
Strongest sect Master

This is a story about starting a sect and becoming the most powerful sect master. Jiang Chen arrived in this fantasy world eighteen years ago and became a member of a small family with good talent. He also has a System, and he began taking disciples gradually, forming a group of strange disciples with extremely varied personalities and steadily built the most powerful sect in the heavens and numerous worlds, eventually becoming the most powerful sect master.

sleepingpeacefully · Ost
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106 Chs

Disciple Acceptance Ceremony(Part-1)

"What matter, Chen'er, why called me?" said the first ancestor as he arrived in the main hall. "Ancestor, it's not serious, it's just White Floating City Lord came to ask for help, so I wanted Ancestor to stay in the city for this month and maintain the order of the city."

"Furthermore, I have obtained some additional puppets that can be of assistance to you, ancestor."

"Oh!, high second-rank puppets!" Hearing Jiang Chen's words, he was intrigued as there are not many people who can make such high-grade puppets in the whole kingdom, but he quickly controlled his mood as this brat is mysterious and astonishing treasures appeared time and time on him, and many were things that were beyond his imagination, so some puppets were not much of a surprise.

Immediately, ten high-second puppets that looked exactly like normal humans appeared in front of them. "Go with ancestor and follow his orders from now on," Jiang Chen said, and the puppets seemed to understand it.

The first ancestor also looked at the puppets, as they seemed much better than what he had seen, as their intelligence seemed much greater than that of ordinary puppets and as their thinking was not rigid, they could definitely do much better than ordinary puppets.

The first ancestor nodded, and with those ten puppets, he left the sect and went to the White Floating City. And in a single day, those ten puppets appeared in the city. They showed their strength by taking care of troublesome innate martial artists, returning the peace of the city.

"Finally," City Lord Xu felt relief, as now he did not have to feel anxious all the time.

Whereas Jiang Chen maintained his cultivation and was taking pills and many other resources to compress his qi to the limit to break through the spirit master realm.

Days continued to pass, and almost a month passed since Jiang Chen entered his deep cultivation to break through.

The White Floating City was now filled with martial artists from various places in the southern region. Innate realm martial artists who were rare in White Floating City can be seen everywhere, and there were a few spirit master realm martial artists also here.

For the small sects and families in the white Floating City spirit master realm, martial artists were the super big shots; they could only see them from afar in their whole, but because of the 'Divine Sword Sect, such masters did not dare to do anything to them.

First, when those ten puppets appeared, they shocked the innate martial artists, but slowly more and more martial artists appeared in the city, and then spirit master realm martial artists also started to appear. They were from various forces from all over the southern region that wanted to know the 'Divine Sword Sect' real strength.

But naturally, most of them did not want to be the first person to trouble the 'Divine Sword Sect', so they mostly waited until a rogue demonic martial artist who is known for his fierce behavior and cannot control his impulses attacked some local martial artists.

Every one of them was happy to see someone finally creating trouble for the 'Divine Sword Sect' and wanted to see what they would do.

But later, something shocking happened. A man covered in thunder and lightning appeared in the sky, emitting a powerful aura that engulfed the entire city. It was so intense that it made it hard for people to breathe and even martial artists in the spirit master realm from various groups struggled to gaze upon his figure. 

The demonic spirit master understood that he was f**ked and wanted to run away, but a three-hundred-meter-long lightning bolt fell from the sky and directly destroyed him without even leaving any ashes.

From that moment on, whether it was innate or spirit master realm martial artists they became meticulous and even tried to be as friendly as possible to the locals of the White Floating City.

The matter about the thunder lightning spirit master in 'Divine Sword Sect' also spread in the southern region, making them even more famous, which made many enthusiastic young martial artists who were before hesitating to come here determined to become disciples of 'Divine Sword Sect.

Now the martial artists in White Floating City can feel proud, as 'The Divine Sword Sect has already hinted that from now on White Floating City will be under them. This is good now for all of them.

While outside in the city, local martial arts families were feeling good. Inside the room in the divine sword sect, a person was sitting, and the aura of this person was so strong that the space beside him was shaking, and small cracks were appearing in the space.

If other spirit master realm martial artists saw this, their jaws would drop, as only by reaching King realm martial artists can a person truly affect the space, but now this person sitting here can also affect the space.

This person is, naturally, Jiang Chen. "Phew, finally consolidate the strength." With a smile, Jiang Chen said as right now he was not an innate martial artist but a spirit master realm martial artist who was genuinely standing at the top of the spiritual kingdom.

He trained all of this time and devoured many resources and pills to finally break through the spirit master realm.

"It's about time; tomorrow is the day to accept disciples," as he already gave the formation disc and talent monument to Elder Xiao Yi, so he can rest today and wait for tomorrow's disciple acceptance ceremony and hope that there will be surprises.

The next morning, when the sun was shining brightly and a light breeze was blowing, all the young martial artists who came from far were waiting for the elder of the 'Divine Sword Sect'.

Many were nervous, some were confident, but they were all eagerly waiting for the divine sword sect to start the disciple acceptance ceremony.

Finally, a few figures appeared: a person wearing white clothes, leading a few martial artists in the centre of the city, which made everyone quiet as they had seen this person's strength.

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