{Day: Tuesday/My Birthday}
{Time: 10:00 AM}
{Location: University Courtyard}
I sat in the courtyard and scrolled on my phone. I noticed a few pictures Chloe and Elizabeth had posted together at some party they were at. I smiled at the picture and liked the picture then heard some commotion. I looked up from my phone to see Chloe and Elizabeth being cornered by a few girls.
"You narcissistic, arrogant, bitch! We've been friends since high school and you betray us by hooking up with MY boyfriend?! Don't you have one on your own?!" A girl yelled.
"I didn't do shit! What are you talking about?!" Chloe asked and looked at the group of girls surrounding her and Elizabeth.
"My boyfriend told me you sucked his dick at the party on Saturday!" A girl said.
"WHAT?!" Chloe asked in shock.
"Yeah quite a few people said he paid you $100 so you could fuck him! What is wrong with you slut?!" The girl yelled and tried to slap Chloe, but someone caught her arm.
Isabella had intervened and frowned at the girl. "It's the second week of college for crying out loud. Can we go a day without drama..?"
"It is Summer City where drama follows everyone." Rhea said and watched.
"Okay let's get one thing straight, if I am EVER to have sex with anyone it would be with Ka—Know what why am I even explaining ANYTHING to you..?! I know what I did at the party! I'm not some slut like you!" Chloe said.
The girl was in awe of Chloe's words.
"And even if I were to fuck your idiot jock boyfriend, I wouldn't blame him. Have you seen what I fucking look like? Only one man can handle all of this." Chloe said, flaunting her body.
"I feel sorry for your parents...raising a whore who can't seem to close her pathetic legs!" The woman said and snatched her arm away from Isabella and walked away.
Her friends followed her and Isabella sighed.
"You two okay?" Isabella asked.
"Yeah...thanks, Bella." Chloe smiled then crossed her arms. "Who would want to frame me..? You all know I like Kaden, I wouldn't be stupid enough to mess with some idiot's boyfriend."
"Why is that dumb bitch even going off words only? We were with each other every step of the way. Ryan isn't even that hot." Elizabeth said.
I watched them and looked up at Rhea. Rhea smiled at me and giggled then watched me stand up.
"So you're gonna spend your birthday, clearing her name?" Rhea asked.
"I knew for a while Chloe was only trying to use me for the first few days of meeting her, but she's someone I'm close to now so I don't find it an issue to help her." I said. "Besides...how could I not help her."
{Your logic makes no sense, but hey...easy Route Progression I guess.}
I smiled and walked over to Chloe and the others. I cleared my throat and stopped in front of them. "Hey, is everything alright over here?"
Chloe looked at me and blushed. "K-Kaden! Hey! You look different!"
"This dork doesn't look that different. Don't be fooled by him." Elizabeth said and crossed her arms. She looked away with a little blush on her face.
"You look great as well, Elizabeth." I said with a soft chuckle and crossed my arms.
{Elizabeth seemed to like that..}
"So, I heard the little situation. Seems like someone wants to take you down? I can help clear your name." I said.
"How?" Chloe asked.
"Yeah, there's literally no telling who spread that rumor. Plus if this rumor is about Chloe, this Ryan guy is also in jeopardy." Isabella said and held her arms.
"He's a Jock right? I hardly believe his friends would set him up like this. This seems like a Psychological issue, in which I can definitely help in. It seems like a set up to have literally everyone turn against you. You are a Queen Bee so I'm not surprised by that fact." I said.
"Gee thanks for your help." Chloe sighed.
"Now hold on, let me finish." I said and placed my hand on Chloe's shoulder. "There's a clear motive here. I can see that she was one of your friends because I remember her face. If she snapped on you like that, that means this rumor has been spreading for a little while."
{I mean that's true, but you don't know who Ryan is or even where to find him.}
"While that is true, he's a Jock. He has to be a part of Tyler's crew." Rhea said then sighed. "I was really hoping we would be done with this guy..."
"I don't know...Plus Ryan is kinda a big shot around here. He's a Junior here and he's team captain for this college's basketball team." Chloe sighed.
