

The person just turned towards the corner when he suddenly halted on his tracks and just stood there rigidly as his body shivered.

That person's eyes glanced down towards his neck where a huge sword was resting on his right shoulder with its blade just enough to touch his neck skin.

"Why are you following me?" Leo coldly said, not bothering about the multiple eyes watching them.

"I-I wasn't following you. I'm just going the same way like you do" the man hurriedly said while his eyes darted around, clearly feeling nervous at the moment.

"Do you think I'm an idiot?" Leo coldly said as he pressed the blade of his sword harder on the man's neck causing blood to trickle down from his neck.


Hurried but orderly footsteps rang behind them but Leo wasn't bothered at what's happening behind him. He just put all of his focused on the person before him as his killing intent started soaring from his body.