

A young man is transported to a fantastical world and embarks on a thrilling journey filled with danger, discovery, and fights. He have a special ability to adapt to anything and surpass his limit. Follow Lukeas together with his brutal training and uncover the truth of the multiverse! ****** Not a harem... A single love interest is already hard to handle and develop... And you want me to make a few more?? Hell nah

Night_Star_Gaze · Anime und Comics
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72 Chs

Chapter 55: Hope?

Lukeas can be seen walking with a huge grin on his face he couldn't believe the deal went as easy as that.. So he found himself musing all the way back to the master's quarter.

And when he arrived he slided the tatami door open with glee.

"Hey! Give me your hand!" Lukeas said casually..

And as usual kagaya extends his arm without question..

"How come you just give it to me? What if I do something awful?" Lukeas said with a questioning tone.

"Well, I have a good feeling it would be a good thing" kagaya smiled. "Call it instinct if you will" he added with a soft smile.

It doesn't even looked like he's feeling the pain of the spreading rot in his body.

'He trust in his hunch too much' he thought and just go quiet.

After that Lukeas just went and grab Kagaya wrist. Then.. He pointed his right index finger in Kagaya's wrist and suddenly it turned into a tiny tindrill like needle and prick him.

With that Lukeas took a half liter of blood from kagaya and started examining it as he withdrew his hands away in concentration.

And while seeing this Kagaya just silently watched and waited.

After a while. Lukeas started showing signs of frustration.. As he found out that no matter how much he modify the stolen dna the curse still remains as Lukeas could still feel a part of himself "rotting" slowly.. He couldn't found where the "curse" is coming from...

So basically.. Lukeas copied Kagaya's DNA so he could try and modify his genes to see if it shows any results. So technically.. He's part of the ubuyashiki family now.. And is also affected by the curse...

And although his regeneration would heal the rot, he could still feel the pain and every process... And after exactly 30 minutes. Lukeas finally opened his eyes and spat a mouthful of blood.

Yes.. He just ejected the ubuyashiki DNA out of him to get cured.. "I have two ways to help you with your curse Kagaya"

Lukeas added.. "so i want you to choose"

Kagaya showed a look of surprised as he found out Lukeas was actually trying to cure him.. "Thank you... Please go ahead" he smiled.

"Then.. First option.. I take every blood in you and replace it with mine.. With this.. You will go a complete transformation and turn into a demon with a sunlight immunity plus, your curse will completely be cured.. And you're also gonna be a stronger person..

Oor... Second.. I inject a portion of my traits into you.. Turning you into a half demon.. With enough regeneration to fight off the curse.. And get equal power to someone who trained their body and a bit longer lifespan. But you still have the curse... It won't just show up since your regeneration keeps it in check... Also.. You'll feel a bit of skin irritation from the sun.. And every waking moment will hurt "

After Lukeas explained it Kagaya went silent for a few minutes to contemplate his option.

"So? Which one will it be?" Lukeas ask.

"I dont think the first option will be wise.. Since if Muzan manage to get me he might get the immunity from it." Kagaya said.

"And i would like to keep my bloodline intact" Kagaya chuckled softly.. "So I would like to choose the second option" he said.

"Good, now stay still... Oh.. This might hurt a bit" Lukeas said before turning his hands into a sharp fleshy blade and stabbing Kagaya in the chest.





An hours have passed since Lukeas went back to the master's quarter.. Yet the hashira are still standing together in the same place earlier.

Gyomei is meditating. Giyu is facing the wall. Muichiro is watching the clouds, while sanemi is practicing swordsmanship.. And Shinobu... Well she's trying hard to talk to giyu who completely ignores her.

And on the other hand. Mitsuri and Obanai are talking with each other in the corner.. While the flashy and flamboyant hashiras are having fun.

Pretty much everyone is passing time in their own way.

That's when suddenly all of them receive a summon once again.. And with a serious face everyone went as quickly as they could in the meeting grounds.

And when they arrive they were shock to what they are seeing... Their master was welding a sword! And the usual rotting spot in around his eyes are gone!!

"M-Master!! Y-you shouldn't be doing any physical work! Your condition might get worse!" Shinobu still not believing Kagaya recovered worriedly said.

"Ah.. Shinobu chan.. Do not worry Im completely fine" Kagaya smiled.. "Now... Since everyone is here I would like to make an announcement.." which made Shinobu swallow her words down and can off.

And with that simple statement everyone got down on their knees and quietly listened.

"..." seeing them get on their knees Kagaya felt hopeless as he doesn't really needs them to do that. He sigh.

"Well..I'm asking all of you to teach me how to wield a sword properly.. And how to breath properly.."

"IT WOULD BE OUR HONOR" all the hashira replied.. Which made Kagaya smile..

"And everyone must also teach Lukeas-kun too, since he's the one who helped me.. And also he's the new Storm Hashira as per his request"

With that said.. Lukeas appeared in the view while proudly posing in front of everyone. Which made their eyes twitch.

"as you wish" everyone said as if their being forced. Except Mitsuri and Shinobu.

But most of them still have a question in their mind... One of it was 'He actually healed master??' how???' and the other is' Storm Hashira? He doesn't even have a breathing style'

But all their thoughts were interrupted by another announcement..

"Also... I made a small deal with Lukeas here... Lukeas will help all of us to get stronger in exchange of letting him absorb Muzan when we defeats him."

"And in exchange, please put your arms forward and trust us." Kagaya said..

And everyone were a bit skeptical at first.. But Gyomei went first and put his arm forward..

Lukeas then approach him slowly and turned his index finger into a needle once again and injected Gyomei with the same thing he injected Kagaya..

"Now... you will have a better regenerating abilities.. Enough for all of you to survive fatal injuries.. But that doesn't mean you have the same regeneration power as a demon though.. You'd still die if you get decapitated. Or sliced in half.." Lukeas said while looking at Muichiro as he says the last part.

'with this fighting Muzan will be more easier... And maybe this will help rengoku and the others to survive the series..'

Hearing that... The other hashira put their hands forward as well. All believing that if the Master trusted him enough he's worthy enough to trust..

But of course not everyone thinks that.. Some still hates him and just doing it to get stronger and because it's an order from Kagaya..


Author :

You might think this is BS.. But you gotta remember all of them are very loyal to Kagaya.. Also.. Sorry for the fucked up update length... School is soo hectic i feel like I'm gonna explode.. Thanks for reading hope you enjoy