Isabella looked at her watch after it beeped. "Sorry, I have to get to class. I hope you all can figure this out."
"No worries, Bella." Chloe said and smiled at her.
Isabella walked over to me and kissed my cheek. "Happy birthday..~" She said softly then walked off.
I watched her walk off then smiled then focused my attention back on Chloe and Elizabeth.
"Alright, I'm gonna help get to the bottom of this. If Ryan is as big as he seems, it does sound like he lied to boost his own reputation." I said.
"He does have a large body count and I've had many guys hit on me so I'm guessing he lied to people saying I fucked him...when that isn't even true.." Chloe said and looked down.
"I believe you. There has to be some kind of evidence he has that made people believe him." I said.
"Yeah..." Chloe said.
{New Choices Available!}
[Find Ryan]
[Find Tyler]
[Find Joshua]
I looked at my options and crossed my arms. I needed a bit of time on this as I didn't know what each choice could lead to.
"Let's just head to class for right now. We can think of something later." I said.
"Okay..." Chloe said.
"I'll see you later, Clo." Elizabeth said. "Bye, dork face."
"Yeah whatever, scene girl." I said and watched Elizabeth walk off. I wrapped my arm around Chloe's shoulder. "Come on...let's head off."
{Chloe's Likability Increased!}
Chloe smiled and held my hand. "Yeah..~"
{Time: 10:55 AM}
I walked into class with Chloe and noticed Janet sitting at her desk. I let Chloe go so she could take her seat. I walked over to Janet's desk. "You're here early."
Janet looked at me and smiled. "Yeah and you were five minutes from being late. Anyway, happy birthday. Don't think you're exempt from the test..~"
"Yeah, yeah...I couldn't get at least some leeway after my performance Saturday?" I chuckled softly.
Janet chuckled then rolled her eyes and sat up in her chair. "What do you need, Lover Boy?"
"I have a question. Do you know who Ryan is?" I asked.
Janet crossed her arms and nodded her head. "I've only recently started this job last year, but I know enough to know that he's the star player of this university's basketball team. Why?"
"I need to find him so I can set some things straight. There's a nasty rumor being spread about my friend Chloe and I don't like it. I hate it even...people are calling her a whore and a slut." I said.
"Ahh that rumor...I unfortunately don't entertain that shit, but I guess I can see what I can do. My best bet would be to ask Tyler." Janet said.
"Me and him aren't on good terms." I said.
Janet sighed and smiled. "You've twisted my arm on this one. Alright, I guess I can see if I can find him for you later."
I nodded and went to take my seat before the bell rang. Chloe looked at me and leaned her head against me. She seemed pretty unmotivated. I held her hand and looked at her.
"I'm gonna fix this for you..." I said softly.
{Chloe's Friendship Increased: 294}
"Thanks...~" Chloe smiled.
Janet had began to pass out the quizzes and then went back to her desk to sit down. As I took the quiz, I noticed Chloe was a bit distracted. She had been thinking about what she could do to clear her name. After finishing my test, I finished Chloe's test for her and Janet noticed it. She just stayed quiet and allowed it to happen.
Once all tests were finished and given to Janet, she stood up and took her glasses off.
"I would like to address something to you all." Janet said then walked from behind her desk.
The class looked at her and watched her lean against her desk. They were all wondering what the news was.
"Are anyone of you familiar with a man named Ryan?" Janet asked.
Tyler looked up from his phone and stared at Janet. Chloe sat up quickly and looked at Janet as well.
"As we all know, or some of us know...Ryan is the lead star in our university for the basketball team, the Summer Hawks. Do any of you know of any rumors beings spread around?" Janet asked. "Come clean now because I didn't become a Professor here to teach a university of little kids."
Tyler looked back at me and glared. He knew that I told Janet about the rumors of Chloe, but didn't know how I knew. He looked back at Janet. "What rumors?"
