

The Lady was taken to prison, Gia's videos of how she was able to arrest The Lady circulated and everyone knew about her and called her a hero.

Brian....My fiance is really something, isnt she?

Gia....Thanks honey, you are the one who inspire me to work this hard.

Brian....Am glad, my dear hero.

Gia....Wait to be proud of me babe, because i havent yet captured that shadow murderer.

Brian....Oh, i see.

Gia....He really is a monster, his been killing people since i was in highschool, we used to watch the news of the people he killed me and my mum.From then, i swore to dedicate my life to catch him because he gets on my nerves.

Brian....Enough if that shadow murderer, lets eat what i've cooked before it gets cold.

Gia....Okay babe, by the way, dad asked to meet so i wont be here tomorrow.

Brian....I understand, send my regards to both of them and that little baby.

Gia....I will honey.

Morgan became an FBI agent.Gia went to meet him the next day since he asked to meet her, they hugged.

Morgan....My little princess.

Gia....Hy dad, sorry that i dont come to visit, my job really needs attention, sorry.

Morgan....No worries, you that i understand you more than anyone else.

Gia....How is mum, i sometimes forget to even give her call.

Morgan....She is now at cloud after seeing her daughter being called a hero, she is so proud of you.

Gia....My poor sweet mum, i really miss you guys.

Morgan....We miss you too honey, why dont you come and visit us next weekend with Brian?

Gia....We will try dad.So, whats with this emergency meeting dad?

Morgan....As you know that am now working on the case of the shadow murderer, my superiors asked me to tell you to join me after how you captured the untouchable thief The Lady.

Gia....Really dad?? Your asking me to be your partner?I mean...your FBI's top agent, and am going to be your sidekick?

Morgan....You got it right sweetheart.Am so proud to be your dad dear, what you did was so couragious and we are all proud of you.

Gia....Thanks dad, its my sworn duty to serve my country.Then, lets get this fuckin murderer and put his ass behind bars.

Morgan....Oh please..

Gia....Sorry dad, i wont say that again.

She hugged her dad because she was going to work for the FBI with its top agent Morgan her own dad.After, she went back home happily.

Brian....Babe, why are you so happy?

Gia....You know that i cant tell you.

Brian....So its about work? Have you been promoted?

Gia....I need to shower now.

Brian....Why cant you tell babe, am your fiance and we are getting married in one week, so tell me.

Gia....Sorry, we cant talk about our work to anyone but only to our workmates, sorry babe.


Gia....Danananana....life is dynamite....do you know that song babe?

She went to shower while singing and dancing happily.At night she woke up but Brian was not in bed.

Gia....Why is he always not in bed? Does he have sleeping problems? He should atleast tell me where he always goes to at night, may be its about work.

Brian was never in bed most of the time at night.The next morning, Gia went to meet her dad but Brian followed her though she didnt know.

Brian....Why are you meeting your dad again yet you met yesterday? Are you now working together?

Gia....Morning dad.

Morgan....Morning honey, lets go.

They went to a restaurant.

Morgan....So you heard the news already?

Gia....I did dad, this monster is really going to stop at nothing until he kills the whole world.

Morgan....We should pull a first one on him and get him first, but now people are feeling insecure.

Gia....I know dad, lets work harder to keep our country and people safe.

Morgan....Those millitary words are really still stuck in your head..hahah...lets get to work.

Gia.....I think that he murders people who are usually alone at midnight according to his past cases.

Morgan....Good thinking honey, lets set a trap and see if he will fall for it.

Gia....Then am going to be out at midnight and we see if he will come, i will be at the bridge where he murdered his five victims.

Morgan....Do you think he will take the bait?

Gia.....Am positive dad, he is so desparate to see blood and cause pain, so he will definetely take the bait, trust me.

Morgan....Will you be okay dear? I should go instead.

Gia....No dad, mum needs you and so does you baby.

Morgan....But we need you too honey.

Gia....But you know that i can defend myself.Lets go with a camera, you will take pictures when he gets close to me.If we involve the police, then we will never be able to catch him.

Gia called Brian and told him that she was going to work at night.

Brian....I feel like something is off with her, hope they are not on me.

They went to the bridge at midnight but Morgan hid somewhere safe with a camera.Gia waited for the shadow murderer pretending to be drunk, he finally showed up waering a hood.

Morgan....His coming to you Gia, be ready.

They had ear pods and were able to communicate.Morgan took pictures though he wasnt able to take any of his face.When the murderer was almost Gia, he stopped and walked away, Gia chased him but she lost him in the forest.

Morgan....Lets go Gia.

They went to their van.

Gia....Why did he run? Did he know that we were upto him? That bastard got lucky today.