

Take one crazy quirky girl and a whole bunch of funny dorky queens (and nerds), Mix with a drop of fashion and... Garnish with a jar full of trouble = DISASTER!!!!! All it takes to homecoming is a committee of weirdly crazy ambitious fashion queens(and nerd) a glorious matchmake made from heaven, a totally gorge jock and one mean witch. When the event planning committee made of sworn besties, cool Dawn, Silly Shayna, Dorky Clarissa, Nerdy June and creative quirky team leader, Summer gets the big break to organize homecoming for the very first time... and for pay... everything's all colors and rainbows. what could possibly go wrong? EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Summer diaries is a central upbeat Teen/YA fiction novel told from the funny hilarious perspective of high school dork, Summer Scotts and her tales of wild crazy adventures with her wild adventurous friends, Shayna, Charlize, June and dawn. together, they make up the EPC, an event planning committee. things are all colors and rainbows and star dust when they land the hit deal of organizing homecoming. however, with problems like June's crush madness on the roll, a witch in Gabbana and Gucci heels and a cutie in blonde and leather jackets, will homecoming be their best night of all, or would it all go down the drain?

chelseaede69 · Teen
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29 Chs

Actually, I don't really know yet. Think up a chapter instead guys

The next day, I was all jazzed up and ready to ruin homecoming for Cathy with a short simple plan. Shayna, Carlizza and Dawn were going to sneak my outfit into school and through the principal's office window while I served detention. Dawn and Carlizza have this awesome distraction plan that they just won't tell me but they're certain that it will definitely get Principal Wilbur out of school. As soon as he leaves, I'll sneak out, grab Diego's phone somehow and send Cathy a fake message that'll lead her down to the school dumpster where Carlizza and Shayna would hide to lock Cathy in. All in all, it was fantastico! We met in the loos to finalize our plan while June glared at us from the stall next door. Though she was still totally being mad at us, I could tell that she missed hanging out. And we missed her too, terribly. Shayna'd even gotten a dummy doll with shoulder-length brown

hair and freckles and a book lodged in between her hands. We had a laughing fit over it and Dawn even made it talk like June in a loud bossy voice.

" I really miss June. A lot" I moaned. Shayna nodded and Dawn patted June- the-doll's head.

" So do I" Carlizza said rather loudly, glancing at the stall next door that'd grown quiet.

" If she were here, she'd be talking about universal benefit of human poo" I said, remembering her funky facts. Dawn stared at me, grossed out ( That, is totally a thing)

" Ok say what now?"

" Yeah she talked about the benefit of human poo during those Diego days"

" Where the hell did she get that? Book of yuck and eww much?" Shayna said, scrunching her little nose.

" You know, that's the exact question I asked and it was even klutzier than I'd expected. It's actually called the big book of poo facts"

" That's as yucky as wrapped moldy oatmeal in a gift wrap"

"And also, did you know that we indirectly consume human poo because nearly 40% of the food we eat is grown from it?" They groaned and made barf noises but I went on " And we're literally sitting right on earth's natural manure"

" Goodness Summer!" They screeched, jumping off the toilet seat. I laughed at their pale grossed out faces and patted June-the-doll. Dawn got over it and laughed along, patting June-the-doll too.

" Typical June. I miss her so much. Remember when she had to dress up as bogey-man on Halloween to scare everyone off and steal all the treats at a grad-school party?" I laughed at the memory.

" The kids mistook her for a piniata" We laughed.

" Boy June had marks. But she still got a bag of candy"

" I can literally see her screaming in the ER with a bag of jelly beans under her arm" We cracked up again and I could swear I heard June chortle.

" That bag's still in her room" Carlizza said " With one jelly bean still stuck inside..." The stall door next to ours banged open loudly as June shoved her way out, washed her face and glared at us.

" I'm having a party after school today and you're so NOT invited so don't even think of crashing in" She said, glowering. Her voice was croaky and cracked from crying and she looked even worse. She turned to leave but stopped dead in her tracks "And those weren't jelly beans. They were gummy bears" She sniffed and ran out like we were some Egyptian plague.

" She was listening" I muttered " She still cares. Come on guys we can't just let her go so easily"

" But she doesn't want to talk to us"

" She told us about her party. Isn't it obvious that she's hoping to see us there?"

" So we go?" Shayna asked.

" Don't see why we shouldn't" The bell went off and we hurried down to French. After spending an agonizing hour learning to conjugate verbs, I hurried down to the loos to fix my hair from all the attack I'd done to it during class. I was just about to start smoothing my hair with some cold running water when Cathy banged the stall door behind me shut and glared at me, looking mad. And I was so NOT in the mood to talk to her or endure her usual banter so I grabbed my phone and dialed June's to ward her off. As usual it went to voicemail and right before I could cut the call, Cathy smirked and scoffed, making me turn to face her. she stood by the mirror next to me, applying like five extra layers of ruby red lip-gloss on her raging red lips. I turned back to my hair and she scoffed even louder.

