

Gigi had no idea that Morgan had feelings for her and she hated him too.She found out about Kelly's crush towards Morgan and she didnt approach her about it.Kelly ran home fast to see what Morgan was doing since she left a camera in his room, but she didnt know that Gigi took it.She opened her p.c to see but there was nothing.

Kelly....What the...???? Why isnt this damn camera working? Did i forget to turn it on?? Shit...shit...shit....am so done! I think he saw it, but he wont think that am the one who put it in his room, he will suspect his sister since even their rooms are next to each other.

She didnt know that Gigi was the one who took it out.They went to school the next day and met up as usual.


Kelly....Hy, where is your brother?

Gigi....Why do you always ask me about him? Do you like him? Be honest with me.

Kelly....I just....lets go to class now.

Gigi...Sure.(So you wont tell me? its upto you, i dont give an F)She thought.

They went to class and Kelly was not focused because she thought that Morgan saw and took the camera.Gigi was busy staring at Louis because she fell in love with him everyday.Morgan was looking at his sister non stop because she was the one he loved.Kelly turned her head to look at him and she noticed how he was looking at Gigi.

Kelly....(Why is he looking at her like that? Did they fight? But its like as if his looking at someone he loves.It cant be because they are siblings.I have to confess to him today.)

Kelly thought hard and decided to confess to him.She went with Gigi after lessons as usual to study but she wanted to confess to Morgan.Morgan was in his room.

Kelly....I need to get some water.

Gigi....I will get some for you.

Kelly....No dear, i know this house now very well so i will get it myself.

Gigi....If you insist.(What are you plotying this time? Whateverrr...!!)

Kelly went out and knocked on Morgan's room, he opened it.

Morgan....What do you want?

Kelly....Can i come in?

Morgan....No, just go away.

Kelly pushed the door wide and went inside his room.Morgan closed the door.

Morgan....So, what do you want? Make it quick.

Kelly....I have a confession.

Morgan....I said make it quick.

Kelly....I like you Morgan, i've always had a crush on you so i befriended your sister to get close to you and make you mine before girls take you from me.

Morgan....I dont care, just get out now.

Kelly....Come on! Why are you always cold to people?

Morgan....Because i do as i wish.

Kelly.....But you dont even have anyone, am clearly giving myself to you.

Morgan....Your not my type so stay away.

Kelly....But i seriously like you.

Morgan....I dont.


Morgan...Because i love my sister.

Kelly....Ofcourse you should because she is your.....wait....are you serious???


He grabbed her hand and pushed her outside.Kelly got angry and went to Gigi's room and took her bag without saying a word to her.

Gigi....What happened to her?? Oh....so she went to talk to the wicked devil??! Hahahahaaa....poor her, she didnt know that Morgan is not human but a devil.

Gigi figured it out and knew that Kelly talked to Morgan but she didnt know that actually Kelly got angry at her just because Morgan said he loved her and rejected her.Kelly started ignoring Gigi and she tried to talk to her but she always dogded her.

Gigi....Did someone badmouth me to her? Anyway, i dont care.I should go and talk to Louis to know his answer.I know that am fat and ugly but i have to try out my luck.Go for it Gigi.

She went to him and he was with Kelly.

Gigi...Kelly?? Are you and Louis friends?

Kelly....Yeah, are you here to confess?? Hahahaha...

Louis....Hahaahahaaa....i cant wait to hear her speech.

Boys....Me too dude.

Kelly....Why are you suddenly quiet?? You thought that he will be alone?? Well, his got company.

Boys....Too bad...hahahaaa....

Kelly....Speak up fattie! Hahahaha...


Gigi....Why are you like this Kelly?? Arent we friends?

Kelly....Cut it out you ugly pig! You thought that we could be friends? Not a chance, i dont befriend ugly chubby people.

Boys....You really hit hard their...hahahahahaaa

Gigi....I might be a pig but do these friends of yours know that you the pretty queen got rejected by my brother and you even put a camera in his room to stalk him??....Oh, it seems like they dont know...Ooopsss....my tongue slipped.Hahahaha...now who has the last laugh??

Louis....What??? Did you fuckin put a camera in his room??

Boys....That is being obsessive girl....that sucks...come on!

Louis....You went far....its really embarassing and so not you...Why did you even do it in the first place?

Kelly....Enough already!

Boys....Now we feel bad for being your friends.

Gigi walked to leave but Morgan was there and heard everything she said though she didnt see him and left.Kelly got very angry at Gigi because she thought that she will embarass her but it Gigi bounced back at her.Gigi went back home angrily.

Gigi....I knew that she was upto no good, i almost fell for her tricks.I really hate girlfriends, now back to my normal as a loner.That jerk Louis dared to embarass me infront of students?! Am now a laughing stock at school, geezz....my heart is in pain because i really liked him.THAT ASSHOLE..!

As she was still complaining, Morgan went inside her room without knocking as usual.

Gigi....Just get out! Am not up for any fights with you so just see your way out.And stop entering my room without knocking or else i will tell dad.

Morgan....Did you go to my room that day just to take out the cameras your friend installed?

Gigi....Huh?? What are you talking about?

Morgan....Dont play dumb because i heard everything you guys talked about.

Gigi....Oh that! I just....made it up.

Morgan....I dont care, i just wanted to know if there was really a camera or not.Dont expect me thank you.

Gigi....You really make sure everyday to make my life a living hell, dont you?? I really hate you and i wish you can straight to hell right now.GET OUT OF MY ROOM, NOWWW..!!!

Morgan left and went to his room.He touched his chest sadly.

Morgan....She doesnt even realise that the words she said to me hurt like as if i got stabbed.I really dont want to be a bad person in your life Gigi because i love you so much and i want you to be happy.I just want to love you even if its a one sided love.

Gigi went to school the next day and students couldnt stop calling her an ugly pig.Kelly was the leader of those who mocked her and she always totured her.Gigi cried and Morgan always saw her but did nothing yet he was hurt to see her sad.