
Stuck along with you

"I'm stuck between loving you and hating you. It hurts to live with you and it would hurt to live without you too." Amy is a 17 year old who has experienced pain and hurt very early in her life. Kevin is a boy in her class who became her escape from the harsh reality. What will happen when she wants to escape from her escape but is stuck with him?

Blair_Willows_7595 · Teenager
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3 Chs

Chapter 1

September 2020

"mom…." Shouted Amy tying the lace of her shoes almost ready to start back after 5 months of break, nationally known as the 'lockdown period'.

"yeah yeah I'm ready" replied Emily, her mother. This morning was different for her. Different from the last 17 years. This year her only daughter was going to start her final year in school, she'll no longer be her small girl, she'll soon go somewhere far from home. This house won't be the only place for her after a long tiring day of school. But "I'm happy…. For her and for myself" she thought.

While her mother was reminiscing the old days and imagining the future, Amy took one final look in the mirror and prayed "God….please give me the strength to handle everything, the intelligence to understand everything, and patience to wait for your action. God, please don't let him come near me again" with that she checked her school bag once again for all the books and closed the door of her room.

Emily while warming up the coffee shouted " sweety we're getting late…come fast". "How do I look?" replied Amy calmly,mainly to silence the thousand thoughts building up in her mind about school. Her mother turned around and couldn't help but smile with pride. "How far have we come you're 18 it feels as if yesterday your dad and I brought you home from hospital"."Mom really? Do you have to mention him on every good occasion?"responded Amy with anger evident in her voice."I'm sorry but he's your father and-"."I think we should go we're getting late for school" she said the final words and went to the car.

Emily understood what problem Amy had with her father but irrespective of everything he was still her husband and her father . even if she didn't think of him as one but he was after all her father.

In the car after locking the doors there was an awkward silence but this wasn't the first one they have had. amy knew how to clear the ice and she knew it well by now. She turned on the radio saying "let's hear what the world is thinking today….the schools are finally opening today after 5 months"."

"the classes for students of all ages is finally starting after 5 months of wait due the coronavirus pandemic, schools have taken student's safety to be their utmost priority.lets see if this decision taken by the government will be good for the students or another wave of spread for covid-19 will start. Stay tuned for more updates" finished the reporter.

"well we have to stay positive now don't we?" said Emily ."yeah staying positive is the only thing we can do and hope for" replied amy while looking out of the window, her mind remembering the days before the lockdown, her friends, the surroundings, trips, night stays, walks in the park, him-'stop it!!!!!!! You can't do this to yourself . his memories will only give you pain, reminding you of what you could have had.' Said her subconsciousness .

With that the car stopped in front of the school gate. There were students parking their cycles and some walking with their friends towards the entry gate. Emily kissed her daughter's cheek and hugged her." Hope you have a wonderful day darling, tell me everything afterwards" she said. "yeah mom..you too" smiled amy

Standing in front of the class she couldn't help the butterflies in her tummy. She walked inside and there were only a few people in the class, as it was still early. She went to her seat and someone tapped on her shoulder. As she turned around she couldn't help but squeal. It was her only friend in the class, noah. She threw her arms around his neck and he hugged her back."how are you?!" squealed amy. "Good but it should be the other way around so how are you?!!!" he replied equally excitedly. Emily removed her arms with a big smile still on her face. "awesome! Everything is awesome" she replied happily. "oh thank god, you know I thought after what happened –"."I don't want to think about it or him. Today is a fresh start dude! " she tried to change the topic. "yeah yeah I know. I'm happy seeing you this way" but he saw the way her smile faded and her eyes didn't shine like they used to.

With that she smiled back a little and said " have you seen any them?". He knew very well who 'they' were. "yeah I think I saw jane in her class" noah replied. "Okay,thanks! " Said amy, her voice laced with excitement after all it has been 5 months since she last saw her best friends. Out of them jane has been with amy since 8 years. They both basically consider each other 'soul sisters' as there are almost thousand similarities between them. Then comes Leanne. Jane and Amy have been in the same class for quite some time but leanne and jake only joined their "group" as people call it, 3 years back. Since then they have been inseparable. But things changed when the classes got shuffled last year leaving amy and Leanne alone in their own classes and jane and jake together in one class.

That year was difficult for Amy as things weren't very good at home. The troubles her father was causing were too much for a 17 year old and a mother who couldn't do much for her. With all that going on she couldn't share it with anyone what she was suffering at home.

