

Take one crazy quirky girl and a whole bunch of funny dorky queens (and nerds), Mix with a drop of fashion and... Garnish with a jar full of trouble = DISASTER!!!!! All it takes to homecoming is a committee of weirdly crazy ambitious fashion queens(and nerd) a glorious matchmake made from heaven, a totally gorge jock and one mean witch. When the event planning committee made of sworn besties, cool Dawn, Silly Shayna, Dorky Clarissa, Nerdy June and creative quirky team leader, Summer gets the big break to organize homecoming for the very first time... and for pay... everything's all colors and rainbows. what could possibly go wrong? EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Summer diaries is a central upbeat Teen/YA fiction novel told from the funny hilarious perspective of high school dork, Summer Scotts and her tales of wild crazy adventures with her wild adventurous friends, Shayna, Charlize, June and dawn. together, they make up the EPC, an event planning committee. things are all colors and rainbows and star dust when they land the hit deal of organizing homecoming. however, with problems like June's crush madness on the roll, a witch in Gabbana and Gucci heels and a cutie in blonde and leather jackets, will homecoming be their best night of all, or would it all go down the drain?

chelseaede69 · Teen
Zu wenig Bewertungen
29 Chs


After school, we met at the school band room for a quick and secret EPC 

meeting and throughout the whole time, Shayna and I were still NOT 

talking to each other. And one more disturbing fact was that I'd seen 

Cathy peeping in at us during gym class. I wasn't in doubt anymore. Cathy 

DEFINITELY had something up her sleeves. Dawn's serious voice drew me 

back to the present.

"Summer what's wrong?"

" Yeah you've been pretty distracted lately" Carlizza added worriedly. I 

shook my head to clear my thoughts.

" Nah. I've just been thinking up a theme for Homecoming night" June 

placed a hand on my shoulder.

" We're your friends Summer. You can tell us if there's anything bothering 


" No June I'm fine. Ok. Just fine" They gave me worried glances and Dawn 


" Alright then we'll leave it at that. You were saying something about red 

disco lights, right Shay?" They leapt right back into the conversation and 

disturbingly, all through the day, June kept staring at me with that 

curious look she gets when she discovers an object of mystery or 

investigation. She wants to be a top-notch reporter and is always looking 

for who to practice her skills on. Hopefully, not me. Cause I'd totally DIE 

than let June find out that:

• Shayna and I are having problems over Diego

• I REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY like Diego Sanchez and REALLY, 

REALLY, REALLY, REALLY hope that he likes me too 

• And that I have a terrible hunch that Cathy's up to something.

• And that P.S, I totally KISSED Cameron! I'd SO crawl under a rock and 

just... DIE!!

When we finished up and walked home later on, we talked about boys and 

classes and then Diego Sanchez and believe me, THAT was a topic I'd have

liked to avoid. Dawn, Shayna and Carlizza kept chortling on how cute the 

new boy was while June's who's SOOO immune to CCP guys and I were 

happy campers. I was so relieved that my cruddy day was over when 

another started right up the next day. While June and I talked about 

Calculus- Or rather while June was teaching me calculus on our way to 

brunch- not that I was in the least bit interested. No one said you needed 

Calculus to calculate what type of mascara would go with an evening wearShayna, Dawn and Carlizza ran up to us, looking flustered and excited. I 

stared at all three of them, confused by the excitement.

" What's the rush guys? Did you see a cute angel on the hallways with a 

parcel that says ' to Summer my sweetheart?'" June gave me a you'

redefinitely-nuts-girl- glare but that didn't seem to ruffle my hyper-

ventilating friends who looked like they were gonna start throwing up 

rainbows…glitter… and confetti?

" I've got something to tell you!" They all shrieked all at once. Shayna 

looked at Dawn and Dawn at Carlizza and Carlizza at Dawn and it literally 

seemed to go on for like FOREVER! It looked like they'd run all the way 

here without even knowing they'd ran together. 

" Ok… Since you three have something to say, why don't you start first 

Carlizza?" June said " Do you have any brainy new ideas on homecoming?"

