
Strongest Grimoire Of The Gods

At the dawn of the universe, the most powerful demons and Gods competed in a legendary battle of strength by churning the universal sea. Out from it came many treasures, the most powerful of which was the God Grimoire. After finding its way through various hosts, it fell into the mortal realm. … Tear Shosha’s life was despondent and worthless for as long as he could remember. He was a middle aged gas station worker who was easy to walk over. He didn’t know who his parents were, and his memories of the distant past had been erased.  The only slightly pleasant thing he could remember  was the fact that he loved the display of magic. And so, he risked it all at a magic show by performing a trick out of his grandpa’s magic trick book… and found himself in a new world filled with unique landscapes, unthinkable creatures, and some of the strongest beings in the universe. With the help of his new God Grimoire, which traveled with him through his soul, Tear—>Tyr will unlock his memories of past and the catastrophe which fell upon his family, forge himself from a weak and timid man to a ruthless and cunning, genius ruler, and climb atop all pinnacles, trampling his way to the throne of Heaven.  “An immortal God? I see… so I have another stone to step on!” ———————————————-— Main character: - Not a lone wolf edgelord. - Not a hero of justice. He’s reasonable. - Not OP from the start. - Not a cunning ruthless genius from the start. - Has quick, solid character development in the first arc. - Trust him. World: - Super vast cultures. - Unique power system. - Dangerous, ruthless place. - Several planets + Hell and Heaven realms later on. Characters: - Each one has a distinct backstory. - They aren’t boring as hell. Story: - Well planned and gets deep and hype. - Foreshadowing from chapter 1. - NO HAREM. - Potential Romance in later chaps. There will be a bunch of things I probably didn’t add so if you have any questions, ask them by replying to my review. Have a good read! ———————————————————- Release Rate: 2 Chapters daily. 250 Powerstones = 1 Bonus Chapter. 500 Powerstones = 2 Bonus Chapter. 100 Golden Tickets = 1 Bonus Chapter. Castle = 1 Bonus Chapter, Spaceship = 2 Bonus Chapters, Golden Gachapon = 3 Bonus Chapters. All bonus chapters will be released at the end of the week on weekends. Monthly Mass Release Goal: To be decided soon... DISCORD: https://discord.gg/K59qhmX5

WriterTheos · Fantasie
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154 Chs


Tyr woke up the next morning fairly early. The first thing he did was a 30-minute bodyweight workout the start his day.

It wasn't anything crazily exhausting, but just something to get him warmed up for the day.

The medicine from the day prior seemed to have fully healed his body by now. Tyr imagined GG also had something to do with his quick healing.

After working out, he took a shower and headed back downstairs. Finally, he looked freshened up and clean.

Despite living in the forest for so long, his looks weren't bad thanks to his genetics. He had a chiseled jawline and low-set eyes--like that of a predator. His nose was straight and proportional, while his cheekbones were rigid and bulging out--giving him a very handsome face overall.

He was pretty good-looking on Earth too--since he had the same genetics as he did right now--but he was more chubby then and also had close to no muscle.

Tyr had some priorities today that he wanted to accomplish. First of all, he wanted to learn how to actually wield a weapon. 

'When I was fighting with Rudra back then, Hanzo pinpointed the fact that even though I am strong physically, my technique with the spear is horrible. I wonder just how much more powerful I can get if I learn even a bit about how to use one of those things apart from the simple stabbing and whatnot here and there.'

This was just something he was going to have to figure out how to learn as he went, however.

He also had another goal. While walking to the bar area, he pulled out the note that he got from the scammer's shop.

'10 AM it says.' He looked up at the clock, noticing that it was about 8 AM right now. 'That means I have a couple hours till then.' 

Dropping that thought for a second, he sat on one of the bar seats.

A single man was working behind the counter. Tyr quickly noticed that the man had his back turned for almost the entire time.

He was a bit older than middle-aged. From the tightly wrapped stained apron he had on, Tyr could tell that the mad had quite the belly as some of it spilled over.

Every once in a while he turned, giving a glimpse of his face which looked between a red mix of Italian and Greek back on Earth. He had a large black mustache and a large nose and looked like a trustable figure.

