

Amy short for Amythest is the number one hater and lover of dating. She loves seeing people inlove but can't imagine the feeling in herself. Weird right?

kathy_katz · Teenager
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13 Chs

Amy's First Time at the Mall

Amy felt so overwhelemed for her first time seein a grand mall. It is so big that she thinks that a thousand people would fit in. But of course she just hide her excitement because she doesn't want them to know that it is her first time entering a grandest mall.

"Okay were here," Nor's dad said as they enter the finest restaurant inside the mall. A table was already set for them and a waiter guide them to their seats. Amy was even astonished, it was also her first time entering a restaurant and most a fine one. She enjoy seeing the beautiful and big chandelier up high but she was careful not let them notice.

She was handed the menu but she didn't know what to order. Of course it is her first time seeing that kind of dishes plus the name. But Nor being close to her notice Amy's struggles and just said, "hey Aems let's just order the same," Amy nodded. Then Nor talked to the waiter, "I want two of this steak with broccoli and trufle ice cream plus avocado shake." The waiter then head on after taking their orders. Amy cannot contain the feeling and so a thank you words came out of her mouth, "thank you maam and sir." Nor's dad said, "just call us your Tita and Tito and we would like you to be one of our daughters too. Is that alright Nor?" Nor replied, "of course papa."

After a while the food are served and while eating, a beautiful music was playing infront of them. It's an instrumental music but seems a music to the soul and Amy enjoys the food so much. After eating, they decided to watch movie. Of course it was all Nor's choices and this time Amy didn't argue because all she enjoy right now was because of Nor. They buy popcorn, drinks and nuts. "Let's watch Dandelion papa," Nor said and her dad replied, "again? baby it's been the 4th time this month." Then they all laughed. But being the only and favorite girl Nor was, they did watch dandelion again. It was a story of a girl who worked in the farm and never got a chance to go to school. She could only watch her neighbors on their way to school while she is also going to the farm. She wanted to go to school but herr family couldn't afford because her mother got sick and so she help her father in the farm. Her father promised to send her to school when her mother would be well but it's been 5 years since then and that didn't happen. To ease her loneliness, everytime she saw a dandelion, she would pick one and blew it away. Yes she blew all her hardships and disappointment of not being able to go to school just to continue her life. She thought she could never ever go to school. But one day, there was a teacher who visited their house and encourage her parent to send her to school. Everything was for free. She is so excited to hear that but her father said that she can't yet go to school because her mother is not yet well. She went outside then grumble. As not to disappoit her father, she look for a dandelion to ease her disappointment again. His father noticed her loneliness upon seeing her playing with the dandelion. He sit beside her and said, "it's not that I didn't want you to go to school. All my life I've been wanting you to have a brighter future and not just end your life her. But when your mother got sick, we lost everything plus this farm it's been loaned. All of our savings and even our earning are not enough for her medicine. Yes what they offer is all free but who would look after your mother? Plus I really needed your help her in the farm because Mr. Ty wanted the payment this year. I hope you understaand but I cannot let you out now." Her father cried then leave. The girl didn't say anything but grabbed all the dandelions she can get and blew everything all way. She is trying to ease the pain but yes they got no choice this time. One morning, while she is feeding her mother, her mother said, "I talked to your dad, I told him to let you go to school. My hope is gone because of my sickness but I don't want to kill that hope in you because of what happen to me." The girl cried and hugged her mother. His father also while seeing them hugged, cried and when he look at the girl he nods, as a sign of approval. The girl then excitedly go to school and the girl now became one of the famous businesswoman in their place.

After the movie, everyone cried. They were touched by the movie especially Amy because she somewhat can relate. Her family is not that well-off but thankfully she gain scholarship at Iris. "I told ya I didn't want to watch that movie again, because I don't want anybody see a Judge crying," Nor's dad said and they all laughed. Nor to ease their loneliness because of the movie said, "let's get some ice cream now, my treat," everyone became happy now just like a child. After eating ice cream, they go to the 5d ride. Nor again was to decide and she choose "stairway to heaven." They all wear a 5d glass and just walk and walk as if really walking towards the heaven.

After the mall, they went back to their dorm and Nor's parents waived goodbye. "Thank you Nor, I really enjoyed this day. It's actually my first time doing all that," Amy said while hugging Nor. Nor replied, "oh really? of course I noticed everything you did there, especially when you panicked when we ride the elevator hahaha," Nor tease Amy and then added, "all the best for you Aems."