
Sugar Mommy - A Werewolf Story

A werewolf in her 30s who has no mate, falls in love with a human in his 20s. But she knows he doesn't love her back. So, she uses force. I mean- he needs money and she's rich after all.

Rameesa_Hussain · Teenager
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12 Chs

Chapter Eleven

[Haru Norman's Point of View]

"I really hope I'm not bothering you, Haru." Mia said urgently.

"No, you're not." I said, observing her hurried form. "What is it? You look worried."

"Its just that," She hesitated. "Oliver's father came by yesterday, saying sorry for Oliver and asking if they could get us married and soon as possible, to continue the business."

"Isn't your father gonna refuse? He seemed pretty angry about the whole thing." I closed the book I was reading and faced her properly.

"He was going to, but he only knows how business works in France, so ending the business deal with the Mathews would damage our company to no extent. My father can handle everything, but he can never handle loss." Mia said, making me upset.

"Don't mind, Mia, but you're father needs to get his priorities straight. He seriously cannot pick his business' loss over the loss of his daughter. And business is business, what's the difference between here's business and France's business?" I said in one go.

"Impression." She sighed. "My father has an impression in the people of France, and so its easier to do business there."

"So did your father accept the proposal?" I asked, hoping that at least Mia would stay in being in my side.

"He said he'll think about it." Mia took a deep breath, looking down. "But I'm getting worried, please do something, mon ami. Anything at all."

"Hey," I caught her attention. "Don't worry about it. Your dad loves you a lot, and I know he won't just sacrifice you like that. Let me try to think of something."

"I hope so," She smiled. "I'm sorry, Haru. I'm being selfish dragging you in my personal problems. I know telling you about these and asking your help is very self-centered."

"Don't stress it." I waved my hand dismissively. "Your problem is connected to mine, and besides, you called me your 'ami,' right? You made me your friend, Mia. And I accepted that. I didn't just accept you as a friend, I made you my friend. What are friends for?"

"Thanks a lot, mon ami." She smiled. "Its very selfless of you."

"Don't think of me as that kind of 'selfless' angel." I chuckled. "My heart is selfish, just like you."


I was walking to my class when an arm pulled me to an empty class.

"What the fuck, dude?" I asked Oliver who was looking at me, pissed off. Ally was standing right behind him.

"What the hell were you doing with my girl?" He spat. "She's my fiance, you know that?'

"Mia isn't your girl, nor is she your fiance." I calmly implied.

"Don't you dare teach me that shit, Norman." He clenched his jaw. "You have no idea how bad I can break you and your pathetic excuse of a life."

"Right now, its your marriage that's gonna break, because Mia is not going to be marrying you." I matched his position.

"We'll see about that." He glared at me.

"We will see," I smirked. "Besides, Mia Mathews doesn't sound very good."

"Why are you arguing with him, Oliver?" Ally came in, seductively putting her hand behind Oliver's neck. "Just do what we brought him here for."

"You're right." He glared at me one last time, before walking towards the door with Ally, closing all the lights and walking out, locking the door with me inside, all alone.

"Shit" I grabbed a table nearby for support. "I swear, my Nyctophobia will kill me one day."

My heartbeat increased, making me fall back in the impact.

"Someone, anyone, please make it stop."



"Someone... D-"

"Someone... D-"


"Make it stop..."


Everything started going black as I fell farther into the room, my head spinning like there's absolutely no tomorrow.

"Make it stop..." I managed to whisper.

Suddenly, the door burst open, and a familiar shadow ran towards me.

The thankfully familiar scent of Dolores hugged me as the shadow quickly took me in its arms.

The lights opened, making me see properly.

Mia was standing by the switch, looking at me with worry. And my entire body was in the embrace of my sugar mommy, Dolores Miller.

"Thank fucking goodness you called me in time, Mia." She panted because of the way she ran. "Otherwise god knows what would've happened."

"You can thank me later, but right now, it looks like he's struggling to keep his eyes open." Mia walked closer. "We should get him to the hospital."

"You're right." Dolores stood up with me, throwing my arms over her's and Mia's shoulder. "My car is outside, let's hurry."