As he cooked over a dozen dishes at the back all by himself--tending to each one at a time with seemingly great efficiency and experience, a pair of 2 floating arms would work the front desk.

It would mix several cocktails at the same speed that the man was making the food in the back, serving them to people at the bar table with ease.

Tyr, of course, found this hella amusing. 'What an absurd power.' He laughed inwardly, 'Duplicate hands huh? That could actually be quite useful for Hunting. But... it would probably be far more useful in this type of environment.'

After a minute or so, the hands and the bartender switched places. With the hands working on the food, the bartender addressed those at the table.

He walked right over to Tyr, "What do ya' want, brat?" He immediately started off with this. He had a thick Southern American accent with a deep voice.

"Food," Tyr exclaimed with a straight face.

There was a short silence.

'What a fucking weirdo.' Both the bartender and Tyr thought to themselves about the other person.

"Type?" The bartender said, Tyr quickly replying:

"Medium tits and big ass," Tyr replied again with a straight face.

"What!? I meant what type of food you moron!" The bartender screamed in irritation, a few people beside Tyr on the bar table chuckling at his joke.

"Well, give me a menu, you moron! I'm new here, how am I supposed to know what you got in stock!?" Tyr replied, matching the man's energy.

The chef sighed, turning around and picking up a random dish before sliding it across the table.

It dragged to a halt right in front of Tyr. Tyr looked down. Although it smelled decent, the food looked like a heap of brown slop.

"By the way, I don't have any money for this," Tyr said on receiving his meal.

The bartender switched places with his extra pair of hands again as he shouted behind his back: "It's fine, fresh meat. What you got there ain't worth a copper in my eyes." 

Tyr smiled slightly on hearing this, chowing down on the meal in front of him. It wasn't too great, but compared to just plain meat without even a hint of salt that Tyr had been eating for so long, it was like a small taste of modern-day heaven.

He couldn't wait to actually taste some real food, but until then, Tyr was happy knowing he could get this for free whenever he wanted.

After finishing up, he left the guild and headed back to the scammer's shop.

It didn't take him very long to get there, and when he did, he took a right instead and entered the fat lady's store again.

When she saw him this time, she wasn't at all upset.

"Oh? You're back?"

"You aren't screaming your tits off? That's something new."

"Well, you don't look like a barbarian anymore... in fact, you don't look too shabby. If I were younger, you would be right up my alley." The fat woman gave a weird smile.

Tyr's face turned sour, "Are you trying to flirt with me?" He exclaimed, almost disgusted.

The fat lady put on a cute expression on her face. Well, she tried at least...

"Listen, little boy... back then, I had boys lining up by the hundreds to get a taste of heave--"

"Please! Stop! I'd rather Disappear to another planet than hear the rest of that!" Tyr cried in agony.

"Oh, fine!" The fat lady said, accepting her defeat, "That's a weird way of saying you would rather die though." She commented.

"Anyways, yesterday I saw you had some spare brown cloth lying around. Can I--" Before Tyr could even finish asking his question, the fat lady replied: 

"Yes, take it and go. It's trash anyways."

Sure, he could have used Hypnosis to steal the cloth. But it wasn't like Hypnosis also made the victim forget what they were doing while Hypnotized. If Tyr used Hypnosis, right afterwards the fat lady would have just had him arrested... 

Plus, Tyr also understood from... experiments, let's just say, that he couldn't Hypnotize anyone with an Aura Core--since he didn't have one himself.

"Perfect," Tyr replied with a smile, picking up a brown cloth and wrapping himself with it before exiting.

It took him an hour longer of lingering around before he noticed the scammer behind to close his shop down.

Tyr looked up at a clock at a random store, noticing the time was nearly 10 AM.

'Good... he should be heading out for that meeting now.' Tyr mused, smiling inwardly.

The scammer left the establishment with a bright ring on his finger that he didn't have before. He was also wearing a brown robe, similar to that of the individuals Tyr met in the line before entering Drance.

'That ring probably has all of his merchandise...'

Keeping a safe distance, Tyr began to follow behind the man.

Even though Tyr didn't know his own full intentions, he felt he needed to see what was going on here. He was going to be safe, but if he could, he was going to get his items back.

And maybe do some more things if allowed...

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

WriterTheoscreators' thoughts