
stupid affair

I'm Eric..33 years of age..I want to write my personal love affair..

it was all started in a night club where I work as a waiter...in my three years there,I never thought that I will be falling in love with this woman..and it all goes like this..

in my first night in the club...

I was amazed by the ladies dancing in the stage naked..whoa!!!!it's really great!!!!plus the entertainers and the guest having sex in the VIP rooms when I'm serving their beers..it's hilarious!!!but for them,it's just normal..it's their job...then after work you can go along with the girls..some girls inviting me to their apartments,drinking liqour..anything can happen..you can have sex with them just for pleasure..for fun..and after that,when at work,you just get along as if nothing happens... on my part,ohh yes!!I enjoyed it..that life?I'd really love it...

months and years past..I just enjoyed..serving the guest and the entertainers...go along with them..earning my salary and tifs from entertainers and customers..it's just very simple...until one night.....

there was a girl applied as a dancer...but she has a stretch marks because she already has two kids..so the management just hired her as a GRO...she can't dance,but she can go to the table to entertain the customers and even go to the VIP for some extra service if the customer wanted..she's beautiful in my first impression..she got my attention..I talked to her...we became friends..she said it was her first time to work as a whore..I saw the sadness in her eyes..she said she needed this job for her two kids..she's just 24..her first child was 6 and the second is 3..she said she has no husband to lean on..that's why she will do whatever she can to feed her kids and her family..she's not doing it for herself because even her family's​ need is her concerns..after we have talk I just wanna forget what I've heard...days past...I just can't keep my eyes on this girl..so I texted her..



me:can we meet after work?


bingo!!!I want to think that this is very easy but oh my God..I just think that she likes me..

after work I just get a taxi and fetch her 20mtrs away from the club..then I bring her directly to my home and without a word,I started kissing her,take her clothes off..she didn't even say a word..she just allowing everything I did to her...we slept together..then when we woke up i ask her who's with her in her apartment?she said my first cousin..her cousin is working also in a night club..I ask her if she wants to stay with me..she said yes immediately..so I decided to let her stay in my apartment..it was Feb 16 2015..she said I will need to go home in my province on Feb 26 because my eldest were celebrating her birthday on Feb 27..but before I travel I will leave everything to you so that when I came back I will go directly to you and we will lived together...I said ok..

then it's Feb 26..after work we go directly to her apartment and take all her belongings to my apartment..then he travelled back to her province..in first two days our communication we're ok..but all of a sudden we almost lost contacts..whenever I call she didn't answer..the phone will hang and sometimes it's unattended..it troubles me deeply..what's going on?sometimes she can answer my messages..she just keep on saying please trust me.and please wait for me..I will go back there and lived with you... questions mingling in my mind.. what's going on now?is her husband there or what?does she had boyfriend there?I don't know what to think..I'm just letting her do what she needs to do..it was April 22nd when she get back..and she asked me..do you still want me to stay with you?I breathe deeply...but I said yes..she embraced me so damn tight!!! then.. everything was ok...I wanted her to stay with me but I said to myself,I will never fall in love for this woman..weeks and months have past..we're ok..it's ok for me her having sex with her customers..I don't feel jealous or something..I just putting in my mind that she needed the money for her family... sometimes if a customer asking me if I can give him a good girl to enjoy the night I will call my girl..assist them to VIP room..and after that I will just ask her how much does that man pay her service..she will tell me the truth and gave to me the money she earned...we live in a practical ways...she can have sex to other man for the money..I'm just letting her because I met her as this..I just asking her not to fell in love with the customers..she was taking contraceptive pill..and she'd be checked weekly by the OB since it was required by the management and the city ordinance that whoever working in a club we're having their weekly check ups..until September 2015 he refused to used contraceptives..she just said that she wants to have a baby..our baby..she said you don't need to worry,I will refused to be used by the customers without using condoms so that I can assure that the father of her child is no other than me..at first I didn't allow it and I don't want to have a child with her I just can't say it to her..but she doesn't care..she just wanted to have a baby even if I don't wanted to.she said you can abandoned us after I will give a birth to your child..I can raised your child on my own...the next month she didn't visited by her red days..so she asked me to buy pregnancy test..and it was positive..she was pregnant..she was very happy and decided to quit her job..and asked me to quit also because she didn't want me to work there without her because she knows the temptations and what it's like working there..she decided that I should quit first so that I can have the time to find another job.if I can find a job then it was the right time for her to quit since she was the higher money income between the two of us..then I decided to be a freelance cctv installer since I've been working before as cctv installer under a company...the income was good so she resigned..if I can't install I stay in the house making stuffed buns,cream puffs and cakes and deliver it to different clubs..she's helping me..I have a 7 years of experience as a baker and I have oven in my house so it's not hard to find an alternatives to earn..then my area as an installer has been broaden.. contacts to contacts in different areas and cities so I need to travel..and then time comes..June 22 2016..shes giving birth to our baby boy...I was there in the hospital..I can't forget the feeling when I first carry our child..wow!!!!I can't explain!!I was very happy...I was never excited for our baby but after I held him in my arms..oh my God!!all the negativities in my mind we're all gone!!!!I'm so damned happy!!!