" I still can't understand why ugly people find themselves so drawn to mirrors "

" Well that makes two of us" I mumbled, staring at my reflection. Cathy glared at me and patted her hair.

" I know well enough that your loser friends think my beloved Diego Sanchez'd stoop so low as to triple date them. Well, all I've got to tell you losers is big fat chance!"

" Actually we know the truth now" I said. Cathy's eyes widened in what didn't look like fear but a pretty little smirk.

" Oh do we now? Why, I never thought you'd be so smart"

" Yeah it wasn't hard to figure out" I said, playing along " Who else could be so smart, so evil enough to pitch three friends against each other if not... Jenny" Cathy's face fell and I went on " I mean, she looks like a normal gum-addicted CCP on the outside. She couldn't possibly hurt anybody. That'd be her cover and no one would find out it was her sabotaging us all along" I grinned and nodded, impressed " Pretty smart ass if you asked me" I turned to Cathy who was literally glowing red in rage and went on " What do you think Cathy?"

" Jenny wouldn't be so smart. She's too boy-crazy to create such a master plan"

" And how would you know that Cathy?" " Cause, she's my friend you dummy"

" Ok... Ok!" I screamed and I could swear that she stared at me expectantly " I know who it is. Who else could it be but... Jess!"

" Goodness" Cathy muttered, exasperated.

" Yeah. She's almost a shadow of Jenny. Who'd ever suspect her..."

" Are you so stupid and even more dumb to believe that Jenny and Jess would be so smart to plot such a perfectly choreographed plan like me"

" So you did it" I gasped and she smirked at me, flouncing her hair back for some spray on tan.

" Yeah like you didn't know. no one can outbeat a genius like me" Though I had the feeling that it was Cathy all along, her admission shocked me. She flicked her hair forward and gave me that OMG-you-don't-know-how- stupid-you-look-right-now look.

" Don't blame me girl. Your friends are so TOTALLY lame, falling head over heels in love with a guy who's WAY out of their league. I just had to get them out of the way and what other way to do it than pitch them against each other" She chortled " Oh Summer you were soooo worried, so distraught and ready to do anything for your friends. Emo-much? Well, it was all rainbows when you were out to rat him out. Why not make him hate

both you and your dorky friends all at once without having to do anything at

all" She smiled and patted her rouged cheeks " And I also got to start up a scandal, thanks to you of course" I gasped.

" The pictures" She smiled. " Smart are we now?"

" How could you Cathy?"

" Are you deaf or just stupid? I want Diego. Not that I want him so much. He's just so popular and my guarantee to becoming homecoming queen. And I will get him I promise you. By hook or by crook and you and your silly friends are just pawns in my game of love..."

" Then why humiliate June? And my friends. Even your beloved Diego that you don't even like?" She shrugged and I went on " You ruined June's social life. She lost her boyfriend because all that and she's moving" She shrugged and laughed again.

" Why the hell should that bother me? In fact, I'm glad. At least it sets the loser population down by one"

" You're evil Cathy"

" Just doing my job" She grinned at me and yipped a little " And talking about jobs, I've gotten your job! Squeeee!! I mean, it's not like I'm soooo desperate for your peanut salary of $250 hashtag eww much? It's just so AMAY-ZING to watch you girls cry and moan over your lost jobs. Pity pretty. Boo boo bear wants to kway?" I glared at her and looked away " Awww. So cute. And you know the bestest part of the whole deal, I'm not even planning a thing" She blew at some invisible dust on her nails " Of course I've got minions to do the job for me"

" Then why take it if you don't want the money?"

" Oh what's the fun in watching others happy? Disappointment is the spice of life" I shook my head but she went on like a broken record " I could probably give it to my dog for a little chew toy or! I could make a hanky out of it" She held out her hand and placed it right in my face " How would a

dollar made hanky look on me? Cute? I mean, it'd be so new and totally today, it'll be the talk of Heather high for years and years to come. It'll be the in-thing on vogue"

" You're messed up Cathy. Messed up"

" I'll happily be so long as your life is a mess Summer" She sang " And that includes fooling the honorable Principal Wilbur, not that he's not foolish enough. Can't you see summer? The world's on my side and not yours so just give it up!" She said, dancing around " And Diego is mine so wipe off every remote thought you've EVER had about him. ANY!"

" Just wait till everyone sees your true colors Cathy, just you wait" Yeah that, was an empty threat. I wouldn't do anything. I couldn't and it was maddeningly annoying being the third wheel. She chortled gleefully and clapped her hands dramatically.

" And who will Summer, tell me, who will? You? Or Diego? Oh your miserable friends? Who Summer? Who? And if you tell, no will believe you. Face it Summer. It's my world against yours" She grabbed her designer bag, slung it over one shoulder and blew her hair purposefully in my face, sashaying off to class with her nose held high. I leaned against the water faucet and sighed. She was right. No one would ever know, June will keep hating me and Principal Wilbur will forever think I'm a terrible student. My phone beeped and I grabbed it, staring down at it in shock. It'd been in voicemail all along.

Can u figure out what'd happen next? i mean, its been in voicemail so what?

keep reading to find out more!

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