
F It We Ball

"Kaden hold on!" Chloe said and hurried over to me.

I looked at Chloe. "What's up?"

"Take me to lunch with you." Chloe said.

{New Choices Available!}

{Tip: This Decision decides the effect of intertwining Routes}

[Take her to Canes with you (Unknown Effect)]

[Decline (Friendship Decrease)]

I looked at my two choices and knew I had a very important choice on my hands. It was the second day and I was already making difficult decisions.

I opened my mouth to speak. "Alright."

{Chloe's Friendship Increased!}

{Chloe's Friendship Points: 74}

Chloe smiled at me and nodded. "Alright let's go!~"

{Location: Trinity Plaza}

{Time: 12:55 PM}

"Are you sure about this? I've never seen routes intertwine before so the effect could be kinda iffy." Rhea said.

"It should be fine." I said as I held my phone to my ear so I didn't seen crazy for talking to Rhea while she was invisible.

"I sure hope so. Oh, there she is." Rhea said.

Isabella got out of her Uber's car and waved at the lady then walked over to me. "Oh! I didn't know you were bringing a friend."

I looked at Isabella and smiled. "I hope you don't mind, Bella. She wanted to get accustomed to the area so I decided to let her and I wanted you two to be friends."

Isabella smiled at me and looked at Chloe. She held out her hand to Chloe for a handshake. "Hey! My name is Isabella, but you can just call me Bella."

"Name's Chloe. I'm kinda big around here." Chloe said and slightly took Isabella's hand.

Isabella gave a slight fake chuckle and smile then shook Chloe's hand then took her hand away.

{Isabella seems to not like Chloe much...}

{Notice: When Routes intertwine, to avoid a failed date, both women have to be happy.}

{Isabella's Mood Meter: 88%}

{Chloe's Mood Meter: 95%}

"Mmm...it took a significant drop, but not enough to fail the date." Rhea said.

I cleared my throat. "How about we go in and get this lunch started, shall we?"

Isabella nodded and smiled. "Let's go."

"Yeah I'm starving." Chloe said.

I opened the door for Isabella and Chloe so they could walk in first.

{Isabella's Friendship Increased: 300}

{Chloe's Friendship Increased: 104}

We walked to the front counter and looked at the menu. Isabella talked to me about what I wohkd usually order from here. I didn't really eat at Canes much. I wasn't really to heavy on their chicken like that. Chloe seemed the same, but she loved their secret menu items.

"Hey, how may I help you three? Is it all different tickets or the same ticket?" The worker asked.


"You can put it all on my tab." I said and smiled.

{Isabella and Chloe seemed to like this action...}

{Achievement Unlocked: A Man of Action (Do things women like for three different women)}

[Reward: 100 Credits]

Rhea nodded and smiled. "Good, good. Didn't even need the assistance of the system."

"Alright, how may I help you?" The worker asked.

"I'll take the box combo, no coleslaw with a Sweet Tea." Isabella said.

"Alright." The worker nodded and typed in the order.

"Can I...get the three finger combo with a Sprite?" Chloe ordered.

"Of course!" The worker said and typed Chloe's order.

"For me, I'll take the box combo as well with a Sprite." I said.

"Alright, your total will come down to $30.17. Cash or card?" The worker asked.

"I'll pay with card." I said and took out my wallet then took out my debit card. I inserted my card into the card reader and paid.

The worker handed me my receipt that had our ticket number on it and gave us three cups. We went to the drink area to fix our drinks and chose a table to sit at.

"So how did you meet Kaden?" Isabella asked.

"He complimented me and just left. After that moment I knew I had to see what's up because no guy has ever done that to me." Chloe answered. "You?"

Isabella smiled and looked at me. She sat back in her seat and took a sip from her sweet tea. "He basically flirted with me. I liked it so I had to become friends with him~"

Chloe looked at me and crossed her arms. "Mmm...flirting with multiple women huh. Is that why you even called our Professor hot?"

"Come on, you can't knock me for that." I said. "She was hot."

Chloe smirked and looked away. "Alright."

"You two have the same class? What's the class?" Isabella asked.

"English." I answered. "It's the only class I have today."

"Lucky. I have a class that starts at 3 PM today." Isabella sighed and looked at her phone. "What are you doing after this?"

"Probably hang out with Kofi and Adam later today. It's been a minute since the three of us hung out." I said. I looked at Chloe and she looked at me.

Chloe rose an eyebrow. "What?"

"What are you doing after this?" I asked.

"I've got two more classes so I'm booked for the day, but if you asking for after classes, I've got a dance class later so I'll be busy with that." Chloe said.

"Ah okay. You're majoring in Dance it sounds like." I said.

Chloe nodded. "I've been wanting to be a dancer since I was little. I will be one of the best dancers to ever live."

"I'll be rooting for you." I chuckled softly.

{Chloe's Friendship Increased: 125}

Our ticket number was called and I got up to get the food and came back to the table and handed the two their food. We talked as we ate and I finally managed to get Isabella and Chloe to grow accustomed to one another. They seemed to have become friends so everything wasn't so awkward anymore.