" Of course not!" Carlizza screamed as though having any brainy idea at all 

would equal massive brain damage and a long-lasting effect of brainy-ideao-mania " I've got and even better news! It's about Diego"

" What?" I asked, hoping that Diego had only talked to her during class. 

Don't ask me if I was disappointed or not. 

" He ACTUALLY asked me for my cell number!" She squealed, pretending 

to go weak in the knees "Can you believe that?" Dawn and Shayna stared at

her, obviously NOT believing it.

" Uhm, excuse me but, what do you mean?" Dawn said " That's the exact 

same thing he said to me. He even left me a letter on my locker that said 

he was attracted to me!"

" You guys've got to be kidding me!" Shayna screeched " I met him first 

and he knows me better than any of you. He's definitely going out with me 

and for goodness sake, who in the whole freaking wide world STILL writes 

letters? "

" He wrote me one too !" Carlizza chirped in. We turned to stare at her. 

Uh-oh! I could see a problem brewing but worst of all, I could smell a fish. 

That's right! A big stinky smelly fish!!

" In your dreams girl, forget him cause he's mine and mine alone" Shayna 

added, putting her hands around her hips. Dawn sneered.

" Yeah right!" She scoffed " I'm sure it's because you want to steal his 

energy bars again" Shayna glared at her.

" That's not true and you know it! I like him and he likes me too."

" In your dreams! There's no way he's going out with the two of you!!"

Carlizza snorted, prancing around " He's totally going out with me because 

he met me first"

" Ok guys calm down…" I began like the reasonable leader that I amsometimes- but they were obviously hard at their throats to listen to me.

" No you didn't!" Dawn screeched " I did!!"

" Come on guys don't argue about a boy…" June began. They ignored her 

even worse than me.

" Come on guys!" Shayna said in a half wail " I met him first."

" Oh well then poor Shay, maybe it was just a dream" Dawn said in her 

fake sympathethic voice, placing a hand on Shayna's shoulder " You couldn't

possibly have met someone as wonderful as Diego in your dreams though" I

gasped and so did June " You know how good you are at dreaming, conjuring

up those images and visions that aren't real? Well, this might just be one 

of them. Maybe when you were eating an energy bar" Shayna flushed red 

in anger and then the BFF-o-pocalyse began with Shayna arguing how she 

met him first and Dawn and Carlizza arguing on who was perfect for youknow-who. June was literally giggling herself red while I glared at her.

" What's so funny"

" Shayna's got some spaghetti hanging down her forehead I mean like isn't 

that so hilarious?!!!" I just rolled my eyes at that girl. How blind could she 


" Our friends are literally flinging their bags at each other… which is what


re actually doing and all you can do is ogle at Shayna's spaghetti 


" It's pretty hilarious if you ask me. And ogling's the wrong context. I'm 

'laughing' or 'staring' at the spaghetti on her head" I MASSIVELY rolled 

my eyes at her.

" Yeah June I was being sarcastic? Ever see that one before?" she 

frowned and looked away. I love June, no doubt about that but sometimes 

she could be annoyingly overboard over some things.

 We lunged into the fight and pulled them off each other's throats…

Literally. Everyone was watching us. OMG I was SO embarrassed, I 

wanted to buy a ticket to Detroit, settle in a small town and live under a 

phony name like… Miss Fluttleweed with cats and dogs and NO FRIENDS!. 

We dragged them to the loos and stopped for a brief girly heart-to-heart.

" Come on girls! Calm down. You don't have to fret over a boy…"

" Who's not fretting over you" June completed with her usually bored 

expression. I eyed her.

" Not helping June" She held her palms out.

" Not trying" I ignored her and went on absentmindedly cause I said a 

pretty lame thing later on " Don't you think you guys are just being silly 

fighting over a boy who's a perfect match for me… Oh I mean… For all of 

you…" June shook her head in pity.

" Yeah for you all but maybe you should just sit back and let the magic 

happen…Huh? Ha ha ha ha! " I stared back at the cold faces staring back 

at me. And they weren't laughing with me. I cleared my throat awkwardly. 

