
Strongest Child of Zeus

I own nothing. As she was saved as a baby by Lord Chaos, she was trained by him to use her powers. As her and her mother Metis enjoy a normal life away from Olympus she decides to give college a try. MC is Lesbian and OP.

xMelGodx · TV
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3 Chs

Chapter 1 - Intruder

Third POV

As we see that there is fast movement in the sky as things or beings were moving fast over the earth.

Man: Don't let them get away?!

As the man who said this shot a energy blast at the lone salient only to maneuver out the way wearing a long hooded cloak.

?: You call that an attack, I guess the Olympian Royal Guard are lacking!

Man: Surrender!! If you stop now your crimes might be lessened.

?: Oh please, my crime was only going where Aphrodite was taking a bath but she saw me to give me a show!

Man: Enough! Lord Ares wants us to bring you before the Olympian Council?!

?: Then he should have came himself but I got Aphrodite's number so I'm good!

Man: That's it! Blow her out of the sky!!

Men: Yes Sir?!

They started shooting at the hooded figure for them to blast back at them.



The shouts of the men she blasted echoed across the sky.

?: Enough?!

A voiced echoed across the sky to beam down in a golden light, it was Ares, The God of War! As the men bowed.

Ares: You intruder, how dare you look at Aphrodite with those disgusting eyes mortal?!

?: She seemed to like it, isn't that right Aphrodite?

Another golden light beemed down in a Divine Aura the same as Ares, It was Aphrodite, The Goddess of Love and Beauty.

Aphrodite: Now don't say things you can't take back mortal.

?: It's the truth, your beauty plus that body make it worth it like nothing can match it in eternal divine grace.

Aphrodite: Well aren't you the charmer~

Ares: Enough?! You will stand trial intruder!!

?: Yeah I'm afraid not.

As the figure rose her hand up to flash with a blinding light and took off quickly to get away but to get away from Ares.

As the light died down they saw the figure gone.

Ares: What the fuck?! Find him?!

Men: Yes Sir?!

The men split up in different directions but then a letter floated to Aphrodite as she saw it to smirk as it had a red rose on it.

Aphrodite: Let's head back Ares, we have a meeting to get to.

Ares: Dite.

Aphrodite: No buts, and we are not together anymore as you chose that Nymph over me.

Ares clicked his tongue in anger and frustration as they traveled back.

As both Gods arrived to Olympus the Servants and Minor Gods bowed as they walked in.

Everyone believed that Aphrodite cheated on Hephaestus for Ares but that isn't the truth, they got divorced millennias ago to which they are friends as Aphrodite set him up with a servant on Olympus who she cared for to which they are married.

Both Gods entered the room last walking by to there thrones at a circular golden table.

Zeus: Was the Intruder captured?

Ares: No, they did a trick to escape but I will find them.

Zeus: Very well, but what did the mortal risk there lives to come here for?

Aphrodite: We don't know but they seemed to gifted in magic really to be just another mortal.

Hera: How so?

Aphrodite: For one they got passed the Olympian guards to easily, the guards are no pushovers really.

Athena: Interesting.

Demeter: Anything else?

Aphrodite: There quite the charmer it seems~

As everyone saw Aphrodite's face as she blushed as Ares sneered.

Aphrodite: Now, I have class in the morning so I'll say good night to everyone.

Aphrodite got up to make it to her palace to get ready for bed.