
The Taste Of Origin Magic [Part 3]

Forty years ago, Sofia, who hailed from a Magical Family, dreamed of exploring the wonders of Magic.

Unfortunately, her dream of becoming part of the Magical World didn’t open its doors to her.


Why was such an innocent dream not realized?

It was because even though she was born from a Magical Family, she was someone whom the magical world referred to as a Dud.

Duds were Wizards and Witches who barely had any magical power in their bodies. The kind that, even if they could cast magic, it was faulty at best.

Even so, she still decided to follow her dream and enrolled in Nightfall Academy.

She might be a Dud, but she had learned to cast at least simple spells, like summoning a small light that was just as strong as the light from a small candle.

In her mind, she believed that if she worked hard enough, if she endured hard enough, and if she grit her teeth hard enough, one day, she would be able to break the limitations that bound her mortal vessel.