
Stuck In A Lost World?

Whiteraven · Fantasie
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2 Chs

Ch. 1 Launch Day


My mind drift in an out of consciousness, bored out of my mind looking at the clock bottom right of my computer screen to change. an hour ago the download finish all I had to do was wait a few more minutes for the game to officially go live. "a few more minutes I waited years for this game to come out I can wait a few minutes." I thought to myself but it didn't stop my impatient nature from going haywire. The game I'm waiting for is call Lost World Online or LWO for short a MMORPG. Like I said before I've been following this game for around 2 years now after when i got to see some test footage at a convention a long while back even got to beta test it.

The game takes place in the world of Remora a place people long forgotten filled with jungles, forests, mountains, and ruins all around. The players are sent to settle the land a grow there own countries and kingdoms. That's the base lore of it the rest of it like why the land was abandoned you have to get into the game, as for the gameplay it has your normal MMORPG element Job Role (DPS, Tank Healer/Support) dungeons and some world bosses. There are also many different races to choose from like Orcs and Dwarf. The unique thing about this MMO is it's town system, at the beginning of the game there are going to be no town other then in starting areas everywhere else player have to make. How it work is a bit complicated but the basics are that there are point of interest scattered all around the world. these point of interest or P.o.I can level up and become towns or bigger. After players can declare wars or sieges to bring towns down to build up their own. there are other cool feature but I will properly get to those later.


After waiting a couple more agonizing minutes a message pops up

Claire: Psy you up?

Psy is a nickname my friend Claire gave me it. My real name is Renn Basto she told me she gave me that nickname because we know each other so well that I know what planning at some points its like im psychic also because when she tells me said plans I tend to sigh a lot. Claire and I known each other since we were kids, we hung out all the time. Even now that we twenty and are a cross the country from each other due to her going collage we still consider each other best friends. Though we live far from each other we still hangout just online. We tend to play online games together and talk in chat rooms. We mostly play First Person Shooters to my dismay, we play it because its the only thing she will play. We played them when we where young and she just got drawn into them so much so that I've never been able to beat here in a one on one match. despite that I've been getting her to play some other games mostly RPGs.

Me: Ya, but why are you up? don't you have class tomorrow?

Claire: Don't you?

Me: Taking a gap year, remember?

Claire: Riiiight I forgot. Anyways you still waiting for that online game?

Me: ya it launches in a few minutes. you said you would try it out, right?

I've been trying to convince Claire to try Lost World for some time though she has been iffy on it she has never played an MMO before so she has been hesitant on trying one out. even though I promise her I would help her out she still gave me an "I don't know"

Claire: maaaybee :P

Me: All right :(

Claire: Well I should head to bed have a goodnight Psy

Me: Night Claire

As I sent that message my alarm on my phone went off. I quickly look to my phone clock.


I immediately turn off my alarm and click the launch button on my screen. It took a bit to load into full screen but when it did I was greeted by the intro cinematic. it start of in a first-person point of view of someone walking though a large purple portal, as soon as they walk though it transition into a beautiful view small town under a large forest. The view moves up into the clouds then into and over head view of the part of the forest. The camera moves into forest view a party of adventures exploring, but immediately an arrow flies by missing the lead member. As a group of goblins rushes the party and the party begins to defend themselves the immediately the camera moves forward pass them to a scene where the party is moving boxes to a camp. soon after the group ducks and cover as a large red dragon flies over head the rest of the cinematic goes similar to this. The camera moves from scene to scene show of different environments and places. From mountains to deserts and castles to dungeons while showing off some of the creatures making a encounter like ghouls and hydras. Finally it end on a over head view of the the world showing of settlement slowly building before going to the title screen.

I click the start button and it brought me to the terms and service agreement.

"Ugh" I blurted out

This is just some legal mumbo jumbo saying that that they can ban me or sue if I cheat, hack sell on the second hand market you know the usual stuff. I quickly scroll down click the read the it and I agree to them boxes. There was some more legal stuff but I also could do that really quickly. i didn't plan on cheating or anything so i didn't really go though it, no one really reads though that stuff anyways. The next screen it brings me to is the "Pick your server" area. The game is Early Access for America. i don't know why it seems like a bad marketing idea, making EU and Asian players behind the U. S. seem unfair but hey i can't complain I still get to play. Right now their is only four severs available one for each time zone of the main part of the United States (sorry Alaska and Hawaii) I click the pst server and waited to go to the character creation screen, but it didn't pop up.

The screen was completely black expect for a few lines moving a cross the screen. This was new in the beta it would put you straight into the character creation screen. they must have put this in before launch. most games leave stuff out but it would be a like new tutorial or more cinematics "guess this is some sort of loading screen?" I said to myself. suddenly the lines stop coming and words appeared on my screen


Those word then blink away and new ones take their place


"what?" that was the only word I could blurt out before a the screen turn white and a blinding Lights irradiated from it. At first i tried to block the light with my hand, but it was futile. I proceeded to close my eyes, praying that the light would stop.