
Su Feng: A Story To Remember

Su Feng: A Story To Remember is a myth between the four realms. The Heavenly realm, the Demon Void Realm, The human realm and the Forbidden Realm. In the ancient days, White consult the Demon God Nine tailed Fox was the most powerful God in the four realms, thousands years later, she rebelled against the heaven's. Her soul was sealed and imprisoned until it was released by a minion and at last, SU Feng was born. Transcended and born as a demon God reincarnation, Lived as a human Man Chao Xing, Became Su Feng, a royal princess and died as The demon God of Chaos WHITE CONSULT and Su Feng. inhabit the soul of a female nine-tailed demon of Chaos within him His life, however, get entangled as he comes across Immortals from the heavenly realm

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15 Chs

Chapter Five

Without acknowledging Shiyi's question, Xing disregarded it entirely and swiftly pursued the flying sword. Taken aback by Xing's actions, Shiyi called out to him, to which Xing simply replied, "Shiyi, I will return shortly. Please inform our mother that I am going out for a stroll once she awakens," he shouted.

After an extensive sprint, Xing eventually lost sight of the sword, rendering it invisible to his eyes. Frustration consumed him, causing him to forcefully strike his leg against a rock in annoyance.

"All the effort expended in that chase has been in vain, all for the sake of a trivial sword!" Xing sighed with a tinge of disappointment and reclined on the rugged ground.

He crossed his legs while resting and gazed up at the magnificent stars above. The stars seemed even more resplendent from this vantage point tonight. "I must ensure that I bring Sui He and Yao Yao to witness this starry night sky," Xing exclaimed aloud as he placed a flower stick between his lips and began to chew.

Growing weary of his current state of boredom...Xing came to a conclusion and decided to head back home.

Taking a few steps forward, Xing's jade began to exhibit unusual behavior for the first time. Although Xing was aware that his jade was the same as everyone else's in Spring village, his jade had the ability to contain any object and pull it inside. Nonetheless, Xing chose to ignore it and continued walking home.

As he was about to take a few more steps, the jade forcefully pushed him backward at a rapid speed. Alerted by the sudden behavior of his jade, Xing grasped onto a nearby tree as it felt as though a strong tornado was attempting to drag him backward with its powerful winds. Just as it momentarily ceased, Xing released his grip on the tree, breathing heavily.

"What is the matter with this jade tonight? It seems unusually aggressive," Xing exclaimed aloud.

Turning towards the direction of his house, the jade forcefully pulled Xing into a white hole.

Losing his balance and falling to the ground, he landed on his buttocks with a groan of pain. Chao Xing raised his head slightly and was astonished by what he saw. He found himself in an entirely different place compared to the Spring village where he had grown up. The place was incredibly beautiful and breathtaking. He stood up and walked towards an unfamiliar residence, peering through the window to get a better view of the surroundings.

He observed a stunning garden with impeccably designed structures and both male and female individuals dressed in uniforms. The women were exceptionally beautiful, surpassing those he had encountered in his hometown, with neat attire and long silky hair.

"Wow, such exquisite clothing, even better than our finest garments at home," Xing remarked aloud. Just as he was beginning to enjoy the heavenly view, he felt something wet rolling down his back. Frowning he touched his back and saw blood . Turning backward to see who hurt him, two pair of eyes met, and a flicker of recognition passed between them. "Mr. Bird?" Xing exclaimed, surprised by the unexpected encounter. "You?!" Lin Xiu responded, his face reflecting a mix of emotions as he recalled Xing's face from their previous encounter in the human realm. Internally, Lin Xiu couldn't help but question how Xing had ended up here and whether he could be trusted.

"How did you find your way here?" Lin Xiu demanded, pointing his sword at Xing, the blade dangerously close to his neck.

Xing sneered at Lin Xiu's threatening stance. "Why should I answer your questions when you threaten and attempt to harm me?" he retorted defiantly.

Growing increasingly agitated by Xing's arrogance, Lin Xiu pressed the blade against Xing's neck, drawing a small trickle of blood. "Fine, I'll talk," Xing conceded, his stubbornness giving way.

"My jade pendant suddenly reacted and transported me here. How is that my fault?" Xing explained, a smug expression on his face. Skeptical of Xing's explanation, Lin Xiu removed the pendant from Xing's clothing and held it in his hand. Closing his palm around the pendant, he used his magic, causing it to glow and revealing a golden feather.

"Where did you get my phoenix feather?" Lin Xiu demanded, his voice filled with a mixture of anger and accusation. "Why should I answer you? You've treated me like a thief and attacked me. I owe you no explanations," Xing yelled back, growing increasingly frustrated with Lin Xiu's unwarranted authority over him.

"Playing tough, huh?" Lin Xiu argued, tossing the feather towards Xing that seemed to be blazing yet it cut through Xing skin like a sword tip.

In great pain, Xing mustered the courage to speak up and provide an explanation. He revealed that he had been unconscious for two days and, upon awakening, decided to investigate the location where the bird spirit had encountered him. His intention was to find evidence that would confirm the existence of the spirit. After an extensive search, he discovered the feather behind a rock.

The possession of Phoenix wings was an exceedingly rare occurrence in the four realms. It was believed that if a Phoenix feather were to fall, it could autonomously return to its master when the master spread their wings again, even after a million years. This explained why the feather had gravitated towards Xing, as he was in close proximity to its master, Lin Xiu.

Internally, Lin Xiu acknowledged the truth in Xing's words. He carefully retrieved the feather from Xing's injured body. Overwhelmed by the cuts and bleeding, Xing's despair grew. He fell to his knees, vomiting blood, and eventually collapsed due to the severity of his injuries and the significant loss of blood.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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