
Strongest Senior in world of Harry Potter

"Adam Salvatore, the man reigning over the world of magic." Rita Skeeter exclaimed, "No more gimmicks. Focus on the words of Salvatore and Dumbledore." Snape added, "You all are the worst I have ever taught, except for Adam. He is exceptional. Slytherin gains 10 points." Hermione inquired, "Senior Adam, may I ask you a question?" Harry pondered, "Why did the boys who survived face such different outcomes?" Dumbledore explained, "Adam is the most exceptional student in the history of Hogwarts, surpassing them all." Adam sighed, "Why am I constantly in the spotlight? It's exhausting to be a celebrity."

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14 Chs

Talk with Headmaster

"Adam Salvatore, you're quite impressive. I believe you've already read the 'History of Magic'," Professor Binns said in a cold tone.

"Yes, Professor Binns," Adam replied, maintaining his composure despite Professor Binns' disapproval.

"Since, you're already familiar with the subject, there is no need to learn from my class from now on," Professor Binns said, clearly angered.

The other students were filled with fear and concern for Adam. They worried about the consequences of challenging the professor so early in their first year. The future didn't seem easy for Adam.

Just as the class was about to end, the bell rang, and Professor Binns assigned homework to the rest of the students.

"Everyone, copy the content we covered today and hand it in next class, except for Adam," Professor Binns instructed, looking directly at Adam.

Cassius whispered to the person next to him, "Do you think Professor Binns will really stop Adam from studying the history of magic?"

"Adam, you should inform Professor Snape about this," Elly reminded him.

Professor Snape, the head of Slytherin house, was known for defending his students. If Adam sought his help, the conflict with Professor Binns could be resolved.

Just as they were discussing this, Snape appeared outside the classroom. He called out, "Adam."

Under the watchful eyes of his classmates, Adam walked out of the classroom.

"Professor Snape, what can I do for you?" Adam asked.

"Headmaster Dumbledore wants to see you. Come with me," Snape replied, leading the way towards the headmaster's office.

"Does the headmaster want to see me already? That's unexpected," Adam thought to himself.

They arrived at the office, passing by stone statues, and ascended a staircase. The office walls were adorned with portraits of past headmasters and headmistresses, peacefully slumbering within their frames. There was also an enormous, claw-footed desk, and, sitting on a shelf behind it, a shabby, tainted wizard's hat — the Sorting Hat.".

"We meet again, Adam Salvatore," the sorting hat greeted him.

"I can't say I'm thrilled to see you," Adam responded, giving the hat a stern look.

With a smile, Dumbledore sat at his desk and looked at Adam. "Tom and Henry have taught you well."

Adam pondered for a moment. It seemed that Dumbledore was aware of his self-studying Hogwarts courses at the Leaky Cauldron in the past few years. It wasn't surprising, considering Dumbledore's vast knowledge and connections.

"Professor, do you know Tom and my uncle?" Adam asked, feigning curiosity.

Dumbledore didn't answer the question directly. Instead, he said, "You did an excellent job in class today. Professor Flitwick spoke highly of you, while Professor Binns was furious at your performance."

"Professor Binns is a ghost isn't he, so I hope he doesn't suffer a heart attack," Adam whispered.

"If you weren't two years older than Harry, I would have thought you were the prophesied child," Dumbledore remarked.

"What prophecy are you referring to?" Adam inquired.

"A prophecy about the savior," Dumbledore revealed.

Snape interjected, objecting to Dumbledore's disclosure. "Professor, there's no need to involve a child in these matters."

"He is a child, but an exceptional one. Adam's talent ranks among the top students taught at Hogwarts in the past fifty years," Dumbledore praised him highly.

"I may be at the top, but I'm not the most powerful, am I? I mean, many exceptional wizards have graduated from Hogwarts in the past fifty years, including Voldemort," Adam stated matter-of-factly.

Dumbledore and Snape exchanged baffled glances, realizing that Adam had understood their veiled conversation. Dumbledore wanted to train him because of his abilities.

Dumbledore needed to cultivate an exceptional student who can become dependable in the fight against the Death Eaters, someone loyal to his cause.

"Professor, is there anything I need to do?" Adam asked, pretending to be earnest.

"For now, take a lunch break," Dumbledore replied.

"Okay, Professor," Adam said, turning to leave.

"Oh, and Adam, I will speak to Professor Binns. Don't worry," Dumbledore assured him.

Adam turned back, asking earnestly, "Really? So, I won't have to attend the history of magic anymore?"

"No, Professor Binns said that in the heat of the moment," Dumbledore clarified, disappointing Adam slightly.

Observing Adam's reaction, Dumbledore was momentarily taken aback. In his initial assumption, he believed Adam would be worried about missing out on the history of magic class. Unexpectedly, Adam was disappointed because he actually wanted to attend the class.

"You don't want to take the history of magic?" Dumbledore asked, seeking confirmation.

"As you know, I've already self-studied the subject," Adam paused before continuing, "including the third-year material."

Indeed, Dumbledore was aware that Adam had purchased Hogwarts textbooks from the Diagon Alley second hand down Shop for self-study. However, he was uncertain of Adam's level of proficiency. He planned to observe him for a while before granting any special privileges.

"I need to consider this further. After all, you've only completed two years of classes," Dumbledore pondered.

"What more is there to consider? You can test me?" Adam pondered. Since history of magic was considered a humanities subject, the only way to assess him was through an exam. He was willing to take the test to prove his knowledge.

"One week from now, I will ask Professor Binns to provide you with a final exam paper on 'History of Magic'. If you perform Outstanding on the test, I promise you, you won't have to attend the class," Dumbledore proposed.

At Hogwarts, test scores were categorized as Outstanding, Exceed Expectation, Acceptable, poor, Dreadful and Troll. Usually, a specific threshold was required, and one had to achieve an Outstanding grade to receive any official recognition. However, for Adam, this wouldn't be difficult.

Given that his current body didn't match his old soul, treating him as an ordinary student would be a grave underestimation of his capabilities.

"Is 'History of Magic' is the only subject that can be tested?" Adam inquired.

"Do you wish to be tested in other subjects as well?" Snape asked impatiently, thinking Adam's question was unnecessary. The 'History of Magic' alone was enough for him to evaluate.

"I've studied all the subjects, so I'm willing to be tested in others too, such as Charms, Astronomy, Herbology, Transfiguration, and Defence Against the Dark Arts," Adam replied with a smile.

"If you're confident, I will arrange for the professors of these courses to prepare separate final exam papers for you. However, since the professors have just started the new term, they won't have time immediately. Your tests will be scheduled a month from now, on a Monday," Dumbledore informed him.

"Okay, Professor. I'll take my leave now," Adam said.

As Adam left the headmaster's office, Snape said to Dumbledore, "He is quite arrogant and overconfident, despite his exceptional talent."

Snape's concerns were not unfounded. In Hogwarts' history, many gifted students had lost their way due to arrogance.

However, his concerns about Adam were unnecessary. Adam was a pragmatic individual who knew his limits. In that sense, he shared a similar trait with Slytherin House.