
Suddenly, I Can Duplicate Money

Yun Hao was a star athlete. Destined for greatness, but alas, he was only human-- It meant nothing in a world where people could destroy a building with their finger. Still, he had it all. Fame, potential, and a bright future-- but even that was taken away from him. And with the last of his hopes taken away from him, he decided to end it all. But as he was getting ready to tie up the noose, a coin fell from his pocket. ...And then another. ...And then another. It did not stop until the room he was in was almost filled with coins. Suddenly, he could duplicate money.

Romeru · Urban
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70 Chs

Chapter 58: The Contemplations of Jia Su

Jia Ning's green bubbly hair bounced up and down as she happily walked down a street. Her brother, who was walking slightly behind her, could not help but have a smile on his face as he watched his sister's happy mood.

They were currently on their way to meet with the friends they have met during the Immersion. And although he would lie if he said that he too, wasn't excited to meet with their new friends, he was more excited for his sister.

All his sister knew ever since her childhood was to train, not even letting herself rest for even a second. Their mother was to blame, as she always tried to compare his sister to Song Jian-- an extremely unfair comparison, he always thought. Song Jian was a genius amongst geniuses. Even if the influence of his Jia Family and the Song Family could be said to be the same, Song Jian seemed to be of a different breed similar to the likes of Liu Hannah-- people who could skip their training and still come out on top.