I remember it like it was yesterday blinding lights hyped crowed and the the best gamer on stage performing live right infront of me. if you tell me right then that she'd be living with me I'd probably be overjoyed or dont believe you at all... but you know what they say. never meet your heroes https://discord.gg/UmYxRprzpJ join our discord where we share our interest in novels and other authors
"Hey did ya hear?"
Two people were having a conversation in a room away from the tournament.
One of them was a guy with black hair,tanned skin and blue eyes and the other was a girl with white hair and blue eyes with a big black ribbon in her hair.
"Apparently, Miku is participating." The guy said.
"Is that so.." The girl said A smile crept up on her face as she heard the news.
"This will be fun."
"Now! Our first contestants! Miku! Haru! Gabriel and Oli!!"
The crowd went wild as we were introduced to the field. The whole situation was awkward for me. I wasn't used to having this much attention..really don't know what to do with it all.
Miya however seemed a bit too comfortable.
"Thank you, Thank you!" She said to the crowd with a huge smile blowing kisses at them.
I turned to see who our opponents were and they seemed very skilled at the game. They even have a few fans cheering for them.
"Ok now contestants take your seats!"
We did as the man said and sat down in front of our computers which was strange because we were doing vr gaming this whole time-
"This might be a problem-" Tom said to himself and Jerry agreed.
The game loaded in and the symbol of the game appeared on the big screen.
(Arena 1 desert terrain )))
Our avatars loaded into the game and the battle commenced.
We were separated from each other and everyone was powerless until they found something to equip to themselves so in this case you'll have to find your class? If that makes sense? Anyway,
I immediately started searching but so far no luck.
I was surrounded by nothing but sand and broken building structure.
I kept searching for a weapon..or spell or anything i could use! But before I even got to find one I heard something coming my way, all I heard was the crackling of flames.
I rolled out the way of whatever's coming and saw that I dodged a fireball.
"Remember Haru, don't die." Tom said from his mic.
"I got this-"
"Ok." He sounded like he didn't have much fate, time to prove him wrong.
I tried to run away from whoever is shooting the fireballs since I can't see them and I'm not taking my time to find them when I could do literally nothing.
'Is that…' I thought to myself as I saw something in the distance.
It was a sword which signifies the rouge class.
I quickly grabbed the class and got ready to fight back.
More fireballs were sent my way and I dodged most of them.
One of the fireballs hit me in my arm knocking me back and hurting me quite a bit.
Haru's health 89/100
The TV on the wall displayed my health as I got hit.
"I know I know don't die-" I said slightly irritated but even i'm nervous about what's happening.
(( Arena 1 Grassy terrain))
Gabriel's fighting off one of the opponent's as a gladiator with earth magic and is doing fairly well.
The opponent couldn't even get close to him but Gabriel couldn't hit him either.
The opponent goes to attack Gabriel again but runs in to get close.
Gabriel swung his axe to fend him off but the opponent stepped on his arm to elevate himself allowing the opponent to roundhouse kick him in the face.
Gabriel's health: 90/100
The Tv displayed on the screen.
The blow knocked Gabriel back, setting some distance between the two of them.
Gabriel without hesitation dug his fists into the earth and pulled out a huge chunk of it, sending it flying at the opponent who couldn't dodge that attack in time.
Opponent 2 health 67/100
Gabriel took this opportunity to swing his axe at him once more while he's still recovering from the previous attack slicing the opponent's avatar in half.
"This is actually pretty fun-" Gabe said to himself proudly.
"And one player has been eliminated from the game!" The commentator announced.