
Strongest Dungeon Boss on Vacation

In a peaceful and warm magical realm, there lies a concealed dungeon teeming with fearsome creatures that have never been seen before or been challenged. The mightiest heroes, fearsome demon kings, and strongest gods yearn to put their skills to the test against this renowned dungeon, only to be greeted by "Do not enter, Dungeon Boss on vacation.”

Notorious_911 · Fantasie
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26 Chs

Blazing Magic Knight

As soon as Baron Willard shouted 'Begin!', a sudden change in the atmosphere affected everyone present. 

Baron Willard himself, Lord Emberon, Sophia, and the assembled knights could feel an unusual heat surrounding them, as if an invisible fire had ignited in the air they breathed.

The origin of this intense heat became evident as all eyes turned toward Devin. 

He stood facing Lord Emberon or Wallace.

His eyes were tightly shut, and his expression resembles someone experiencing an epiphany or spiritual awakening.

Baron Willard, an experienced warrior and leader, was taken aback by the unexpected change of Devin. 


His usually composed features contorted in astonishment, his eyes widening with a mix of disbelief and growing understanding. 

It was as if a realization had struck him forcibly, rendering him momentarily speechless.

"Don't tell me-"

Baron Willard's voice trailed off, and his gaze remained fixed on Devin, who appeared to be at the center of the unfolding mystery. 

Puzzle pieces began to fit together in the baron's mind, and countless questions swirled through his thoughts, then his eyes abruptly opened wide.

Meanwhile, Devin himself experienced an unknown sensation. 

A warmth emanated from within him, an indescribable feeling that defied explanation. 

It surged through his veins, akin to the fiery glow of the morning sun banishing the darkness of night.

"What is this?" 

Devin wondered silently, his mind racing to comprehend the unknown feeling. 

Never before had he encountered such a feeling, and at that moment, he didn't seem to want to question where it came from, he just felt like basking on it. 

Yet, amidst the sensation, a name surfaced from the depths of his memory—a name that held profound significance and played a pivotal role in shaping the man he had become.


Sir Palest, a figure who had entered Devin's life when he was an abandoned orphan, left to fend for himself in a world that offered little comfort due to his alcoholic parents. 

Palest had extended a guiding hand, rescuing Devin from the depths of despair and nurturing him with unwavering care and devotion.

Devin's mind wandered back to his youth, recalling the countless hours spent under Sir Palest's tutelage. 

"In the future, you will become a blazing magic knight, a knight burns everything on his path to greatness!"

The knight said, wholeheartedly dedicating himself to Devin's growth and potential.

Through perseverance and unwavering commitment, they had risen from poverty, joining the Red Horse faction—a group determined to prove their worth and secure a place among the nobility.

"Why do we need to join a faction?" Devin could hear his younger self asking with a voice tainted with innocence. 

"So once you become a Blazing Magic Knight, you will be nurtured by them…" Palest's voice softly explained.

"I don't even know what that is…" young Devin stated. 

"You will know, you will feel, once the one that burns within calms and brings warmth to your heart... that's when you become one of the Blazing Magic Knights!"

Currently in the present, Devin muttered the same words Sir Palest told him that time, "that's when you become one of the Blazing Magic Knights, that's when you become one of the Blazing Magic Knights, that's when you become one of the Blazing Magic Knights…"

Soon, he finally opened his eyes, "I have become one of the Blazing Magic Knights!" 

Meanwhile, as the events unfolded before him, Baron Willard found himself in a bewildering situation. 

He fell backwards with a sudden jolt, his strong behind hitting the hard ground, sending a shiver through his body. 


His mind raced with a whirlwind of thoughts, unable to fully understand the seriousness of the situation he had come across.

For years, Baron Willard had only heard rumors and stories about the mystical beings called Magic Knights, whose existence had always been a mystery. 

Although the founder of his Baron territory was said to have been one of these respected warriors, the Baron himself had never seen a living Magic Knight. 