two weeks after he decided to go back to work and I was assigned to nursed our baby..I asked her..are you sure??she replied:yes!I'm ok now..I've fully regained my strength..I need to do this because now we're not just one family.i still have family in the province that needed my attention...your earnings we're not be enough to feed us all so I need to do it since I can have the money easily in the club...

so it was...what else can I do?I just let her do what she thinks what is best for us...I let her back to work without me...then I found myself started to feel uncomfortable..I'm jealousing..her regular out is 4am but sometimes she got home 8am..where have you been?she said making money in the hotel with my customer...why?she asked..it's not like you..I said...ok..I needed to do it she replied..I know..you needed it..but is the VIP rooms were not enough for both of you?she replied.,the customer has arrived 3:30 in the morning so we decided to do it in motel since the club we're not allowing VIP customers at that time..if the club will allow it the customer don't want to rush so you should understand!!I don't want to make it a big issue so I just tell him not to do it again..after work she should go home..she didn't say yes..so that was our set up..I'm the homeboy..making the home jobs..cooking..well it's easy for me because I'm also a cook...washing our clothes...it's a bit hard..nursing our boy.. everything in the house..it was mine..when he wokes up her food was ready...then she give me the money she earned for the night..I'm doing the budget.. little by little Id realized,I was falling in love with her..there are nights I couldn't sleep not until she got home..I've started to feel uneasy..I forbid her not to give her number to the customers..but it's too late..because she has her one customer that caught her attention..without my knowing every night she was talking to him.. calling and texting one another... sometimes even in the house he went out just to answer that man's call..I asked her to change number..she did but she has memorized that man's number..it's too late that I've figured out that she has falling in love with this man..this man is 42 years old that time..with 4kids and who's wife is working as an ofw in UAE..at first she just keep on telling me that she was only talking to him because that man always giving her money...not knowing that the cause of her going home at 7 or 8 am she is with that guys apartment...i was begging her for the sake of our relationship and for our baby she should stop meeting with that guy..because time will come it might be a reason that our relationship will end..she promised..she won't call and entertain that guy again..

