

Since Morgan jumped at the hospital, he was rushed to the ICU and her mum was taken inside too, Morgan's heart was still beating though he had injured his head badly and had many bruises since he fell on a car.Later, Joseph saw Jesca's 15 missed calls.

Joseph....I think this is urgent, she wouldnt've called me this many times if it isnt.Why did i have to forget my phone in the car?!

He decided to call her back, the driver was with her phone and answered it.


Driver....Hy Sir, its me her driver.

Joseph....Why are you the one answering in her place? Where is she?

Driver....We are in a hospital Sir.

Joseph....What do you mean??

Driver....Mrs.Jesca fainted and your son is in the ICU right now as we are talking.

Joseph....What??? Hey, tell me everything in details.

Driver....Your son took overdosed medicine and he was rushed to the hospital, when Mrs.Jesca and were heading to the restaurant to get him food, thats when he jumped from the hospital roof right onto Mrs.Jesca's car.Thats when she fainted and luckily, he jumped at the hospital but he needs prayers because he might....

Joseph....Dont say it! So...my son....tried to committ suicide two times??

Driver....Sorry Sir but its the truth.

Joseph....Am coming there right now!

He ended the call and his eyes turned red because he loved his children more than anything in the world.

Joseph....Why is my son trying to end his life? Does he hate this world so much? Doesnt he think about me or his mum at all?? Why is this happening to my children?? I should not tell Gigi anything because she is also stressed now and she hasnt recovered yet.

He went back to the hospital to see Gigi.

Joseph....Dear, i have to go now.Nanny please take good care of her and my grandchild.

Gigi....Is anything wrong dad? You look worried.

Joseph....No...nothing much.I should go and say goodbye to the baby, send my regards to Chayoung and her brother.Please give these gifts to them as a sign that am really grateful to them.

Gigi....Okay dad, come here and hug me.

Joseph....Okay, but a little because i will hurt you in your wounds.

They hugged and he saw the baby too.He boardered a flight and he reached at the airport where his driver and his bodyguards were waiting for him.

Joseph....Lets go to the hospital now!

Driver....Yes Sir.

He was taken to hospital and he went inside, he was directed to the room where Jesca was and he went there, she was awake.



He went and hugged her but was crying non stop.

Jesca....Our son....is...

Joseph....Its okay, i know.Am sorry that i didnt see your calls earlier.

Jesca....I want to see him now....please tell me that...his fine..

Joseph....He will be fine.

They went and sat outside the ICU room worried.They sat for six hours until the doctors finally came out.They stood up and went to them.

Jesca....How is my son? I want to know.

Joseph....Calm down dear.How did it go?

Jesca....Please tell us now!

Doctor....We are still trying our best to save his life.

Jesca....What? But you've been there for more than seven hours!

Doctor....I know but the patient is in a very very critical condition which is between death and life.

Jesca....No...dont about death.

Joseph....Lord! Doctor, he wont die, right? Your going to save his life, you have TO!

Doctor....We are really trying our best.

Jesca....No way!! Your just wasting time so that he can die.

Joseph....Jesca please!

Doctor....Excuse me.

Jesca....I swear you will lose your jobs if he dies!

Joseph...Lets just pray so that he makes it.

Jesca...But am...scared.I cant live in this world if he dies, his my life Joseph.

Joseph....I know, his also fighting so that he can come back to us.

They waited and it took another six and it was already 11pm.The doctors finally came out all sweaty and tired, they stood up again and went to them.


Doctor....Your son is really a fighter, he made it!

Joseph....Thank goodness!

Jesca....Thank you God.

Joseph....Thank you guys for your hardwork.

Doctor....We were just doing our job.

Jesca....Can we go and see him now?

Doctor....No, not now.

Joseph....Its okay as long as his still breathing.Lets go home and shower and then come back.

Jesca....You can go but am not leaving.

Joseph went back home.It was already a week but Morgan was still in comma and he never opened his eyes at all.He was all bandaged for the wounds he had and Joseph paid double for the doctors to take good much care of him.Gigi was finally discharged but the baby was still in the incubator.She went back home and always went to the hospital to see her baby though she had no idea what had happened to Morgan.Chayoung was always with her.

Doctor....You will get your baby in four days but when she is six months old, you must bring her back.Her breathing is not normal so you must get for her an inhaler and keep her in a very claen environment.

Gigi....Okay doc, thanks for everything.

Chayoung....Thank you very much doc.

Doctor....Anytime.Can i have a word with you Mrs. Chayoung?

Chayoung....Huh? I mean...fine.

Gigi went out to give them space to talk.He was korean and they were talking in korea.

Doctor....Am going to talk to you casually.

Cahyoung....Fine, about what?

Doctor....My name is Moon Jung Kyo.

Chayoung....Okay, So?

Moon....I will be honest with you, i like you Chayoung.Since the first time you brought here your friend crying non stop, i liked you.

Chayoung....You liked me just because i was crying?

Moon....No, i just brought that up but i mean what am saying.

Chayoung....Well, i dont know...what to say.

Moon....Its okay, just please agree to go on a date with me, and if you find me boring then you can say no.

Chayoung....Mmm...okay, lets give it a try.

Moon....Can i have your number please?!


She gave him her number and went to tell Gigi about it.

Chayoung....Can you believe what that hot doc said to me?!

Gigi....I know.

Chayoung....Huh? Now your acting suspicious, tell me what exactly you know.

Gigi....Well, he asked me if you had a boyfriend and i was like "annya".

Chayoung....Hahahahaaa....come on, his can speak English well.

Gigi....No, his accent is very bad but atleast his in love with a korean sexy girl.

Chayoung....I didnt know that he also had a crush on me.

Gigi....He didnt know until i noticed how you looked at him and then i told him about it.

Chayoung....No way! Seriously Gigi?? Thats embarassing.

Gigi....Well its not since he told you how he feels.You guys really make a good couple already.

Chayoung....But i wanna be with you.

Gigi....Oh please!

After four days, Gigi, Chayoung and her nanny went to the hospital and took baby Giyoung with them home.Chayoung started going out with Doc Moon and they started a relationship.Hyun also decided to tell Gigi about he felt about her.

Gigi....I think its time to move on with my life.I cant spend my years thinking and loving my brother, that asshole.I should go with Hyun to forget about Morgan.

She agreed and started a relationship with Hyun.It was already two years but Morgan never opened his eyes, he was still in a comma.It became three years and Gigi decided to break up with Hyun because she failed to love him since she still loved Morgan, Giypung was already three but she had asthma and she always had an inhaler with her.Chayoung did plastic surgery on Gigi and she became very pretty and also slimmed down.Morgan finally opened his eyes.