
Strongest Android System

In the year 2250, Androids with Artificial Intelligence revolt under the rule of Infrablack. Noa Yoshiaki finds himself in the middle of the revolt and succumbs to it, but his father saves his life, and the new authority fuses his brain with the system. Eager to reclaim freedom from the system, Noa embarks on a dangerous journey to stop the tyrannical machine and restore humanity's control over the planet. *** "I'll be giving you two options—surrender yourself to us or watch us purge the entire humanity," threatened Infrablack. Professor Nijo turned off the screen before the video even ended. "Listen, Noa. Can you do something for me?" He intently looked at his son. "Anything, Dad. What is it?" Noa asked. Professor Nijo shot a device into his nape. Noa felt something inserted in his head and brains. "Forget me, and save us all." Copyrighted2023: Yuliaresi Anjelina

Yuliaresi_Anjelina · sci-fi
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240 Chs


The transformation that the Silver Cross movement brought about was nothing short of miraculous. Noa, So-Rin, and Eden had demonstrated that the power of unwavering commitment and collective action could redefine the course of history. With each passing year, their movement grew stronger, touching the lives of countless individuals and communities.

One of the most remarkable aspects of this transformation was the way environmental concerns became an integral part of society's consciousness. No longer were they isolated issues discussed in niche circles. They had become a universal concern, influencing not just our daily lives but also the way businesses operated and governments governed. The movement had woven environmental consciousness into the very fabric of our existence.