. He passed her bag to her and then said, "Yeah, same here. Well, I gotta go now. Peace, Eve." Travis patted her head, then turned around and began to run. Before she knew it, Travis had disappeared from sight.

'I hope he comes as fast as he runs,' she thought.

Travis arrived home after a few seconds. Opening the door, he heard the sound of talking in the living room. So Travis went to check and saw Debbie and Yumi sitting together, engaged in conversation. Another thing he noticed was that both of them were wearing sexy night dresses.

"Oh, Travis, you're back. Yumi, this is the boy I've been speaking about for the past hour. My handsome young man, Travis," Debbie said.

It was clear to say that Debbie might have had a little too much to drink that night. Yumi smiled at Travis and walked up to him. She hugged him tightly, pressing her perky breasts against his body.

"Wow, you have such a tough body. Do you mind taking your shirt off?" she said.

Travis took his shirt off, revealing his body. Both women blushed at the sight. Debbie hurriedly walked over to them and poked his pec.

"Travis, when did you start exercising? You look so good," she said as she stared at him with eyes filled with shock and interest.

"A year ago," he answered. He was honestly tempted to say, "About a week ago."

"Dzamn, this boy is so hot. Debbie, you wouldn't mind if I got a bite of him, would you?" Yumi said.

Debbie shook her head and pulled Travis closer. She jumped, making Travis hold her up by her ass, which felt marvelous.

"No, this is my baby boy. No one else is allowed to have him," she said while staring deep into his eyes, which only made her more attracted to him.

"We'll see about that, Travis. I'll be watching you," Yumi said as she brushed against his back gently. He shivered slightly from the sudden contact. She wrote something on his back, which he translated to be: "Fuck me hard."

'Damn, these women are freaky,' he thought.