
Ch51. Underestimating Dumbledore?

Narcissa Black with one last groan felt her body dropping forward and flopped her head on her husband's chest, feeling warm and filled up to the brim, unexplainable happiness coursing through her body. She tightly cuddled her head deeper into her husband's chest as she relished the euphoric feeling when she felt his hand snaking around her shoulder, softly caressing her skin as it started gently rubbing her back. She stifled a sensual moan as she felt his touch affect her, her inner walls tightening, pressing on his cock still inside of her, making it hard again as it pushed its way through her folds. It was then she felt her husband's other hand gently pat her head as it started scratching her scalp, his fingers coursing through her hairs and suddenly she was unable to suppress it anymore. A long, hot moan ripped itself out of her throat, no matter how much she tried to press her mouth shut to prevent herself from such an embarrassing display.

She looked accusingly at the amused face of Hadrian who calmly continued delivering such a pleasant feeling to her, unable to even verbally rebuke him as her body was leaning toward his touch.

"You have no idea what you are doing to me." She weakly protested. Too weakly for her pride to like it but her body was exhausted.

She felt herself heating up again as her mind started to be overly conscious by her chest being pressed into his stomach. The toes on her feet curled up, back into the position they were not even ten minutes earlier as she could feel the body's overpowering desire. Unfortunately, to her extreme dissatisfaction, that was the extent of the movement she was able to do as every cell in her body was as tired as it was exhausted. She cried internally due to her old, easily-tired body. No matter how many beautification spells she could invent or how many potions she ingested, her body was getting old and it was hammered into her every night she found herself in a similar position as right now.

"Hmm, I don't?" Hadrian quipped smugly as Narcissa couldn't help but gasp.

The tips of his fingers as if vibrated deep under her skin and she immediately understood what is to follow. He was using his damned telekinesis to pressurize her nerve endings!

"No!" She was able to tersely scream out before her body betrayed her as her world was painted in pleasure. Her eyes bulged out at the unbearable ecstasy it felt, her mind trembling, trying to stay coherent. Her mouth stayed open from her previous denial, unable to close itself as she felt a sliver of drool exiting the corner of her mouth, right onto Hadrian's chest. Her entire body went stiff, shaking minutely, squirting her juices on Hadrian's crotch while her pussy squeezed him in warm vice-grip.

As soon as the feeling came, it again left when Hadrian stopped using his telekinesis on her. The effects though stayed and Narcissa could only dumbly stare in front of her while letting the afterglow rock through her body. It was then she felt Hadrian's body shift underneath her in discomfort at her wetness, starting to unconsciously ever so slowly and gently rock itself up and down, his hands snaking around her body, embracing it slightly as it made it easier for him to move in and out of her.

She doubted he did it on purpose and her mind guessed it was more the desire taking over. Closing her eyes, she decided to enjoy the pleasant feelings and let him do his thing. She was his so complaining would be unsightly. Even then... her body wanted it so badly!

It took barely a few minutes of their bodies gently rubbing on each other as Narcissa registered Hadrian's panting and clamped her Occlumency shield on her feelings hard.

A second later, she could feel herself being filled up by his sperm again as her body exploded in warmth and feeling of fulfillment yet again. Her mind barely fought the overload of euphory, making her glad she had the foresight to use Occlumency, otherwise, she would be already deep in unconsciousness by now.

"I hate and love this part of the contract." She mumbled into his chest more to herself but when she felt Hadrian's curious gaze on the top of her head, she decided to elaborate.

"We don't have a child." Feeling him stiffen, it was hard for her not to drag this out and tease him but with a sad sigh, she decided to forego her fun. "Not that we could, I am barren as they come." She said in an unbothered drawl and gleefully snuggled into Hadrian's reassuring head pat. "But the contract was between pureblood families after all. They wanted an heir eventually."

"Does it compel you to have sex with me?" Hadrian worriedly asked, and while Narcissa was unable to raise her head to look at him, she imagined his expression must be increasingly difficult right now.

She smiled at that imagination and slowly shuffled her head from side to side, dragging her nose on his chest as she could feel him squirm due to her hair tickling him.

"No, but the feeling of you coming inside of me is simply... heavenly. The contract is set up to ensure willingness to make children. While men are usually not affected in any way…," She snorted. "the women are... different. I... love the feeling, to be honest." She told him, her voice laced in a conflicting tone.