"I'm sure you know, Tyler Williams. No need to play dumb. The rumors about Miss Bell. It's come to my attention that these rumors started with Ryan. I am not gonna be the one to resolve it because if I resolve it, it won't be in a way that you all would like." Janet said and crossed her arms.
"I was hoping we would all be mature adults, but most of you are no better than dumb high schoolers. It is disappointing because when you all went to orientation, everything about bullying was explained. I couldn't care less about what the hell you all do outside of this university...but I believe maturity plays a part in all of this." Janet finished.
"With all due respect, how are you going to pin these dumb rumors about Chloe onto Ryan?" Tyler asked. "He's not stupid enough to just go around spreading lies around like that."
{He makes a good argument, but you can't let him convince Janet.}
{New Choices Available!}
[Counter his argument (65% Success Rate)]
[Say nothing (Chloe Likability Decrease)]
I stood up and sighed softly. 'I was hoping to escape this kind of drama. I've seen it happen too many times in high school...'
"It's only logical that Ryan did it. Chloe and her friend was at his party Saturday. I can only assume he was trying to hit on her, but Chloe rejected him...so I'm sure one of your lackeys did something to get Chloe in some deep waters." I said.
Janet looked at me and closed her eyes. "It seems like a logical assumption. I have witnessed multiple men trying to hook up with Chloe and she rejected them all.."
"Bullshit." Tyler said and looked back. "You have no proof of that shit!"
I looked at Tyler and glared. I closed my eyes and sighed. I didn't know what to say. My only chance at finding out what happened is through Ryan himself. "If you're so sure, take me to Ryan himself. I'm not gonna let someone who's the root of all of this get away scot free. So if you're so confident, take me to him after class."
Tyler scoffed and turned around. "Alright, but when you find nothing...don't go crying."
Janet sighed and rubbed the back of her head. 'I'm gonna need a fucking drink and a good comic after this shit...' She thought to herself.
"Since we've come to a slight conclusion, let us continue with our class." Janet said.
{Respect for you has increased!}
I sat down and sighed. 'How am I gonna get Chloe out of this..? I was really hoping after yesterday it would be the end of this phase of college..'
{Time: 12:00 PM}
The bell rang and everyone was dismissed. Everyone packed their bags and got up to leave.
I stood up and gently rubbed Chloe's back, waking her up. She looked up at me and sat up then wiped her eyes. She stood up and grabbed her bag. She put it on and held my hand. I walked with her out the class and noticed Tyler waiting for me.
"Come on, loser. You wanted to meet the ring leader right? Well he's in the courtyard for lunch with the guys." Tyler said. "He said he was actually waiting to meet you."
"Hmph...Alright. Let's go." I said.
Tyler got off the wall and walked off, leading us to the courtyard to meet Ryan. We followed Tyler outside and to the courtyard. Chloe's hand was sweaty as she was nervous. She held my hand tightly and kept close to me. I interlocked our fingers together and let her know I was right here with her.
We made it to the courtyard and Tyler led us to a table where all of his friends were sitting. Chloe and I looked at the one sitting on top of the table.
The man was a muscular man with clear skin, a lean build, and was rather tall. He had short blonde hair, blue eyes, and wore multiple earrings on his ears. He had on the Summer City University varsity jacket, blue jeans, and red and white shoes.
"Yo Ryan! I brought him!" Tyler called out.
Ryan looked at us then smirked. He got off the table and walked toward me. "Ahh the man who beat Tyler twice. I can't really blame him, you're a quick one he says. Your reflexes are on point. I see you're with Chloe."
"Fuck you..! Tell the truth, Ryan! We did nothing Saturday night!" Chloe yelled.
Ryan looked at Chloe then chuckled and tried to reach out to Chloe but I smacked his hand away. He looked at me and smirked. He walked back to the table and sat on the table.
"So you're here to find out about the rumors. Well the rumors can't be fake if the evidence is real. I might've lost my girlfriend in the process, but shit I have plenty more to run through anyway." Ryan said.
I glared at Ryan and noticed Joshua and Tyler watching me closely. "What do you want from Chloe? Why are you doing this to her?"