The stories he had heard described warriors who could control the elements, using them in combat with skill and power that surpassed mortal limits was out of reach.

But fate seemed to have conspired against him, as now standing before Baron Willard was the very embodiment of his fascination and fear. 

"He is-" 

He muttered, to the man in front of him facing his beloved son, Wallace. 

It was Devin, a once-ordinary Knight like him who had now become a Magic Knight, engage in combat against his own flesh and blood.

A sense of unease settled in the air, as if the atmosphere itself held its breath in anticipation. 

Sophia, his mother, sensed that something was wrong. 

Deep within her, an instinctual feeling warned her of impending danger, urging her to voice her concerns. 

"This needs to stop," she whispered, her voice filled with worry and a sense of urgency. 

Sophia, with her sharp understanding, knew that the clash between Devin and Wallace carried grave consequences, consequences she couldn't bear to witness because it would likely be her son.

Baron Willard also sensed the unease that filled the scene. 

He shared Sophia's concerns, feeling a paternal instinct pushing him to intervene and end the duel between his son and the newly named Magic Knight. 

However, a nagging doubt troubled him. 

Should he interfere? 

Would his involvement disrupt the sacred life-and-death rite that Devin and Wallace had undertaken? 

Aren't Magic Knights stronger than normal Knights like him too? 

After all, the outcomes of such interference were unclear, and there was a chance that he would face punishment from this magical realm.

Nevertheless, Baron Willard couldn't simply watch his son's fate hang in the balance. 

"Even at the cost of my own life, I need to help my son!" 

The deep love he felt for Wallace compelled him to rise from his fallen position, his muscles tense as he prepared to take action. But as he looked at his son, Baron's feet suddenly felt cold and frozen, rendering him unable to move.

Lord Emberon, who was now facing Devin, a Blazing Magic Knight, was just standing there, rooted in his spot, refusing to move. One couldn't tell if he was alive or just a statue.

"I am now a Magic Knight!" declared Devin, looking at Lord Emberon with a menacing look.

[ Ding! 

Foe detected!

Burning Magic Knight Devin Holler!

Level 9(+10).

Burning effect! ]

"Is that so?" 

Lord Emberon responded curtly, sounding amused while looking at the system.

The grammar in the provided sentence is mostly correct. Here's a slightly revised version for improved clarity:

[ Ding! 

The host, Lord Emberon, a mortal Draconic Magic Knight, is immune to elemental status effects! ]

Lord Emberon was surprised, yet he had to focus on the duel, so he simply acknowledged the system's announcement, affirming his identity as a Draconic Magic Knight.

Seeing Wallace's calm reaction, irritation flashed across Devin's face, causing his brow to furrow, he was strengthening his resolve as he gripped his sword firmly. 

"Prepare yourself!

"Once I take your life, I will flee and join the Academy and I will train hard until I razed all your subjects to the ground!"

He pointed his weapon menacingly at Lord Emberon and his voice rose from a low rumble to a high-intensity crescendo that echoed throughout the training ground, sending shivers down the spines of all around who was watching them.

"HaaaaaAaAaAAAAAAAAAAA!!" his cry reverberated, carrying with it a flood of intense emotion and unleashed power. 

As the sound escaped Devin's lips, a transformation began to occur. 

The air around him seemed to quiver and distort more, as if responding to his command. 

Heat radiated from his body intensifies, growing with each heartbeat until it reaches a feverish climax, turning the training ground into an arid wasteland reminiscent of a scorching desert.

But it wasn't just the environment that succumbed to Devin's growing power. 

In a breathtaking display of otherworldly ability, the ordinary sword in his hands underwent a change. 


The once-dull steel now shimmered with inner luminosity, as if infused with the essence of fi


Ethereal flames flickered along the blade's edge, casting an eerie glow that danced and swirled in mesmerizing patterns, illuminating the astonished onlookers.