
Strongest Saiyan of Konoha

Travel through the world of Naruto to become Uzumaki Naruto and open the infinite comprehensive system. This is a translation. I am not the original author. 木叶之超级赛亚人 - Name of novel

Grandmaster_ · Anime und Comics
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9 Chs

New Schedule (Not A Chapter)

Hey Guys, I am really swamped with work right now so I will be only doing 3 chapters on the weekdays and 2 chapters on weekends.

Monday - 1 Chapter

Tuesday - No Chapter

Wednesday - 1 Chapter

Thursday - No Chapter

Friday - 1 Chapter

Saturday - 1 Chapter

Sunday - 1 Chapter

I will get back to doing 1 chapter a day at the end of this month. I have a really busy month upcoming so I am sorry I can't do daily chapters.