
Handsome And The Beast [Part 2]

This creature was very familiar to him, and it was looking back at him with an amused expression on its face which couldn't be concealed even if it was hiding behind a tree.

“E-Everyone! Run!” Ethan shouted before pointing behind the Dire Bear, making the Beast stop its charge. “It’s Koko!”

The students that had surrounded him all froze before looking in the direction that Ethan was pointing at. There, they saw a White Gorilla that stood around four meters tall.

The Gorilla smirked at the students before walking in their direction.

“Boo!” Koko said with a devilish smile on its primate face.

Now that its cover was blown, it decided to show itself and have some fun.

“Run!” the chubby teenager shouted before running at full speed back to the academy.

When it came to knowledge about Magical Creatures living in the Great Eagle Forest, there was no one more knowledgeable about them than the members of Jaeger Manor.