then she said she needed to go to province..I said ok...he didn't bring our baby..then it repeated again..after she got home to their province it was really hard to communicate with her.. then I was shocked when her phone rings and answered by another guy..the guy asked me who I am..I answered,this is Eric...then the guy replied..who are you calling?I'm calling for Maui..(that was the girls name.)and why are you calling for her?he asked..I'm his boyfriend..I said..ohh your the boyfriend!!I'm the husband!!!!he said..what???we have civi marriage last April 15 2015 before he went back there for work!!!he said..to my shocked,I'm speechless..I couldn't say anything..I just dropped the call..the guy called again to make me believe that he was the husband he let Maui spoke to me but the words I've heard was just "hello" then dropping the call..and it's confirmed..that was maui's voice....I don't know what to do...then that guy started to threaten me..then all her secrets was revealed...her husband telling me their story..he said he first meet Maui in a videokebar...and he said Maui has one child that time..the second child he was the father and they get married..he pulled out Maui in that kind of work not knowing that mau travelled far to work in that kind of work again..he's word was all against maui's story..because Maui said that Tha father of her two child was the man that owns her virginity..maui's word for me we're all lies...months after Maui returns home to us...asking me if I can forgive her for all the lies she said...she said he broke up with her husband and don't want to be with him again..and she said I'm the one that she love and our baby...and what will I do aside from accepting her again?I'd accept her knowing the consequences... fortunately,that guy stop on treathening me..he just said,Maui is yours..I have given her a chance to change but that kind of woman never change...years past her true colors have appeared...go out with different person almost everyday no matter how many times I'm begging her she won't listen anymore..I couldn't remember how many times we broke up..how many times she gets her things out in my apartment and spend weeks in the other guys apartment..but still I'm the one begging her to come back to us...I'm letting no matter what you wanted to do just go home for us..we're waiting for you to come home my love...I'm shedding tears no matter what I do..I'm just deeply in love with this woman..I can't imagine life without her..she said I'm going home..we talk..I have a plans.. then she went home..she said I needed to get our baby I will bring her to my mom in the province so we can work together...for me it is a good idea so I decided to let her mom taking care of my son..and so that every 4am I can fetch Maui in the club with my motorbike..but that wouldn't last long...time comes I couldn't control my girl...one time I supposed to fetch her but when I got to the club they say Maui is absent..she supposed to be here?the co worker said that it's maui's off duty..so to my shocked I keep on calling her ring after rings..I keep on calling..then she got home 8am mad...what do you think I should do? I just packed her things up and throw it out side..then I said..if I can't control you anymore,if you do not loved me anymore..go..I'm letting you..be with the one you falling in love with right now..then she left me broken to pieces...I was attempting to end my life there in that moment but my mother calling me on phone..asking and begging me to just go home in my province in surigao city Philippines..we were living in Baguio City that time...after few days I texted mau... I said mau,I will leave this town,I will go back to the province to start a new...she called me?hello..are you decided on going home?I didn't answer immediately..I dropped the call.. following days I got my ticket,it was 7days to depart...I took a shot and send to her..then the following days she showed on my apartment..embrace me tightly..why you're going home?don't you want to live with me?live with you?where are you when I needed you the most?tears shedding in her eyes and so are mine...she said ok..as long as you are here.i will spend all my time with you..I'm not going anywhere,I'm not going to work..I just wanted to be by your side as I can if you just let me...that's all the words I hear as her tears falling..I kissed her..no matter what she has done to me I do love her so much..we decided to go to her province with a motorcycle since it was just 156km away from Baguio..we stayed at motel there together with our baby for just one day..we're very happy that time not knowing that it was the last time that we were together with my child and the woman that I have given all my love...the next Dawn were travelling again to Baguio.i still have three more days to be with her...we're just making fun on what we have left...then she said she we're leaving the country for six months to be a whore in Dubai.after that she will go to my province with our baby and start a new life..I just nod...ok..do what you thinks what is best for us..I said..that's a promise babe..she said..then the time has come...I am leaving Baguio City....he accompanied me to the terminal..the last time I saw her is in the glass of the bus bound to Manila..from there I will take Tha ship to surigao...first week our communication we're ok..but the walls have ears...the news we're spreading so fast that even in the far it reached mine..Maui and Edmond living together...I saw the proof..pictures...therefore I had decided for the last time that shes not gonna change forever so I broke up with her..I blocked all of her accounts...

now I'm peacefully living with my parents her at the province...driving my own tricycle for a living...it's been a year now that we don't talk but still I'm in love with her that i still cannot find another girl..shes still in my heart..still shedding tears at night blaming myself..im suffering...I'm missing my baby so badly....

thanks for letting me share this to you guys..it's just takes me 3hours to write to his since I had memorized all the details until now....bye bye...