

Lenora always hated the elves. Whenever she saw one, she either visibly winced or spat on the ground. No, not because she was unable to suppress her hatred, but because she prioritized showing off that hatred. She sometimes suppressed it nonetheless, particularly when she was with Drifus. She had to tolerate him. After all, she needed him. And this was another reason she hid her animosity towards the elves well in this land.

However… it went down the drain when she saw the elf. The lady elf with little to no clothing on her body. A see-through shawl over her underwear, some earrings, and that smile Lenora could never forget.

"Oh, a human," the lady bemused. "And you said you didn't like humans."

"I still don't," Drifus said. "She's special."

Very special.... Lenora rolled her eyes but tried her best not to show it... it definitely showed though. 

"I'm sure, she is. So, what are you doing here, love?"