{Time: 1:45 PM}

"That was a nice lunch~ Thank you for paying, Kaden." Isabella smiled at me.

"It was no issue." I smiled back.

"You seemed to want to impress us, but I guess it worked. I appreciate it." Chloe smiled.

Isabella noticed her Uber arriving. "Alright my ride's here. I'll see you tomorrow, Kaden~"

"Okay, catch you later." I said and smiled. I looked at Chloe. "Alright, let's get you back to campus so you won't be late for your classes."

Chloe nodded and we walked to my car. We got in and I drove Chloe back to campus.

{Date Successful!}

{Credit Earned: 1500}

{Achievement Unlocked: Complete A Date!}

[Reward: 100 Credits]

After dropping her off, I drove off to meet up with Kofi and Adam at the Sports Building.

{Location: University Sports Area}

{Time: 2:00 PM}

I walked into the building and noticed Kofi and Adam with a group of other guys. I walked over to them. "Yo! I'm here!"

Kofi looked up at me and chuckled. "Aye the certified lady's man is here!"

"Yessir! Let's get it!" Adam said and got up and dapped me up. He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and pointed at me. "This man is who you call if you need women advice. I saw you with Chloe earlier bro."

"You know Chloe?" I asked.

"Of course. She's in one of my classes. Did you ever get that first chick's number?" Adam chuckled.

"Yeah and I got Chloe's number too." I said.

"Oh word? Yessir, my mans about to get those bodies up." Kofi chuckled and stood up. "Oh yeah, Kaden meet Drew, Jack, and Orlando, but we call him Landooo!"

"Yeaaaah, Mr. Lando himself repping Florida itself!" Drew said and clapped.

I smiled at them and looked at Adam and Kofi. "What did y'all need me for?"

"We're about to just play some football, we needed a third so we called you. You've got some of the best body language reading skills and some of the best reaction speeds." Adam said.

"Yeah, but I'm dogshit compared to you all." I said.

"No worries bro, we ain't playing seriously. We're just playing to have fun." Kofi said.

I looked at them and smiled. "Alright."

The six of us went outside to the practice field. As I walked outside, my phone beeped.

{Potential Route Possible!}

{Distance: 10 yards Away}

I looked ahead and noticed a woman jogging along the track.

"Daaaamn. Now that's what I call an athletic babe. She's got a rockin' body." Adam said as he watched her run.

Kofi watched her as well and chuckled. "And she got some cake back there as well.."

The woman beared an immaculate and curvaceous build with large breasts. She had light skin, amber colored eyes, and had a sleeve tattoo on her left arm. She had curly brown hair that was back length tied in a ponytail and wore a pair of red beats. She wore a blue and black training bra, black leggings with a white line going down the thighs of her leggings, and black shoes.

Rhea watched her and smirked. "Mmm...~ All these women are gonna make me jealous that they are gonna soon be dating you~"

"Aye let's get this game started boys! Y'all better not cry when y'all get mossed out your shoes!" Drew laughed and walked backwards.

"Us? Mossed? Yeah get real man." Kofi laughed and smacked the football into the palm of his hand.

"Who's getting ball first?" Jack asked.

"Coin toss?" I asked.

We all agreed on a coin toss. I took out a coin from my pocket and our team got heads while Orlando's team got tails. I flipped the coin up and swiped my hand, catching the coin swiftly and opened my hand. It was heads and it was our ball.

"You remember how football works right?" Kofi asked.

"Of course. I might not know how to really play, but I do understand how the games work." I said.

Kofi nodded and walked backwards. "Alright, let's get this shit started! We playing only ten yards boys!"

I walked to my position and got ready. I noticed the woman jogging by once again and saw she was watching us.

"Do you wish to get her?" Rhea asked.

I nodded and looked at Drew, Jack, and Orlando.

"Then impress her..~" Rhea said.

"Ready? Hut!" Kofi called out.

Adam sprinted forward and I sprinted forward as well. Kofi noticed us break away then launched the ball toward me. I looked back and quickly stopped, making Drew slip.

"Whoo!" Kofi clapped and cheered. "That boy clean with it!"

I caught the ball and ran toward the touchdown. Orlando pursued me, but he was faster than me and touched my back. I stopped running and looked back at Kofi and Adam then chuckled.

"Aye, he crossed me. I ain't even gonna lie." Drew said and smiled.

"It's that reaction time. Kaden got that on lock!" Kofi said and dapped me up as I walked toward him.

{??? is now watching...}

"Alright, first down! Let's get this shit going!" Kofi said. "Ready! Hut!"

Adam ran straight down the middle and I sprinted forward behind. Drew blocked me from going forward and noticed me trying to break away, but it was just a distraction. Kofi threw his signature bullet pass toward Adam. Adam caught the ball and spun around Orlando then fake turned, catching Jack off guard then bolted to the touchdown.

"Yessir! Let's get it!" Kofi clapped and laughed.

"Dream Team! Dream Team baby!" Adam said and smacked his chest in a celebratory way.

I smiled at Kofi's and Adam's dynamic. They used to hate each other when they first met in senior year, but after getting onto the same team, they became close like brothers.