"Lucius..." Hadrian started and Narcissa felt as if he poured her with cold water as she understood where he was going with that.

"Yes. But not for long." She said evenly, uncaring. It happened too long ago and wasn't even that high in her list of most unhappy memories, after all. "One day, suddenly I could stop hating myself as I stopped feeling the overpowering pleasure as he was having his fun while beating me senseless."

"I am sorry." Hadrian apologized for making her remember and Narcissa snorted.

"I don't care anymore. I didn't know what the feeling signified then." She rebuffed strongly. "Mostly I didn't even notice. When I did notice something wrong it was at most a pain in my abdomen and frankly, I was hurting all day all over at that time... I didn't have any time to even contemplate being a mother, you know?" She weakly stated. "I don't know the feeling of loss of a child. Yes, I was bewildered when the Healer told me the pain was a miscarriage but at that time, I can remember myself staring at him dumbly not understanding his words. Then he told me he is sorry for miscarrying my fourth child and I blinked owlishly, unable to even feel sad as I was not even aware of ever being pregnant. It was all too impersonal to me. I-"

"Narcissa." Hadrian stopped her distressed rant with a gentle voice. "It's fine. You will be fine."

"Thank you." She melted into his chest, her agitation leaving her. "Anyway, the crux is I am damaged enough to not be able to conceive a child. Hence I can happily relish the feeling the contract gives me with the man I love until the end of my days." She said flippantly and giggled happily into his chest, caressing it with her breath.

Hadrian rolled his eyes at her attitude and was glad that there was really nothing bothering her about it. And if she was, well… magic.

They laid in the bed, enjoying each other's presence when Hadrian remembered what he called her today for. Embarrassed, he decided to breach the topic.

"Cissy, I will need something from you." He told her.

"Well, as long as you don't need my kidney for a ritual, I am all for it." She quipped with an eye-roll.

"Tomorrow I have Potions with Snape... I want you to be ready for whatever will ensue afterward." He decided to ignore her witty remark.

"Oh, I see. You want me to blow anything you cause out of proportions. Probably to get him sacked, right?" She asked lightly.

"Yes." Hadrian agreed.

"Is that due to my niece?" Narcissa remembered what Hadrian told her of Dumbledore's schemes. As she felt her body rested enough she raised her head slightly, putting her chin on his chest as she peered at him.

"Yes." Hadrian bluntly asked and proceeded to pinch her cheek. "Is my little Cissy jealous?"

So childish, Narcissa thought and rolled her eyes but her the light in them danced mirthfully.

"Hmm, not really. I can share." She uttered plainly, mentally pumping her fist at his disbelieving look.

Narcissa 1, Hadrian 0!, she imitated Bellatrix's cackle in her mind.

Hadrian recollected himself and decided to get far, far away from that topic for as long as he manages.

"Yes, it is because of Dora." He tried to get the topic back on the initial rails.

"I can try but I have no idea what you expect from me." She saw him opening his mouth but didn't give him time. "You are underestimating Dumbledore too much."

Hadrian's mouth snapped shut, completely baffled at what he heard. Underestimate? He would like to believe he was overestimating the old coot!

As Narcissa noted his expression she gave him a ridiculing gaze.

"I heard about the debacle around my dear cousin. You Sirius-ly screwed that. But then again, there was no winning that. Sirius would not be getting out unscathed anyway."

"What do you mean?" Hadrian asked, not understanding her meaning.

"You pulled the request for a trial out on the drop of a hat, during the Wizengamot meeting. These things are usually announced days before but if you did so, Sirius would be deader than dead the next day they escorted him to a cell in DMLE." Narcissa methodically explained. "Your request was good. The timing was excellent. You had Dumbledore where you needed him. Right in front of the Lords, living proof about to walk in, it was incredible, perfect even. But Andromeda didn't study the proceedings of the meetings and was nervous for her meeting with Lord Malfoy and Lestrange about my and Bella's contracts. She let Dumbledore walk out of the room. Hence, a complete fuck up." She concluded.

"Well, it was my fuck-up too. I didn't think he would really go for a kill. Nor did I believe he would get through the wards of Azkaban. It is, after all, one of the few places where even house-elves can not penetrate." Hadrian pouted.

