
Leriat XIII

He had no information about Evan's current whereabouts, relying solely on what Adelle had shared about his residence in the city of Ulno, a renowned scholarly hub located in the heart of the Amenoa continent.

This information served as an additional reason for Ervian's determination to embark on a journey to the largest continent on Earth.

The shared goal of distancing themselves from Lefazio, aligned with his objective of finding the missing pieces regarding the mystery surrounding his degrading power.

To set their plan in motion, the first step was to reach the city of Katalan. This bustling town served as a vital nexus on their path. As far as he knew, the city housed the only sea transport capable of ferrying them to Amenoa.

Ervian's plan to venture as a solitary traveler stayed firm within his heart. The desire to distance himself from others and face his own challenges in solitude lingered within him.