"Yeah, yeah. Y'all won't be smiling when we get that clean sweep." Orlando chuckled.

Adam tossed Orlando the football and smiled. "We'll see."

Orlando and his team got into a huddling position. They carefully went over a plan to get a clean touchdown. After coming up with their play, they nodded and got into their positions.

"Ready? Go!" Orlando said.

I noticed Drew sprinting forward. I ran after him and noticed him spin around me, but I caught on and pivoted into a jump and caught the ball. I grunted a bit as I felt my shoulder pop as I fell on the ground. I got up and held up the ball.

"Let's fucking go!" Kofi celebrated and hopped over to me and dapped me up.

Drew stopped running and panted. "He keeps reading me like a book. How can he just do that?"

"The guy's smart as hell. I'm shocked he doesn't play any sports really." Jack said.

I chuckled and felt myself become fatigued. I handed the ball to Kofi and held my head a little. "I'm gonna take a little break."

"You straight?" Kofi asked.

"Yeah my stamina hasn't been the same since I recovered. I felt my shoulder pop, but I should be good after a little break." I said and smiled at Kofi.

"Damn, that crash really messed you up. Alright let's take a little break." Kofi smiled.

{Time: 2:35 PM}

I sat on the bleachers with the others and noticed the woman taking a little water break and checking her phone. Adam and Kofi noticed I was checking the woman out and Kofi wrapped his arm around my shoulder gently.

"Let me tell you something about these queens as a fellow black male myself. You can tell she's mixed with a bit of black and white, no Michael Jackson...but they aren't too judgmental. I could tell she was watching you too bro, go spit your game man." Kofi said. "If you need help, I got your back."

I looked at Kofi and smiled. I stood up and walked down the bleachers and made my way toward the woman.

{New Choices Available!}

[Casual Greeting (Charisma Increase)]

[Funny Greeting (Charisma Increase)]

[Smooth Greeting (Charisma Increase)]

I reached the woman and placed my hands in my pockets. "Excuse me."

The woman took off her headphones and looked at me then smiled. "Hey."

I calmed my nerves and cleared my throat. "Firstly, I want to introduce myself. The name's Kaden.." I held my hand out to her.

"I'm Brianna. It's nice to meet you, Kaden." Brianna smiled at me.

"I just wanted to say I found you extremely stunning." I said.

{Charisma Increased!}

{Brianna's Friendship Increased!}

Brianna chuckled softly and looked at me up and down. "You're quite handsome yourself. I was watching you play with your friends and honestly you're pretty good. Not to the extent of the others, but rather solid."

"Yeah, this was the first time I ever actually played. We were taking a little break since I hurt my shoulder." I said.

Brianna smiled at me and looked at my shoulder. "Will you be alright?"

"Yeah, just gotta take it more easy. So what are you doing? Running laps for the fun of it?" I asked.

Brianna chuckled and held her arms. "Yeah. The sun feels nice today and not overbearing as it once was a few days ago. It feels nice to just come out here and just listen to music and jog around."

"What were you listening to?" I asked.

Brianna blushed a bit and showed me her lock screen which had her music on it. "Cherry Waves."

"Oh shit, you listen to Deftones as well?" I asked and smiled.

Brianna gasped softly and looked at me. "You also listen to them?"

"Of course. One of my favorite bands. I love Chino's screams." I chuckled.

{Brianna is more interested in you...}

{Brianna's Friendship Increased!}

"Honestly I've been listening to them since I was like eight or nine years old. Ever since 2010 with Linkin Park and Godsmack." Brianna said.

"Ahh never grew out of your emo phase either?" I chuckled.

"It's so hard to when their music speaks to you a lot. What's your favorite Album by Deftones?" Brianna asked.

"That's a hard one...but I've got to say either Gore or White Pony. You can never go wrong with White Pony honestly." I said.

Brianna smiled and held her arms again. "I like your tastes~ White Pony is hands down my favorite album by them. How could you ever go wrong with that? Digital Bath, Changes, Street Carp."

"Knife Prty. Especially Elite." I said and chuckled.

"Oh I fucking love Elite! Changes and Elite became my favorite song because of the—"

"Dragon Ball Z Movies." We both said then Brianna laughed and squealed excitedly.

"Look at our boy. Find a common interest...and you've practically got the girl.." Kofi chuckled.

"Why didn't you go talk to her? She's up your alley." Adam said.

"Yeah she's hot and all, but I've already got my eyes on some bad shorty. She's in my Social Studies class and lemme tell you. Yellow fever." Kofi chuckled.

"Mmmm! Yeah, I see you bro!" Adam chuckled and dapped up Kofi.

Brianna and I ended our conversation as she had to go back to her dorm to help her roommate with something. I walked back toward Kofi and the others.

"Aye, there's the man right there." Kofi chuckled and watched me sit down.

"She's very down to Earth...she's just overall a ten." I said as I watched her walk off.

"My boy about to pick up a Queen to be her King. Look at this man, three girls in two days? It's just so easy to get em." Kofi chuckled.

I nodded and smiled. "Alright let's continue this game.

"Yessir, let's get it!" Kofi said.