"Well, the point is, it was Andy who came up with it. With something that could damage Dumbledore. I am sure he didn't care about her specifically and aimed for the mysterious Lord Black instead otherwise Andy would have much bigger problems nowadays. But then her daughter starts loitering around THE Harry Potter? From what you told me about his plans, of course, he would want to get rid of her..." Narcissa admonished him for his actions and released an insufferable sigh.

Before Hadrian could defend himself she flung her upper body up, her hips pressing on his as she supported her body with her hands on his chest, tightly pressing him down, demanding him to shut up and listen.

"Moreover, you underestimate Dumbledore. He is the Defeater of Grindelwald. He 'single-handedly' ended the war muggles call the worst conflict in recent history. While that statement is as far from the truth as possible, Dumbledore made sure that is how the wizarding world remembers it. He won one duel and was at most a few hours on the battlefield. While soldiers fought, died, and killed, he sat in his comfy chair, spending time by sipping hot chocolate and choking on his Lemon Drops. But he is remembered as THE hero because he defeated, no, utterly destroyed Grindelwald. But then again, that was AFTER Grindelwald fought and annihilated four squads of battle wizards by himself. Nonetheless, the kind of reputation Dumbledore gained for it opened a lot of doors and begot influence."

She took a deep shuddering breath as Harry hit her weak spot.

"With Weasley matriarch, you gave me enough influence and dirt on him to get him out of his Chief Warlock position. But that only means he can't do things openly. He basically whispers opinions into three-quarters of light houses while at least half grey houses owe him a favor or two. Not to mention that he has a certain... sway on dark houses too. He was the one who helped the 'imperiused' Death Eaters out. If he came up with a 'research' that the mark can't be taken while under imperius... well. Let's just say the dark houses knew well their position but Dumbledore also couldn't use this willy-nilly. It is a very volatile card and he has to be extremely cautious because it could backfire and taint his reputation. But as blackmail material in some lesser cases, it suffices to give him enough sway over them. I know for a fact he used it on a few occasions in the past as Lucius was cursing him to heavens when it happened."

"I see. He really is firmly attached in his influence, isn't he?" Hadrian groaned, trying to make it sound as if it was out of annoyance, instead of Narcissa's driving his cock deeper into herself.

"You have no idea." She smirked and started to slowly rock her body back and forth, relishing at his twitching face.

"Anyway, Dumbledore was a teacher for a long fifty years. He molded the minds of the young according to his wishes for the entirety of his teaching career. There is a reason why he is willing to forsake all of his positions except being the Headmaster of Hogwarts. When you look at Wizarding Britain of nowadays, you can see people. People who all went through Dumbledore's fingers at one point in the past."

"Yes, some left his influence after they graduated and realized he is not unflappable. Some had it drilled to their heads even before they came to Hogwarts by their parents... Well, he can not really influence everybody. But children are malleable. He gets enough of them in his camp and all it takes is to act grandfatherly, potion here, potion there. It became a less known fact after it was taken from the curriculum, that weak dosages of loyalty potion over long periods of time creates faux-loyalty even after it is stopped being administered. All he has to do is prove he is worth the loyalty by helping them in a hard situation and voila, he has a willing minion with high potential that would die for him."

"Also, he has many people hidden in the ministry and in important positions, Harry. Just look at what happened with the debacle of Sirius. It was obvious he threw my cousin into the prison without trial but he still managed to keep his position. It took yet another scandal to boot him out of Wizengamot and even then there were no charges against him. Heck, he could weasel his way out of it if the Prophet article was not so sudden. If we pressed the Ministry to go after him with our influence as House Black it could backfire due to the sheer amount of favors Dumbledore is owed after his fifty years of playing 'the game' and I am really not in the mood to deal with that can of worms. That's why I do not actively antagonize him."

"This will be a very long run, won't it." Hadrian uttered, disgruntled.

"Yes. Yes, it will." Narcissa admitted and put her hand on his cheek in affection. "But don't worry, I will be here with you for every step of the journey. I will think of something. We will get him eventually, Harry."

"But... who said my goal is toppling Dumbledore." He grinned at her playfully as she widened her eyes in surprise. "I couldn't care less about him if he left me alone. I just need you to nibble at his reputation and positions slowly and discreetly. As long as nobody finds out I am Lord Black... Well, Dumbledore won't really try to harm me for years to come yet."

"True..." She nodded in agreement but then her smile went naughty. "So, up for the second round?"

"Do you even need to ask?" Hadrian grabbed her hips and their fun started all over again.

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