
Stuck in TVD

Alexander wakes up in The Vampire Diaries. What will he do?

Westley86 · TV
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5 Chs

Chapter 3

September 8th

As I was training to learn the finer control of my powers as well as some meditation, I was trying to plot my course through what was coming. Some of it was obvious but some of the things that happened were silly and annoyingly dramatic.

I guess an example would be that I still want Caroline to become a vampire and another would be saving Jenna and a few other people maybe.

I had also decided to leave Elena alone romantically as while she is definitely hot she is also drama centric and that would become annoying fast.

I am hoping that getting Bonnie on the wagon to using her powers sooner will help things more subtly or something along those lines anyways.

I'm sure I will eventually have to smack Damon around hard but I don't really want to. But we don't always get what we want I suppose.

I figure I might be able to help Anna and pearl and maybe if I helped Katherine she would calm her tits or at least be amusing some how. With that at least I might not have to actually kill her for being a raging super cunt.


I'm not really a big drinker or party person but I guess it's not too horrible when you technically have 3 beautiful young women hanging out with you constantly. It really is a shame that I decided not to pursue either Caroline or Elena unless they really came on to me hard. They are both beautiful but not sure it's worth it at the moment but Bonnie is fair game I think though she constantly gets pulled into the main drama so that could get annoying fast also.

After a while of just hanging out, talking and laughing, exchanging stories with each other, I run off to get a drink when I notice someone interesting who I didn't think would be here this early. So I walked up to her mostly just curious but if this was actually her, could make things amusing.

"Hello Anna!" I tel the brown haired brown eyes girl with a cheery smile. She looks in my direction so fast I could have swore I heard her neck crack.

"Who the hell are you?" Anna asks wearily her face looking grim.

After a second to consider how to answer. "Mmm I'm Alexander. And I know what you want and I can help you get it." She doesn't look like she trusts me in the least but I can't blame her, I am a stranger after all.

"I don't need you, the idiot, Damon, will likely get the tomb open for the both of us… he wants what's inside just as much as I do."

I just laugh lightly. "Well your right about one thing, Damon is an idiot but eventually he will find the object of his desire isnt in fact in the tomb, I think we both know Katerina is too much of a survivor to be trapped like that… her escape plans have escape plans." I tel her with a slight smirk trying not to smile like an idiot. She was one of my more favorite characters after all. But she looked alarmed right now and it almost made me feel bad.

"Relax dear. I won't tell him. And I already have an in with both witches and I vaguely know where the talisman is. Do you really want to trust this to that idiot?" I ask her curiously. She just looks anxious right now.

"Why should I trust a stranger, I don't know you, what do you get out of this, why would you help me!?" She asks hotly. Damn she is cute when she is mad.

"Hmm well I get to know a pretty girl out of the deal, that would be you in case you were wondering." I told her with a stupid grin on my face to which she blushed slightly but still looked annoyed.

"You also have to know that most of those vampires can't leave that tomb alive. They would butcher this town for what their ancestors did to them. There may be a few such as your mother who can leave but sadly most of them will go homicidal." I tell Anna somewhat sadly but firmly. She her lips were pressed in a firm line contemplating her choices no doubt.

"How can I trust you not to murder my mother as well?" Anna asked with doe eyes, putting up a sad front for sympathy most likely. I already know this girl isn't weak but there is nothing wrong with playing along.

I walk up to the actress who almost looks like she was going to cry. Maybe she was but I still think it's an act even if it does tug on the heart strings. I grabbed her hands tightly but not painfully. "Dear, I don't need help to open the tomb, I'm simply including you because I figured you would want to be involved, to ensure your mother's freedom is granted. I already have or know where what I need is to open the tomb." I tell the brown eyed beauty in a soft voice looking into her eyes.

She just sighed. "Very well, how will we do this?" She was probing I think, to her any information would probably seem vital.

"Well for one, undue whatever manipulations you may have began, they will be pointless now and will just be annoying to deal with in the future." She pouted at that. "And I want to speak with Katerina."

She went pale at that, obviously afraid of the doppelgänger. "Why would you want anything to do with that bitch!? She can never be trusted, ever!" She told me with vehemence, shaking her head rapidly.

"Who would ever trust her?" I ask her in amusement. "But I know everything she has ever wanted and multiple ways to grant it.. I think she will deal with me for such." I tell Anna with a grin plastered on my face.

"Also try and keep Damon from murdering people too much, the town knows about vampires still and too many deaths will bring out the hunters in droves. Meet me at my place when you make up your mind for sure." I tell the cutie while giving her my address and phone number. After that I walk away going to find drinks and the girls.

'I will have to get to know him before anything, he is a complete unknown but I don't understand how he knows so much. He smells human I think, with the undercurrent of the sea for some reason. I guess I will see how trustworthy he is soon enough. If he is being honest he really wouldn't need me anyways like he said. Maybe he is just being a male?' She thought to herself curiously slightly blushing.