
Strongest Existence's Son

This is a story about a special child. So special actually that he is the son of the strongest thing to ever exist. Upon reaching the age his father wanted, he is now put on stage, a world like stage to prove his worth as the sone of the great one himself. Now placed in the world made by his oh great father, a world so complicated only his father could be praised. But of course the start would be simple, as in this vast world, his existence is but a miniscule dust. Watch as the adventure of a man that is to be the strongest lives, as the son of this great ol fat- of the GREAT ONE HIMSELF!!!! *On Hold

KinglessHeaven · Fantasie
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23 Chs

05. The Characters

"La la la la lalalala lala lalaaaa la la-"


As the father runs and hummed a song using the word "la" in the middle of an entire grass field.


"What the..."

And so from an unexpected turn of events, the grass field that looked like a real grass field was an entire paper wall that was just ripped apart by someone.

And that someone was...

"What made you come home from work so early Core?"

"Work? I don't have work."

Then the stared at each other having their own specific questions to ask. But the father was much faster at speaking after coming up with the answer in his head already.

"Ohhhh... you run away from your wife so much I thought you had a job!"

The two then laughed hysterically, but then Core stopped first and asked his question in a fast tone.

"So why in the fuck are you running on a treadmill with no railings surrounded by paper walls printed as a grass field... Why not just go outside?"



"Cause it's funnier that way."



"Well you have stalled me for so long now, if I don't run away soon she will catch up to me."

"Ok, take care."

"You to-"

Before Core could even complete his sentence he was blasted away and even ruined the room the father painstakingly created.

"Oh hey H-"


"Ah... So why the fuck are there prints of a grass field on your walls?"

"Just cause."



"Also you didn't painstakingly make this."

"Shut up..."

Said by the father in the voice and tone of a defeated child trying to act cute.

"When we all look like a child, that tone will always work."

"Well bye!"

"Ok bye "the father"."


And so the woman left the room in chase of his husband Core. And the father was left alone in his destroyed room, ruined from his plans to talk to his son for the time being.

And riddled with a ton of laziness, the father just went on his way and watched a movie or something.


In the middle of the forest where the elven mage lived. There gathered multiple knights surrounding the premises. With the king, the royal teacher, and Kight Captain Gordon.

"So... how was Ryu?"

Without even a single second passing, it was like he was ready to answer the moment the King even opened his mouth. The royal scholar spoke immediately in a very high and excited tone.

"My King! I wouldn't dare say this in public! But Prince Ryu is probably the most intelligent out of every single one of the princes! I would even dare say he is perfect for the throne."

"Interesting... but how could you praise him that much already...? In just a single day too. If you don't tell me a good reason, you know what you just said is treason."

"Well my King. Have you even had a conversation with your son?"

Rather than being scared of the King, the royal teacher just became more confident in his words.

"You're child, isn't even a four year old, he talks like an absolute scholar! I mean where could you find a 4 year old that knows every single history of Hannan that is accessible to the public. And yes, I do mean everything, I asked him questions that are just getting deeper and deeper. And wouldn't you believe it, he got every question right and gave much more information that I would have needed."

"So you're saying Ryu is perfect to be a scholar."

This time the royal teacher did cut off some of his confidence and finally backed off giving space for the other teachers to talk.

"Well I wouldn't dare say so, but he clearly is far too perfect for it."

"Well my King, I wouldn't dare say Ryu is the best out of all the Prince's but he is the only one who ever completed my "punishment"."

As the royal teacher laid off his turn to speak, Gordon took the opportunity and made his turn to talk.

"Oh... you mean he did it?"

"Yes... I wouldn't dare say he is the best out of everyone, but I would dare say he has a perfect physique and an absolutely amazing will power."

And as Gordon said those words. The royal teacher thought of something. 'This man has absolute zero trust on the prince huh. Just say he is the best already, even I a scholar didn't try to say so in an indirect way.'

"Well, that is quite a predicament huh."

Said the king.

"I did make the three of you teach him, even though there has been no one that learned all the three professions at once just to see his real potential. But the Goddess never lies."

Continued the King. And so Gordon didn't speak anymore making his remark the shortest it could possibly be. And so the King then asked Fredryr of his thoughts on this Prince that is turning out to be an absolute genius of history.

"I haven't made the Prince use magic at all."

"Oh, then I guess I will have to ask next time. I guess you just went on some theories right?"

"But I would say... if the Prince, on the off chance manages to use magic without me teaching... you already know the answer Leon."

"Oh, well that would be a real predicament... hahaha!"

The king laughed nervously. He was now at a point to just ask himself. 'Oh Goddess, what fortune did I recently do to gain a child even I don't think I can handle.'


"That was quite a tiring day today huh, Prince."

"Well I had lots of fun!"

"Just not in the swordsmanship class." Said by Ryu at a very irritated voice.

"What did you expect when you were so disrespectful." Said by Lacy.

"What do you mean disrespectful!"

"Someone should never interrupt and ruin others efforts."

"I didn't interrupt and ruin his efforts!" And what efforts!"

"And a man should never judge another man's weapon."

"What! I wasn't judging I was just curious! Gordon was in the wrong there."

"And there, you just disrespect him again."

"Hah!! I so hate you Lacy!"

"Oh really."

Lacy picked up Ryu with one of her hands and continued walking with Ryu on the air.

"Hahahaha! You two really get along so well." Remarked by Claris.

"Well cause she's a tsun tsun hehe." Said by Ryu in a face that shows everything was all planned.

And after realizing this, Lacy just let off Ryu and they continued to his room.


"I'll get the brats food now. Get going Claris."

And so Lacy went off when they walked pass the kitchen.

"Do you really not hate her attitude?" Asked by Claris nicely.

"It's called tough love Claris. It's just tough love." Ryu smiled.


My daily routine before the start of classes was actually simple. In the morning I greet the maids, my mother, and my sister good mornings.

"Good Morning Claris!"

"Good Morning Lacy!" Of course, there needs to be a bigger smile when it's Lacy.

Then I go to mom's office to say good morning.

"Good Morning Mom!"

"Morning Ryu."

Then lastly was my sister. Though she always was hard to find because she is always at three places at random. First was her room.

"It was the closest but I guess not here huh."

Next was the library.

"Not here either."

That means she is at the third spot, the training range of the palace.

"Good Morning Sister!"


Well just as bland as usual. After saying good mornings I eat my breakfast afterwards. Though I never really eat with family as that is just a real rare occasion.

At the same time I really don't have any friends other than some of the other maids in the palace. The reason for that was because I was forbidden to go out. I haven't even had any birthday celebrations other than my first.

After eating I then go to the library. The only place for a lonely nerd like me. And in there, I just read books infinitely. I still haven't read everything but at just the age of 3, in two years it was really close.

And then of course my lunch, and then coming back to the library. And now that I have classes, the entire time before dinner has now changed. But of course the dinner part is still the same.

"Fried Chicken, your favorite."

By the way, this world never had fried chicken in it. Nor even proper oil. But of course I dealt with it by just going to the kitchen and cooking one myself. There was already every possible ingredient in the place and that was because this is a palace kitchen.

The chicken just exists in the garden. And flour used for making bread could just be taken. And of course with chickens there are eggs. And the oil was simpler than I thought.

"Can I get some oil?"

It was just right there. They never really use it for much cooking. But it exists.

"Still bland as ever, but it's getting better."

"Stop complaining about the food."

"I created this!"

"Yah yah."

Well it wasn't really the tastiest chicken. But it was still fried chicken. And with just some salt and pepper. It is far tastier than any food in this fucking fantasy world. The milk was the only one with some flavor, and even that was bland.