" Ok guys. What I'm trying to say is that you should let fate take it's 


" Yeah right" Dawn scoffed " We know you and your scheming brain 

Summer. You might actually be fantasizing about him right now"

" And what's so wrong with that? A girl can have dreams"

" Hey nobody dreams about my boyfriend!" Shayna hollered on top of her 


" Says who?" Dawn and Carlizza hollered in return and they began to argue.

June and I glanced at each other and shook our heads.

" No guys, you're taking this the wrong way. What I'm saying is that if you 

three are sure that Diego Sanchez asked you out, then I think you should 

meet him and talk to him about it…"

" No thanks relationship expert!" Dawn sneered " These two are 

OBVIOUSLY lying and you are trying to make me humiliate myself in front

of him and probably make him leave me and run after you!"

" What?" I screamed. Ok, now that she actually mentioned it, that actually

sounds like a good idea but I would NEVER DREAM of doing that to my 

friends. Never! 

" You can't make such assumptions about me. How can you even think such a

thing? Goodness Dawn you're sooooo absurd!" Well that ticked her off and 

we began to argue loudly in the restroom. We only noticed how far we'd 

gone when cathy walker sashayed out of a bathroom stall ( Like seriously 

why's she EVERYWHERE lately?) Cause June who was obviously oblivious 

to our plight was slumped against a wall, reading a VERY boring book on 

Calculus that made me want to gag all over Dawn. Cathy pranced up to the 

looking mirrors and whipped her lip gloss out, slobbering like a hundred 

layers of it and giving us evil eyes. Then she smiled. 

"Oh my! Did I just smell rotten LOSER pork?" She whipped out her 

perfume and whizzed it around till we were half choking from the terrible 

smell of roses. And June was STILL reading! " Oh yeah I think I've gotten 

rid of the stench. You can come out now jenny and jess! We'll be safe from

loser-rin-gin-tis soon" Jessica and Jenny, her two idiotic gum addicted 

sidekicks danced out, looking around dramatically. 

" Are you sure? I was going to call 911" Jenny piped, rolling her hair around

her finger. I just ROLLED my eyes at those girls.

" Na. We're safe now. Coast's clear!" She gave us a silly smirk, gave the 

room a last choking spray aimed at my face and pranced out of the door. 

Dawn, Shayna and Carlizza eyed each other and stomped off, leaving June 

and I in a stump. June finally shut her book close and gave me that lazily 

silly smile of hers.

" So, what did I miss?" I eyed her and tapped my pen against my book 


" If the world closes up in a cheese sandwich, you'd still think you're in Bio 

class which is so eww June. We just survived a multi-friend avanlanche 

AND an end of the world triple witch attack and all you can do is smile and

ask silly questions?" June shrugged and sat down beside me.

" What's the problem anyway?"

" Well, how do I put this in a mild this-is-not-the-end-of-the-world-way of

course we have a problem!! Our friends have gone officially BOY CRAZY!! 

And we've got to fix it!!!" 

" How?" I rolled my eyes.

" We'll make a plan, obviously! Now stop acting lame and let's think" We 

rested against the stinky loo walls and tried to think though that's a 

pretty hard thing to do when the thinking aroma around is disinfectant 

stinking bathroom scents and a light stench of poop… And probably a Mrs 

Dower, the PE teacher who thinks it her duty to make everyone's life 

miserable one stinkin' kid at a time. She shooed us off to class after 

giving us detention for 'skipping' fourth period deliberately. June who's a 

miss goody-too-shoes was totally fretting over getting her very first 

detention that might ruin her stellar record. I just wanted to yell ' this is 

high school not pre-class you old hag!' And probably give her a good kick 

cause everyone hates fourth period. But thinking about it now, this might 

actually be a blessing in disguise cause I get to think up a plan AND miss 

fourth period. I mean how cool is that?

Hi guys! i really appreciate your dedication to my novel and P.S, I'm super grateful. sorry for the late update! Some electrical issues around my town and all.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Thanks lots! hope you're having fun with summer and her besties!! Live life LOL-ing!!

chelseaede69creators' thoughts