
Chapter 54


"If you catch up, they won't be able to run far!"

"Flying also consumes magic power, so they can't fly forever!"

"When their magic power is exhausted, it's time to die!"

The jackals chased all the way, following closely behind the immortal succubus.

When they saw that the immortal succubus had no intention of fighting back, they looked like they were running away.

The jackal leader showed a ferocious smile.

"If you dare to provoke our great jackal tribe, you more than thirty succubi will be made to experience the most painful torture in the world later!"

"Wait until I take you back and play with you severely, and then leave them to my tribe to give birth to wolf cubs!"

"By the way, I will find your territory again and capture your ignorant lord and punish him!"

There is an essential difference between the lord's arms and the local arms. It is not difficult to analyze the jackals.

At the same time, I also believe that only ignorant lords dare to let a mere thirty soldiers provoke their great jackal tribe. They chased for about ten minutes again..The leader of the jackals found that the flying height of the succubus in the sky had dropped.

The flying speed also slowed down.

It seemed that his magic power was about to be exhausted. He immediately showed a sinister look in his eyes, as if he could no longer bear to be here. Just play with it.

I have to say that the orcs really can't control their desires.

But this time, the situation is not at all what he thought.

"Humph, after walking these stinky dogs for so long, I can finally take care of them with confidence!"

The Queen of the Immortal Succubus turned around and faced the nearest few jackal warriors who had been chasing her.

Whoa – an ethereal movement burst.

When those jackal warriors reacted, the heart area A terrifying blood hole has appeared, and a large amount of blood spurted out.

Facing the attack of the Desire Queen, there was no way to resist.

In an instant!


"Damn succubus, how dare you resist and kill my people when death is imminent?"

"Everyone attacks, show no mercy!"

"It doesn't matter if her arms and legs are broken off, just let her breathe!!!"

The Jackal leader yelled viciously.

But at this moment, a lot of vibrations came from the ground.

The Jackal leader frowned.

"This familiar pace?"

"Our branch, the Night Wolf Clan, is coming?"

They are also from the orc tribe, and they are also a branch of the wolf family, so he is naturally familiar with it.

But when he looked into the distance and saw the night wolf mounts and their silhouettes, his eyes suddenly widened in disbelief, and at the same time, he revealed something bigger than the boss. He looked even angrier when he was robbed

"Damn it!!!"

"How dare these despicable succubi treat my great orcs as mounts?"

Although the Jackal is not a Nightwolf, the two races are also very close. Seeing the Nightwolf's mount being ridden by a succubus directly aroused the Jackal's emotions.

But the next moment, he was stunned.

"so many people?"

"Wasn't it a revelation from heaven that a lord came to this world just a few days ago?"

"How could the lord train so many soldiers in just a few days?"

More than four hundred!

There are half the number of their jackal warriors.

However, it is only half!

Therefore, their great jackal will eventually win this victory.

More succubi just means Just more loot!

After the jackals looked up to the sky and howled, all the jackals launched another attack.

Including the few jackal priests at the rear, they also began to use powerful elemental magic to bombard from a distance.

From the front.

The mass production of both sides. The troops are on the verge of breaking out.

The succubi are naturally dominated by the fox succubus, while the jackals are mainly sword and shield soldiers. The jackal leader easily detects that the fox succubus is only a D-level soldier.

But the jackal army he brought out is different..In order to encircle and suppress the world boss, he brought out the most powerful warriors in the tribe, all of whom were elites above C level.

What's more, the level of all jackals was higher than that of the succubus!


(Read more novels by visiting our website: Knights Novel) first wave of collision, It's definitely one-sided!

Just when he was thinking this, a halo effect suddenly bloomed on all the opponent's units – an epic halo of understanding!


[Incarnation of the Fox King A]

Swish – the demon fox succubus released an advanced skill that he had not mastered.

The powerful advancement of the fox, the demon fox blood in the body burns, reaching the level of the fox king, the tail behind him instantly changes from one to six, and all attributes are greatly improved.

"What?"The Jackal warriors on the front line looked at this change in surprise.

Not long ago, they thought it was a crushing attack, but the opponent instantly used their skills to close the gap.

However, this is just the beginning.

[The power of the beast king A]——Stun everyone and weaken the enemy!

[Beast Spirit Impact A]——Use the blood of the Fox King to condense a large amount of magic power into a beast spirit, which will explode close to the target!

[Advanced Charm A]——There is a greater chance that the target will lose consciousness and give up defense!

Swish swish swish~!

Four consecutive bursts of powerful A-level skills were completely unexpected.

The group of jackal elite warriors who faced the demon fox and succubus were completely routed.

The jackal leader looked at this scene in disbelief.

I originally thought that the crushing of grades, crushing of levels, and crushing of equal ranks would be a one-sided situation no matter what.

The result is the same, but the target is guessed wrong!

The one-sided one turned out to be his jackal warriors!

"This…how is this possible?"

"How is it impossible?"

A crisp voice sounded.

The Desire Succubus Queen flew to the Jackal leader with a teasing look on her face.

She blinked her beautiful eyes, and the next moment, the Jackal leader's heartbeat accelerated.

He originally thought that he was of the same level as him, You will never fall into the charm easily.

However, in fact, the levels are not much different. The Jackal leader is level 24 and the Desire Succubus Queen is level 20.

However, skills above S level are enough to cause damage across levels! They are blocked by the halo of understanding. After the B-level charm was upgraded to the S-level charm corresponding to mental power, the jackal with low mental power was instantly attacked.

Burning Body with Desire S was activated!

Desire Cage S was activated!

Boom –

A large amount of flames spread, causing The jackal screamed in pain.

However, he used this to break free from the charm and immediately extinguished the flames on his body. At the same time, after resisting the charm once, he felt relieved because the succubus could not charm the same target repeatedly in a short period of time..Immediately wanted to turn around and fight back.

However, at this time, he found himself facing another pair of clear blue pupils – the high-level charm of the Queen of Desire and Succubus! He lost his mind again.

Phantom of Desire S!

Kiss of death S!

Swish, swish!


"Damn succubus!!!"

The jackal who recovered from the attack found that the wounds on his body had increased, and he was even more angry.

But – advanced charm!

Then came the fox succubus queen version!

Then the jailer succubus queen version!

Then the sin domain charm Witch Queen Edition!

The Jackal was horrified.

Because everyone knew that the succubus's charm could not be effective again.

As long as he resisted the first charm, he could start to counterattack.

But he didn't expect it at all.

There were so many high-level succubus units on the opponent's side..

Each person comes up to charm once.

Then he withstands the strongest attack without any resistance.

No matter how high his level is or how good his equipment is, he can't stop him!

Not to mention, due to the existence of the halo, they exploded, They are all skills that are no lower than S level and can cause damage across levels!

This was repeated several times.

The jackal leader did not even have a chance to fight back. He was forced to be charmed one after another. As a result, he was unable to resist.

In the end, he was severely injured without moving. Deadly!
