

Brian....I should go now.


Brian left.

Joseph....Gigi, go in.

Gigi....No, you go and see her Morgan, its been years since she last saw you.

Morgan....Really? Thanks Gigi.

He went in.


Gia....Dad, why are you here?

Morgan....I know that you have many questions but can we please save it for later?!

Gia....Just know that am not happy to see you.You left us when we needed you the most, mum cried everyday because she missed you and hoped that you will back somedat.But after 12 years, now you show up? We dont need you dad, just stay away from our lives like you were able to live us.

Morgan....Honey, i know am in the wrong for everything, but please forgive me.

Gia....What is your excuse then? I adored you dad, but all that stopped when you left us.

Morgan....Lets talk later when you cool down.

Gia....Just please dont come back, am used with my life without a dad.

Morgan went out and tears started flowing from his eyes.

Gigi....Let me go next.

Gigi went in.

Gia.....Mum, i dont want to see dad, please tell him to leave.

Gigi....Calm down sweetheart, thats how i also felt when he showed up, but i found out that he had his reasons.

Gia....What reason mum that can make you abandon your own family?

Gigi....He had a brain tumor all these years and he has been in Chinah for treatment.

Gia....What?? A brain tumor?

Gigi told her everything.

Gia....I didnt know that he was sick.

Gigi....No one knew, he didnt tell anyone.

Gia....It must've been hard for him go through all that without his family.

Gigi....I know, lets not go hard on him.

Gia....Okay mum.

Gigi....But he doesnt know that i know about it, lets not say anything about it for now.

Gia....Understood mum.

After a few days, Gia fully recovered and was discharged.They prepared a welcoming party for her and she was happy.Brian, Zoe and Lily were invited.Morgan was also there but he was sad, Gigi went to him.

Gigi....Hey, what are you thinkinh about?

Morgan....Am just worried that my daughter will never forgive me for abandoning her.

Gigi....But why did you do it? Dont blame her because she was just 3 years old bt that time.

Morgan....Its complicated.

Gigi....When are you planning to tell us everything, huh?

Morgan....What do you mean?

Gigi....I heard what you and the doctor talked about, that you had a brain tumor.Now why dont tell us?

Morgan....Sorry, i was going to tell you but i was afraid that it wont be enough excuse for why i left.

Gigi....Then tell it to me and Gia, we wanna know.

Morgan....That day that mum was arrested, i gained my memories back and the doctor that i had a brain tumor and i needed to stay in the hospital because he thought i had few days to live.I decided not to tell you or anyone because you were already going through alot and i didnt want to worry you or add to your problems.The doctor told me to go China where there was a hospital that can cure me though the chances of survival were low.I met Britney at the airport, she was leaving the country because of that happened to her mum, she asked to go with me and she has been with me this entire time.I couldnt say no to her because i was scared and i wanted someone to be with me before i die.But luckily i survived and i dont know how to repay her.

Gigi....So she is your girlfriend now?

Morgan....No, she is my friend though she wants something more than that.


Morgan....I really missed you Gigi and Gia, i wanted to be with you so bad.

Gigi....I should go and serve the guests.

Morgan....Gigi, wait please!

She left, she told her daughter everything.After the party, everyone left.

Morgan....I should leave too, good night guys.

Jesca....Arent you going to stay here with us?

Morgan....No mum, i have my own house.I should go now.

Gia....Dad, wait.

Gia ran and hugged him.

Gia....I missed you too and am sorry for the harsh words i told you last time.I will always love you dad.

They all started crying.

Morgan....Thank you for saying that honey, how about you come with me?

Gia....Really? At your house?

Morgan....Ofcourse, i live alone and its kinda boring and lonely, why dont you join me for a few days?

Gia....Yes, can i go mum?

Gigi....Sure, just go with your dad dear but dont forget your inhaler.

Gia....Thanks mum, your the best.Good night grandma and grandpa and to you too mum, love you.

Gia was happy and Morgan took her to his house.

Gia....Wow! Your house is so nice dad, i love it.

Morgan....Feel at home dear, this is your home too.

Gia....But, were you working?

Morgan....Hahah...yes honey, i was working for a Chinese Security Agency when i got a little, i had to earn a living.

Gia....How did they give you a job like that when you dont even know how to fight?

Morgan....Not anymore, am a good fighter now.I made a Chinese friend since i knew how to speak Chinese well, he trained all that was necessary for me to get that job because he worked there too.They really paid me alot of money.

Gia....Thats so cool dad, so you arent working for them anymore?

Morgan....When the doctor told me that i got better, i couldnt wait to rush back home to you and your mum, i missed home and you too guys.

Gia....We also missed you too dad.Let me tell you this but dont tell mum a single word, promise?

Morgan....I promise honey.

Gia....I want to join the millitary when i turn 18 and serve my country and the people.

Morgan....What? But why?

Gia....Its always been my dream and uncle Hyun helped to boost my insipirations, so am going for it.

Morgan....Do you think that your mum will agree to this?

Gia....I dont know, i just have to convice her, because its what i want to do.Will you support me dad?

Morgan....As long as its what you want, then i have your back.

Gia....Thanks, your the best dad ever.