As Amy came out of her class , a fresh wave of wind hit her cold face, making her hair blow. For the first time after so long, she felt she was where she was supposed to be. Going inside the class in front of her, Amy quickly located Jane's bag and then her eyes met Jane. They both couldn't stop the tears almost ready to spill out of their eyes. Jane came forward to hug Amy, a hug which made all the nostalgia appear in their heads. " How are you ames? ". Breaking the hug with a wide smile on her face Amy said " Happier than before. Everything is awesome''. `` No I mean with your father and him-" Before Jane could finish Amy cut her off by saying "everything is awesome jane! That was all past and here we are in school where we never thought we would come back. So yeah lets focus on what is in front of us, right? "." Yeah, sorry i just… you know i can't see you like that again so i thought i should ask once more" Said jane searching amy's eyes for any hint of fear but she couldn't find any.

With that, Leanne and Jake entered the class, equally excited to see their best friends. They all engulfed each other in a tight group after all they all thought of each other as family.

After 10 mins the bell rang. Everyone went back to their classes. Amy took her seat and started looking out of the window, trying to enjoy the winter view when someone shouted the name she didn't want to hear and her eyes immediately went to the door. It was like everything was happening in slow motion like the first time.

He walked inside the classroom, eyes towards his friends, his long fingers combing through his hair, legs moving forward towards his chair which was diagonally behind Amy's. Amy couldn't stop herself from staring when something suddenly snapped inside her head and she looked out of the window again, only this time her mind was somewhere else.

" Hey man! " Said Noah trying to break the ice. "Hey dude! What's up? It's been too long" Replied kevin.

"I know right, 5 months is too long" responded Noah, his eyes going towards amy.

"Hi Amy!" Said kevin. No response. Kevin looked towards Noah. Noah got up and placed a hand on Amy's shoulder which made Amy jump up with surprise. "Sorry you said something? " Asked amy.

"Umm kevin was saying hi to you" Noah said awkwardly.

Turning towards Kevin and trying not to look into those brown eyes which made her fall for him, Amy almost whispered "ohh hey".

Just then Ms. Ginny came inside the class with lots of papers in her hands , struggling to balance them. She placed them on her teacher's desk with a loud thud which made half the class silent. With half a smile Ms. Ginny said" Good morning everyone. Welcome back. But before any of you could say something i would like to inform you about something "

Her statement made everyone quiet and within seconds the room with 30 teenagers was filled with silence.

"As you all know we are going through a global pandemic right now and with the virus at its peak the ministry for education has decided something for the betterment for students and for the continuation of proper education. All students will be staying in school hostels built specially this year to avoid outdoor contact to minimize the risk of virus spread so that they can continue with their education and this year won't be a waste for anyone". As Ms Ginny finished speaking these words a wave of whispers could be heard. Some were excited for this new thing. Some were worried for their families. Some were shocked, and Amy being one of them wanted to talk to her mother.

" Also school has made pairs of students to stay together in the hostel for efficient organization of groups of students. Everyone can inform their parents about this change although this news is currently coming on news channels. Everyone can request their families for basic necessities like clothes and toiletries. After 2 hours the list will be announced of the pairs in the auditorium and studies will begin from tomorrow onwards. '' With Ms Ginny uttering the last words , everyone got up to call their parents for clothes and necessities.


"..... Yeah mom, i can handle myself. I'm in school mom! It's safe here…yeah all the clothes and my stuff… yes I'll call you everyday…. Okay. Bye" Amy sighed while ending the call. She knew it would be hard for her mother . She's her only child and everything really.

As she turned around, keeping her phone in her pocket, leanne appeared in front of her.

" Emotional mother? " smiled leanne. " Yeah, you know how emotional she can get," laughed amy. If there was anyone who could read her better than herself then it was leanne. She was like that only. Reading people's faces and minds, understanding every problem.

"Cmon let's go to the auditorium, have you thought who you'd be paired with?" asked Leanne, instantly regretting asking this question.

"Umm not really just hoping for anyone non-irritating,'' replied Amy, trying to ease the lines on Leanne's forehead, which made Leanne chuckle.

After sitting in the auditorium for 15 mins the councilor came with a few papers in her hand. Silence grew inside the auditorium after looking at her with the list in her hands. Every couple hoped for them to be partners.

With clearing her throat she began by saying " So children this list has been prepared by your teachers who all know for so many years now so there will be no changes after the list is announced and no request will be entertained". This made people whisper in a hushed tone.

"Okay so the first pair is Tessa and Louis. They will be staying with liam and Charlotte.Then lee and jenny along with trevor and samantha... . . . " The list continued for a few other names then a familiar name was announced. " The next pair is noah and isabella and they will be residing with amy and kevin".

Author's Note:

hey guys this is the first ch of my novel.

show some love

thank you