
Strongest Saiyan of Konoha

Travel through the world of Naruto to become Uzumaki Naruto and open the infinite comprehensive system. This is a translation. I am not the original author. 木叶之超级赛亚人 - Name of novel

Grandmaster_ · Anime und Comics
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9 Chs

Messing With The Nine-Tails

While the Kyuubi wondered if what he experienced was a hallucination or reality, Naruto returned to reality.

On the bed, Naruto felt his blood boil and his body grow stronger.

While his physique was relatively powerful before, he felt himself grow even more powerful after consuming just one drop.

Even the whiskers on his face faded a bit under the effect of Saiyan blood. His face also became a bit sharper; these changes, while not obvious, still stood as he only consumed just one drop of bed.

His hair, however, had a more significant change, a handful of them changing from yellow to black.

Naruto flexed his muscle, checking his strength, and waved his arms around, checking his improved reflexes.

His lips curled in a smile, as while the improvement was short, it was still only a single drop of Saiyan blood. Meaning if he earned more experience points, then he will keep getting stronger.

Standing up from the bed, Naruto walked towards the mirror to check his changes more carefully. The black hair on his forehead, however made him frown.

He grabbed a bandana from his drawers and put it on his forehead, hiding the handful of black hair entirely.

"A single drop of Saiyan blood caused me a few changes. While the improvement in strength is small, it's only one drop. When I get more XP, I will keep on becoming stronger."

A light flashed in his azure blue eyes, ambition brewing in his heart because he thought how strong he would get in the future. A single punch of his could destroy an entire world.

Taking a deep breath, Naruto suppressed his thoughts and worked on controlling his emotions, finally returning to a calm state.

"I will think about it later. Let me check if I gained any more benefits. Naruto murmured to himself while closing his eyes and trying to sense the ki inside of himself.

Although he didn't know why, Naruto had a gut feeling that he had a chance to use ki.

Naruto tried to obtain ki for a while but was only able to get chakra.

As an Uzumaki, his chakra extraction speed is relatively fast, but now it was even quicker.

His more powerful body allowed him to extract more chakra, many times more than before consuming a drop of Saiyan blood. But he was helpless in trying to pull ki.

"Forget it; I will try later. Currently, the goal is to get more experience points. I will think about the ki issue later. What I need right now is more Saiyan blood. " Naruto murmured to himself.

Lying back on his bed, Naruto entered the Kyubi seal.

Inside the seal, nine-tail was still in doubt. He felt something had happened, but he didn't know what was going on. Helplessly he laid back on the ground and tried going to sleep.


The sudden appearance of a figure made Kyuubi squint his eyes, but seeing it was Naruto, he looked at him carefully to see if anything was up. Not seeing anything, he tried to go back to sleep.

However, it was for naught, as Naruto stepped forward and gazed carefully.

"Kyuubi, are you a man or a woman?"

Naruto asked curiously. In his previous life, he had discussed this issue with other people on the internet. It stands to reason as a chakra beast, the Kyuubi should be genderless, but many people thought because a male did his voice acting, it would be a male.

But Naruto didn't think so. After all, Naruto's voice acting was done by a woman, but Naruto was a man. So he never got an answer to his question, which is why he asked out loud.

But this questioned angered the Kyuubi. "You have successfully angered me, you bastard. " The Kyubbi roared.

[Experience +3]

"I'm just curious." Naruto said with an innocent expression.

"SHUT UP, BRAT." Kyuubi roared. He felt Naruto was incredibly annoying today.

[Experience +3]

"Kyuubi, do you have a girlfriend?" Naruto asked again.


[Experience +3]

"Actually, I have a secret. Do you want to hear it?" Naruto leaned closer to the Kyuubi and whispered.

"What's the secret?"

Seeing Naruto's posture, Kyuubi was also curious. Staring at Naruto eagerly, waiting for an answer.

"You know Hinata. She is a super cute and kind-hearted girl. She likes me and will become my girlfriend in the future."

"Isn't it just a girlfriend? I can get one too, okay. You don't have to rub it in." Kyuubi roared.

[Experience +3]

"Don't be mad. You have been sealed here for so long, and I can chat with you to relieve your boredom. Isn't that wonderful? " Naruto questioned.


The Kyuubi thought for a moment and realized it made sense.

"It's a great idea, you get to talk with me and not remember you are a single hermit. "


The Kyuubi yelled. He really wanted to slap Naruto. The kid was so irritating.

[Experience +3]

"Calm down. I am just teasing you."

Naruto comforted the Kyuubi. "Quick question, how old are you? You should be ancient, no?"


When he heard Naruto, his mood became better, but the next question made him really want to kill Naruto.

[Experience +3]

"It's getting smaller."

Naruto murmured while looking at the experience ball floating around the Kyuubi.

"When the value runs out, would something happen? How do you increase the experience ball? I am perplexed." Naruto breathed. He was full of doubts about what caused the experience ball. His only guess was that only plot-related characters would have experience points.

"It's fine. I will milk some points and leave for now." Naruto mumbled while smiling at the Kyuubi.

Kyuubi, who was lying down, suddenly felt a chill down his spine. He looked over to see Naruto, smiling a bit strangely at him.

"Hey Kyuubi, you have been sealed for so long. So you should have gotten fat from not moving, no? Then why are you so small."

"Hey Kyuubi, can you produce offsprings?"

"Hey Kyuubi, raise your leg, let me see your gender."


Kyuubi roared, veins popping on his forehead.

[Experience +3]

Translating is hard, cheer me up!

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