"Doing what? She did this to herself. She shouldn't have opened her legs that night..~ What she's experiencing is memory loss from the hangover she had. Everything is real. I have the video of it." Ryan said and held up his phone then chuckled coldly.
I stared at Ryan. "Blackmail..?"
"If you want to see the video so badly, all you have to do is ask..~ Chloe, you know you want to be with me so why do you keep hanging around this corny ass dude?" Ryan asked.
"No...I didn't do anything with you! I didn't!" Chloe yelled and her grip on my hand became tighter. "I could never betray Kaden like this.."
"Even though you two aren't dating? You would still rather be with him than the man who gave you the best night of your life? Big mistake, beautiful." Ryan chuckled and got off the table.
He walked toward me. "You've been causing problems for my boys here. Stealing Ty's girl. Humiliating my boy Joshua. I saw that video one of your homeboys posted. You must think you're real tough. I'll cut you a deal."
I watched Ryan hand Tyler his phone. I watched Ryan get up closer to me.
"If you can beat me in a fight, I'll call off my boys for good and we'll leave you and your hoes alone, I'll delete the video and tell everyone that it was faked. If you lose, I can have my dad kick you out and then your hoes will belong to me." Ryan said.
I've been in this situation once before. I had to defend Georgia from shit like this. The only difference is I had Chloe to defend now. Even if what he's saying is true, I can't leave her now...not when she has so much faith in me to get her out of this mess.
{New Choices Available!}
[Fight Ryan (15% Success Rate)]
[Walk away (Intelligence Increase/Chloe Likability Decrease)]
I looked down at the ground and closed my eyes. I chuckled a bit. "This is how I'm gonna spend my birthday huh..?"
Ryan smirked and looked at me then grunted when I struck his stomach. He groaned when I hit him with an uppercut. He swung at me, but missed. I pushed him away then walked toward Tyler. A crowd immediately began forming around us.
"Give me that fucking phone." I said then groaned when Ryan clobbered me on the back of my head. I fell on one knee and held my head.
Ryan grabbed my hair and pulled me up. He struck my stomach twice then pushed me back and struck my face. I groaned and fell back and held my face.
'This isn't worth the trouble anymore...' I thought to myself.
I slowly stood up and wiped my nose. I groaned as Ryan struck my jaw with a right hook. I stumbled and coughed when he gut checked me once again.
'This is how I lost Georgia...because I couldn't defend her.' I thought to myself once again. I fell to my knees, holding my stomach.
"What's wrong? You were so confident when you were fighting Tyler. I guess Mr. Save A Hoe is a fitting nickname for you." Ryan chuckled and spit in my direction.
Chloe tried to hurry to my aid, but people kept holding her back. "Kaden! Get up, Kaden!"
"Look at this fraud everyone! How could someone like him beat Tyler TWICE?! Where's your little Spidey Senses now, lil bro?" Ryan laughed.
'It's like a curse...I put myself in to danger like this..' I thought to myself then slowly began to stand up. I looked at Ryan and glared.
Ryan looked at me and chuckled then went for a punch, but I dodged it. He went for another, but I dodged that one as well.
"There it is! It's like he can see the attack before it happens!" Tyler warned.
"Oh really?" Ryan chuckled and went for a quick jab, but noticed I dodged that attack as well. "What the hell..?"
"I only attacked...because you left me no other choice. I guess talking out problems doesn't exist anymore in Summer City..." I said and took off my jacket and stepped away from Ryan.
One of the security tried to come through but Janet stopped him. He looked at her and looked back at the fight.
"You can do your job once they finish. If you stop it now, the problem is never truly resolved." Janet said. "Let the men fight it out...They know when to stop."
"Oh so you believe you can actually take me now? You must really want to save this slut!" Ryan yelled and charged at me.
I dodged Ryan's punch then countered with a jab at his face. I evaded his next punch then parried his next strike. I grabbed his arm and struck him with my shoulder. I grunted as I did so, but managed to push him back. He ran toward me and feinted his punch into a right hook. I stumbled back then ducked under his next attack then kicked him away from me.
