
You Should Choose Not Only Your Allies, But Also Your Enemies With Great Care

‘The day has finally come,’ Ethan thought as he looked at the tower in the distance, where the Statue of Brynhildr was located.

“Don’t worry, Master,” Lilith assured as she appeared behind Ethan in her Catkin Form. “If someone comes to harm you, I promise that I will protect you.”

Ethan turned around to look at the beautiful Catkin who would sometimes hug him in his sleep whenever Luna and Lilian didn't sleep beside him at night.

“Lilith, I’ve always wondered—what’s your real name?” Ethan asked. “I only gave you the name Lilith in the past since I didn’t know what to call you.”

“Young Master, the Catkins of the Orpheus Clans shed their names the moment they choose to take up the blade to serve your bloodline,” Lilith answered. “The day I was appointed to become your protector, I shed my name along with the others as an offering to the Goddess Tia.