Chloe watched with worry on her face. Isabella was in the crowd as she watched as well. Elizabeth watched the fight with great interest. Brianna was nervous because she knew how good of a fighter Ryan was.
"Kaden." Rhea said to me. "I give you full permission...to fuck...him...up.."
I looked at Ryan then my adrenaline finally activated. "Okay." I said aloud. I had a look in my eyes that Kofi and Adam quickly picked up.
"Oh shit..." Kofi said.
"This is bad...His adrenaline is on now.." Adam said.
Ryan ran to me and went for a kick, but I swiftly dodged it and grabbed his leg. I elbowed his leg and he groaned. He hopped to get me off him, but I didn't let go. I repeatedly struck his leg with my elbow and got him on the ground and kept striking his leg. Joshua ran toward me and tried to pull me off him, but I elbowed his stomach. He groaned and coughed then I pivoted into a right hook and struck his jaw, knocking him out.
I looked back and noticed Ryan trying to get up. I walked to Ryan and dodged his swing. He could barely stand as he was limping. He went for another swing, but I caught his fist.
"How many other women have you taken advantage of..? How many others have you blackmailed...? Who was going to be next? Elizabeth? Brianna? You fucking piece of shit!" I yelled and punched his face with all my strength, knocking Ryan down.
"Okay, now you can stop it. He's letting his rage consume him." Janet said.
The security ran through the crowd and stopped me from going after Ryan. "Calm down...! Take deep breaths, son."
I looked at the security and began to calm down. I began to compose myself once more and regulated my emotions. "He deserved it..."
"I know...I know...just walk away. Go calm down.." The security said and looked back at Ryan then looked at Joshua.
Tyler watched his leader and his best friend get beaten at the same time. He looked at me walk away and wondered how much anger I kept bottled inside. He looked at the phone and decided to delete the video Ryan had recorded.
Ryan groaned as he was helped up by some of his friends. "Everyone delete your fucking videos! I better—" Ryan began to feel lightheaded and dizzy. He couldn't even finish his sentence.
"Varsity! Don't fuck with that guy anymore! Delete that video, Ty!" Ryan called out as he was helped to the infirmary.
The crowd moved out of the way and watched Ryan being helped to the infirmary. Chloe quickly hurried off to find me after the events.
{Time: 1:45 PM}
{Location: Ruby Park}
I sat on the bench and stared at my hands. "I understand why you all keep telling to fight with intelligence...and not emotion. I was a different being back there...I was not myself...I was consumed by my anger.."
Rhea gently rubbed my shoulders. "Yeah, but I couldn't let him slide with that shit...at least those frat bitches won't mess with you or anyone you're associated with again."
{You fucked him up pretty badly. I mean he couldn't get a hit on you once you let your emotions play the role for you. It looked like that fight had invoked some bad memories within you..}
"It did. My senior year...although pretty great wasn't without struggles. I had fights left and right because of my ex. Although I loved her...she was so much trouble. Then again I was a stupid 18 year old...at the time.." I said.
{Chloe is approaching.}
Rhea turned invisible and watched Chloe.
"Kaden!" Chloe called out and hurried over to me. She hugged me as I stood up.
I held her and embraced her. "Are you okay..?"
"I should be asking you that...You fought the Varsity star and won. You defended me...and helped me get out of such a situation..." Chloe said softly.
I let go of Chloe and held her arms. "I wasn't going to let him get away with blackmail. I don't care if you had sex with him or not.."
"But I truly didn't...I didn't do anything with him. I admit I was drunk, but Elizabeth took me straight home after I was too far gone to function. Whatever video he had was fake...it had to be.." Chloe said.
"It doesn't matter anymore...I fixed it...and now my birthday is ruined." I sighed.
Chloe looked up at me and wrapped her arms around my nape. "Today is your birthday. Well...I might know a way to make your birthday better.."
I looked at Chloe and rose an eyebrow. "How..?"
"Take me to your place and I'll show you.." Chloe said.
{Route Progression Possible!}
{Notice: To Be Continued!}